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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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A menu option in Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS confirms that the 3DS can be used as a controller for Super Smash Bros for Wii U. Additionally, custom fighters will be exchangeable between both versions of the upcoming fighting title. Nintendo recently announced that a free demo of the 3DS version of the game will launch on September 19th. Select members of Club Nintendo were given four download codes of the demo, which features five playable characters. Super Smash Bros for 3DS arrives on October 3rd.




Called it. Well to be precise I thought it would start with the New 3DS. Don't see why it can't be patched into other games both future and those already out.

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Got a spare code going courtesy of @VsPhoenix(also had the generous offer of another from @Phube!) - I won't make use of it so happy to pass it on* to either; the first person to quote this post AND mention me for it, OR someone who'll tell me when this fucking demo is actually officially out for everyone! IS IT NEXT WEEK PEOPLE OR WHAT?!


*Disclaimer - I was sposed to be out ages ago, so I'm soon to be for the whole day, and working in the morning, so I won't actually be back on here til mid-late afternoon tomorrow. If you can't wait then don't ask for it!

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It would be nice to play with your 3DS character on another friends Wii U, with a controller you are familiar with (as a 3DS owner), so I really approve this :). And hey, both the Wii U controller and 3DS have just as bad battery, so you'd know when to stop playing! :D


Got a spare code going courtesy of @VsPhoenix(also had the generous offer of another from @Phube!) - I won't make use of it so happy to pass it on* to either; the first person to quote this post AND mention me for it, OR someone who'll tell me when this fucking demo is actually officially out for everyone! IS IT NEXT WEEK PEOPLE OR WHAT?!


*Disclaimer - I was sposed to be out ages ago, so I'm soon to be for the whole day, and working in the morning, so I won't actually be back on here til mid-late afternoon tomorrow. If you can't wait then don't ask for it!


Wouldn't mind it if you can spare it @Rummy, but if you have someone else you'd rather give it to, don't mind me ;). I have no problems with waiting, as I'm working today as well.


Edit: Don't need the code anymore, as I got one from the generous @canand! Pass it to someone who wants it :D

Edited by ArtMediocre
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Got a spare code going courtesy of @VsPhoenix(also had the generous offer of another from @Phube!) - I won't make use of it so happy to pass it on* to either; the first person to quote this post AND mention me for it, OR someone who'll tell me when this fucking demo is actually officially out for everyone! IS IT NEXT WEEK PEOPLE OR WHAT?!


*Disclaimer - I was sposed to be out ages ago, so I'm soon to be for the whole day, and working in the morning, so I won't actually be back on here til mid-late afternoon tomorrow. If you can't wait then don't ask for it!


The demo is out next Friday the 19th for everyone and I don't need or want the code thanks.

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Fucking stunned. Plays ridiculously well. As I mentioned earlier, I would like to play more but I just can't with the button layout, but I am STUNNED at how well it plays. The graphics are staggeringly good (for the 3DS) even on the XL. Buttons feel fine/good (apart from layout). The only possible flaw I could give is I am not a huge fan of the percentage showing on bottom screen but it's negligible.


Blown away. I mean....definitely need this now, so just hope the Wii U version has enough different/new stuff to still feel good. Regardless, I'll play through both of course.


Can't wait to play more with all the characters.


Also feels way closer to Melee than Brawl to me.


Yeah I agree with all of this. It feels and plays like Melee, Brawl and 64 all in one package.

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Random demo impressions in bullet point form! Just going off the top of my head here, and some of this stuff may have been mentioned before:


  • Biggest concern going in was the size of my OG 3DS screen. To me, no problems playing on Battlefield, but I won't be celebrating until I get to try out some of the games larger stages.
  • Wasn't too concerned about the controls personally, considering I used the Classic Controller Pro in Brawl. The circle pad will take some time to get used to, but I think it works overall (I'm glad we'll be able to edit controls though for grabs and throws).
  • The game does feel a bit faster than Brawl. I was fine with both Melee and Brawls speed myself, so to me this isn't a good or bad thing, just different.
  • I think the blast zones on Battlefield are larger, which makes the characters survive longer as a result. Some characters have more trouble recovering than others (I found myself unable to get back to the stage as Mega Man on some occasions for example).

