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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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With the reveal of the 5th character in Super Mario 3D World I think it lends credence to this characters inclusion in Smash Bros. What does everyone think? Can we name this character as it wasn't really a surprise or shock? How else can we discuss it?

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but yeah, Rosalina could be a possibility. She's a good character and has already appeared in a few games in a relatively short period of time:


-Galaxy 1 & 2

-Mario Kart Wii

-Mario Kart 7

-3D World.


(Am I missing something?)


I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


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She doesn't really have any moves though, they struggled enough with Peach.


She could be an alternate costume for Peach with Toad being replaced by a Luma etc..?


I'm struggling too. The first thing I thought of was the Luma/Toad swap. Maybe she can have more star based powers. Final Smash being a star meteor shower. They can think of something. Like you said Peach was a stretch and a struggle.


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I'm all for new characters as long as they've got good/sensible movesets and they themselves make sense being placed there. We've suffered clones etc enough(even though I do love/appreciate some) that I don't want more. For me, and this is me being older/not caring about her games, I don't think the character in discussion is particularly worthy. I feel like she was created just as a mixup anyway.


Yeah but most are like... a golf club, a tennis racket etc... aren't they?... not exactly character moves... but moves they had to shoehorn in to give her some!


They're not but at the same time - what can your really tell me about Peach's character? She's staple, but very unfocused upon. I enjoyed her side smashes cos I knew exactly what/why she had them, and I ofc liked the mild unpredictability of it too.

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Peach is fine,


My point is really, what can they give to Rosalina that Peach doesn't already have? Rosaline could be given sports equipment, she could float, spin, twirl... Star bits don't really do anything to make interesting moves out of, other than yeah, a meteor shower.


Rosalina can only really be an alternate costume of Peach and not a different character.


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Yeah but most are like... a golf club, a tennis racket etc... aren't they?... not exactly character moves... but moves they had to shoehorn in to give her some!


The racket, golf club and frying pan are all the same move, though, which means Peach had too much potential for her limited moveset, not too little :heh:


But seriously, her moves are taken from SMB2, sports titles and a "Pretty Princess" flavour, all of which make perfect sense for her. I'd say the only thing they shoehorned were her hip/butt moves.


Peach is fine,


My point is really, what can they give to Rosalina that Peach doesn't already have? Rosaline could be given sports equipment, she could float, spin, twirl... Star bits don't really do anything to make interesting moves out of, other than yeah, a meteor shower.


Rosalina can only really be an alternate costume of Peach and not a different character.


Rosalina isn't actually associated with most of the things that Peach is, though (not as strongly, at least), and since her appearance in SM3DW seems to be Galaxy-based, that's a new range of potential moves at her disposal.


And even if they don't go that path, they can still give her something different. I mean, if Wolf can use his claws and C.Falcon can have fire moves...


Either way, Rosalina is not a good choice for a newcomer, I agree. I just think that "She looks too much like Peach, therefore she would be similar" is a bad argument.


Edited by Jonnas
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"Pic of the day. The characters' thick outlines are only available in the 3DS version. Only the external outline is thickened and won't appear in instances like when the hands or feet are overlapping. It's got a softness to it and is not just black."

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Pic of the day. A new stage, Mario Galaxy!! The pull of gravity emanates from the center of the planet, so this will require using brand-new tactics.



Here's what happens when you stand by the edges. Vertical jumps and getting hit upward will shoot you up diagonally.

Edited by Serebii
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Here's what happens when you stand by the edges. Vertical jumps and getting hit upward will shoot you up diagonally.



Hope you can go around the whole spherical planet!


I hope so too, but sadly the quote from Sakurai above indicates not. You don't get edges on a sphere.. :(

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Even without Sakurai's post you would expect that the players will be limited to a certain part of the stage at any given time.


If every player was allowed free roam, not only would the camera have to zoom out quite a lot but also matches would be unnecessarily prolonged especially if the outcome was inevitable (like a player who has one stock left and is running away).

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