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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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The idea of playing Smash Bros not on a Gamecube pad....terrifies me.


Been feeling like this a little bit myself. I CAN play without a GC pad, but I'd really like to. Surprised Nintendo haven't brought out official converter thingies. Probs gonna move all my smash brothers over to new controls though, because I cba buying 4 of those things.

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Wii U Pro controller for me.


By the way, did anyone catch the SSBM EVO2013 tournament?


Wow is all I can say at the moment. I only watched a handful of matches but they were AMAZING! so too the crowd. Good thing Ninty retracted their initial decision. The event was a total success.

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Problem-o solved (when back in stock)




Connect your GameCube controller to your Wii or Wii U console.

Built in Turbo

Compatible with all games supported by the Wii Classic Controller, Wii Classic Controller Pro and Wii U Pro Controller

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Wii U Pro controller for me.


By the way, did anyone catch the SSBM EVO2013 tournament?


Wow is all I can say at the moment. I only watched a handful of matches but they were AMAZING! so too the crowd. Good thing Ninty retracted their initial decision. The event was a total success.



And this goes to show how popular it was;


Smash Bros Becomes Biggest Fighting Stream In History




Good publicity.

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Wii U Pro controller for me.


By the way, did anyone catch the SSBM EVO2013 tournament?


Wow is all I can say at the moment. I only watched a handful of matches but they were AMAZING! so too the crowd. Good thing Ninty retracted their initial decision. The event was a total success.


I only saw the top 8 matches of Smash Bros. I dunno why Nintendo were so against it, it's basically free advertising for them. They should've had a demo set up for Smash Bros Wii U to get new people into the series and more importantly sell more systems. I gotta admit I'm not a fan of fighting without items since the games are balanced with those in mind but those players have mad skills, even if I played against them with items I doubt I'd be able to take off 1 stock.

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I only saw the top 8 matches of Smash Bros. I dunno why Nintendo were so against it, it's basically free advertising for them. They should've had a demo set up for Smash Bros Wii U to get new people into the series and more importantly sell more systems. I gotta admit I'm not a fan of fighting without items since the games are balanced with those in mind but those players have mad skills, even if I played against them with items I doubt I'd be able to take off 1 stock.

Nintendo were against it because it was using their intellectual property to raise money without going through the proper channels for consent

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I only saw the top 8 matches of Smash Bros. I dunno why Nintendo were so against it, it's basically free advertising for them. They should've had a demo set up for Smash Bros Wii U to get new people into the series and more importantly sell more systems.


A couple of things, here:


1. Like Serebii said, the reason Nintendo almost stopped them was because the organizers didn't actually take care of all the proper paperwork involved. The situation was resolved quickly, though.

(And the Melee Stream fiasco wasn't even the only flaw. I've seen plenty of schedules slip, and they actually changed the set rules for UMvC3 halfway through the competition)


2. Smash Bros wasn't actually supposed to be at EVO originally, it was voted in. There was a poll for an extra game in the tournament and Melee won. EVO always had some animosity towards Smash Bros (though this tournament turned out really well in the end, so this might change).

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Awesome view, but nothing beats being on site though.


I once went to Apex 2010, the biggest Smash tournament in the world and that shit was INSSSAAANNNNNNEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope NINTENDO will notice just how big Smash really is in the fighting game community.

No doubt it will put more stress on Sakurai.

He should really just included a competitive mode or something, or customisation which brings out the best of the game in a competitive scene.

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Awesome view, but nothing beats being on site though.


I once went to Apex 2010, the biggest Smash tournament in the world and that shit was INSSSAAANNNNNNEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope NINTENDO will notice just how big Smash really is in the fighting game community.

No doubt it will put more stress on Sakurai.

He should really just included a competitive mode or something, or customisation which brings out the best of the game in a competitive scene.


So true. Melee is certainly one of the best fighters ever made and if they improve on the mechanics and balance the characters a bit more, there's no reason why they can't make an even better game than Melee. Its a shame for Sakurai that he's pressured to make the game user friendly to the whole user base tbh.

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So true. Melee is certainly one of the best fighters ever made and if they improve on the mechanics and balance the characters a bit more, there's no reason why they can't make an even better game than Melee. Its a shame for Sakurai that he's pressured to make the game user friendly to the whole user base tbh.

Didn't he say himself that he doesn't see it as a competitive game, though. Doesn't seem like it's pressure but his own personal view

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Tbh I think Brawl was a perfect sequel to melee, both matching and topping it in so many ways. I don't know why so many people apparently seem to dislike it compared to melee; the pacing in melee was a bit better/faster but the amount of new content, cool items, characters etc was brilliant in Brawl. Wealth of it, absolutely top class stuff.

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Tbh I think Brawl was a perfect sequel to melee, both matching and topping it in so many ways. I don't know why so many people apparently seem to dislike it compared to melee; the pacing in melee was a bit better/faster but the amount of new content, cool items, characters etc was brilliant in Brawl. Wealth of it, absolutely top class stuff.

It's mostly because it added tripping and removed wavedashing


Todays picture



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It's mostly because it added tripping and removed wavedashing



Lol no its not, where on earth did you hear that from?


Brawl was disliked for several reasons, from a competitive standpoint at least:

-they removed hit stun so there was no comboing.

-Chain grabs...there were just TOO many of them.

-the game was very slow paced and combined with the lack of comboing made for very slow matches.

-there are WAY too many glitches in Brawl (character related ones). The game is also horrendously unbalanced, with Metaknight dominating virtually every match up he has in the game as he is the only character who can combo. The general balance of the game is horrendous and much more extreme than Melee's.

-dash dancing was basically made redundant due to tripping.


Personally, I just found the mechanics were off. The game was too slow and the unbalanced characters combined with the lack of comboing had me bored very quickly. That said, it really was a great party game! The final smashes were a great addition and the soundtrack was epic. Melee to me though is still a masterpiece and watching the top 8 of EVO compete reminded me of why it is so revered.

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Reason's why I didn't like Brawl...


- The slower pacing

- The stage layouts felt much more repetitive (a flying platform with smaller platforms above it)

- The new characters weren't very good IMO, and I didn't like what they did to previous characters like Samus and Mario.

- Too many clones that should have been costumes, or had more time spent on them

- Preferred the single player mode in Melee, and felt there was much too much stuff in Brawl and not enough substance.

- The more mature graphical theme


Some of these may sound stupid to some of you, but to me they all added up to a game that was far less enjoyable!


I played Melee SO MUCH!!... Brawl I traded in after completing story mode, I just didn't enjoy it.


The more this is like Melee the better.

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A Doshin the Giant level would be cool in Smash U.


You could be fighting on quite a simple landscape to start out with maybe a bit of water and a house. You would be quite high up overlooking a view of the island, and Doshin could be seen plodding about in the background.


But then every now and then the top half of him would pop up behind the stage, and he would go about reshaping the landform of the stage and planting new tree platforms, adding statues etc... during this time you would also be able to use his hands as moving platforms and maybe when his hands are on the ground even run up his arms and fight on his head... but get back down before he disappears back down with you still on him.




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