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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Gamespot have some footage up and it looks like it's an updated build.


-Severely reduced loading times between the end of the match and the results screen.

-Fox can now jump after his side b!

-Mario now has very little landing lag (looks like they've taken some advice for the people that played the game at E3). This means that you can now use his aerial attacks without being vulnerable for a long time afterwards. Hopefully this will apply to other characters.

-Characters seem to be dying at much lower percentages too.

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Gamespot have some footage up and it looks like it's an updated build.


-Severely reduced loading times between the end of the match and the results screen.

-Fox can now jump after his side b!

-Mario now has very little landing lag (looks like they've taken some advice for the people that played the game at E3). This means that you can now use his aerial attacks without being vulnerable for a long time afterwards. Hopefully this will apply to other characters.

-Characters seem to be dying at much lower percentages too.


Best news out of the lot!

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From Sakurai's Famitsu column (includes reasoning behind Lucina/Robin's inclusion & lack of Chrom):

We've just announced two new characters who will be joining the fray in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U. One is Robin, the avatar from Fire Emblem: Awakening, and the other is Lucina, a swordswoman who plays an important role in the same title. I'll skip over the details.


"What? Not Chrom!?" I suspect a lot of you will ask. Of course, Chrom is quite popular, being the protagonist of FE:A and all. However, I chose Robin and Lucina, and I will elaborate on my reasoning.


Robin appears in the game as a Tactician and functions much like a Mystic Knight (note: FF terminology, but equivalent to magic swordsman). I thought to utilize his all-around nature by assigning swordplay to his Smash attacks and magic tomes to his special attacks--that is, allow him to use magic.


His neutral special is thunder magic that grows stronger the larger you charge it. He uses fire magic for his side special, and wind magic for recovery as his up special. Although Robin doesn't use dark magic in FE:A, I decided to assign it as his down special. It isn't the first time I've given moves to a character that they don't use in their respective game in order to capture certain aspects of the original title.


I also implemented the system used in FE:A, in which tomes break after overuse. Likewise, I included a similar system for the Levin Sword, which breaks after a certain number of uses. However, both the tomes and the Levin Sword will quickly regenerate after a set period of time.


Lucina uses the same techniques as Marth, a fighter with whom I'm sure most of you are already familiar. I even went so far as to make their strength, speed, and special attacks almost identical.


However, what sets Lucina apart is the fact that the strength of her attacks is uniform along the blade. Marth's playstyle emulates the elegant swordplay of a fencer by dealing more damage when he strikes with the tip of his blade, but the damage Lucina deals is evened out. Thus, I think that Lucina will be much easier than Marth for novice players to play with.


I played all the way through FE:A and really wanted to include a character from that rich cast in Smash Bros. Naturally, I considered adding Chrom to the roster, but the decision wasn't easy by any means.


At the end of the day, Chrom would just end up being another plain-old sword-wielder like Marth and Ike. Compared with other characters, he lacks any unique characteristics.

Conversely, when the idea of including Robin came to mind, conceiving the character was so easy that I immediately saw how it would work. From standards to specials, grabs to throws, all aspects of his moveset just fell into place. Not only did he possess characteristics unlike other fighters, but he also captured the essence of the Fire Emblem series. It was perfect!


In the end, if a game isn't fun, then there's no point. Of course, it would be really easy to make a game by churning out a ton of similar characters, but that's not how I produce games.


Initially, I had considered including Lucina as one of Marth's alternate costumes. After all, she has a close relationship with him in FE:A. In such cases, even if two characters' names and voices differ, as long as they function the same way, I assign them as alternate costumes. The Wii Fit Trainers, Villagers, and Robin are examples of this setup.


However, even though Lucina shares her physical stats and techniques with Marth, the characteristics of their attacks differ. When two such similar characters function in an even slightly different manner, I give them a separate spot on the roster since that will affect battle records and whatnot. In that sense, you could say she was very lucky to join the fray!

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-Fox can now jump after his side b!


I don't think I can even count on the fingers I have how many times I've fallen prey to my own death through using that move at completely the wrong time/place, so a jump on the end is bloody well welcome to me!!


Interesting about Lucina. I play random and I don't mind Marth but I've always tended to prefer the heavier alternatives, I think I tend to be quite up close and busy when smashing with someone and never really bothered getting the blade damage and distance thing down - sometimes its left me feeling as if an attack I expected to be better wasn't, and now that I recall about his sword damage points(I'd forgotten about it, tbh) that makes a bit of sense. I'll look forward to actually trying out both Marth and Lucina and seeing how different they feel with this little change about the two of them.

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Regarding Sakurai's latest interview, to that, I say, where's Roy?


"At the end of the day, Ike would just end up being another plain-old sword-wielder like Marth and Roy".


Switched up the words a little but you see what I mean?

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Marth, Roy, Ike, what's the difference...


If only there was a fighter who didn't need to wield a sword to deliver the beatdowns. Someone who packs a real punch in a tiny package. A tiny round package.

Someone who can deliver a killing blow by deftly falling asleep at the right time.


That character would be a real contender, and make this game AAA must buy.

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Marth, Roy, Ike, what's the difference...


If only there was a fighter who didn't need to wield a sword to deliver the beatdowns. Someone who packs a real punch in a tiny package. A tiny round package.

Someone who can deliver a killing blow by deftly falling asleep at the right time.


That character would be a real contender, and make this game AAA must buy.


No I don't want jiggly marshmallow mess back. We have Kirby, that'll do, no more pink, blobs. Besides there's too many Pokemon as it is.

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Jigglypuff is awesome and there's no way they'll drop the big pink ball of love.


A character that has been in every Smash to date and has a pretty unique fighting style?

Yeah, Jigglypuff is in just as much as Ness and Captain Falcon. No doubt about it.

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There are also patterns where players will disappear into the sky for Star K.O.s, but as a match's time limit approaches, those K.O.s will not occur anymore.


Very much welcome that change. You will not believe the amount of matches where the player that gets KO'd first actually ends up winning. While they were too busy flying through the sky, the one who knocked them out was KO'd instantly through the side of the screen before the 1st person's KO was registered.


Normally happens in matches with items, or during a sudden death for example. It can happen in standard matches too.

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Oh! That's something to keep in mind if they bring back the style points system from Melee/64 for Classic Mode... (Which I hope they do! It's absence in Brawl was sorely missed!)


I still end up taunting at the end of matches and some KOs because of Melee's points systems! Makes me look like such a dick at times, but I just can't stop myself doing it!


Very much welcome that change. You will not believe the amount of matches where the player that gets KO'd first actually ends up winning. While they were too busy flying through the sky, the one who knocked them out was KO'd instantly through the side of the screen before the 1st person's KO was registered.


Normally happens in matches with items, or during a sudden death for example. It can happen in standard matches too.


We'd always have a little chuckle when that happened, though yeah I can definitely see the problems(especially if it's been quite a close/interesting match).

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Pic of the day. Here's a Screen K.O. shot. There are also patterns where players will disappear into the sky for Star K.O.s, but as a match's time limit approaches, those K.O.s will not occur anymore.


Fucking yeeees.

Good decisions.


I have nothing more to add. :D

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