  • The Super Leaf is fun, you can hover slowly to the ground and still use your mid-air attacks like you can during Peach's floaty jump.
  • Gust Bellows is absurdly good at blowing people away. If you get this, you're likely to get some easy KOs.
  • The Beetle from Skyward Sword can be wiggled out of if your percentage is low enough. You can also reflect it with more than just reflectors (I've managed to reflect it with the tiny shots from a Super Scope), and make it explode with a strong enough attack.
  • The Galaga item can also be wiggled out of like the Beetle. I think you can also change who "owns" the Galaga if you hit it, too.
  • Daybreak and Dragoon pieces are annoying to collect, as it can be so hard to knock pieces out of your opponents unless you KO them. Daybreak is so cool to witness when all the pieces are collected though. It won't be an instant KO on characters at low percentages however.
  • Fire Bar and Ore Club are really strong battering weapons. The tornadoes that come out of the Ore Club are a nice bonus too.
  • Bullet Bill is powerful, but you also have to be careful when to use it. Being careless could cause you to KO yourself.
  • Hocotate Ship is really good if you can get someone above it just before it flies off. When coming down, it's like a Snorlax that explodes!
  • Everyone can carry Crates, Barrels and other heavy items a lot faster. About as fast as you could move with the Cracker launcher in Brawl.
  • It's a bit harder to figure out what is a Super Mushroom and what is a Poison Mushroom on these smaller screens.
  • The Football is weaker in this game, but it also moves more naturally. It will also respawn if you hit it off the stage.
  • The Bumper doesn't appear to be absurdly powerful when thrown this time. Boooh.
  • The Smoke Ball is less colourful, but also covers up the action a lot better this time.
  • The Banana Peel disappears after a player slips on it. If Diddy Kong's Bananas work in the same manner then the move became a lot less useful.
  • No Fan! D=
  • The Screw Attack and characters with quick enough strong mid-air moves can prove devastating. Mario using a double jump with the Screw Attack followed immediately with his Super Jump Punch managed to get me a KO against Link at around 70% I think.
  • The difference in frame rates between Assist Trophies/Pokémon and the fighters is really noticeable depending on what you get. Some of them, like Ghirahim, feel like looking at a slideshow!


  • Mario's F.L.U.D.D. is still fairly useless, it just doesn't push people back enough. Give it the power of the Gust Bellows!
  • Link feels like he got a little bit faster and a little bit more powerful.
  • His down air feels like it has gotten slower (as in, Link doesn't fall as fast as he used to). It does make the added meteor smash effect safer to use though.
  • Pikachu's Thunder feels a bit weaker in this game, but it also seems to come out quicker. Even if you attack Pikachu before it can finish the first syllable of "Pika", that Thunder will still be coming down.
  • Its Volt Tackle is a lot easier to control this time round, but I still can't get a KO with it. The extra little circle that lets you know where you're directing it is handy.
  • Pikachu feels a tad weaker as a whole actually. That said, Pikachu is probably the CPU opponent that I have the most difficulty defeating one on one, so it could just all be in my head.

  • Pocket is great, you can get almost anything into those pockets of his. Found a Heart Container but have a low percentage? Put it in your pocket and use it for later! Items do disappear from your pocket after about 30 seconds, though...
  • You can even get stuff like other Villager bowling balls and trees! Two villagers are going to be a real threat in team battles.
  • Things you can't pocket include Assist Trophies, Poké Balls (really? you can't put the balls from Pocket Monsters in your pockets?), Smash Balls and projectiles such as Daybreak's.
  • Unfortunately, you can't use Pocket on an Electrode either. That's what I wanted to work the most!
  • The Lloid Rocket is a great multi-purpose move. Good for recovery, and very strong if you hit someone with it as you're riding it.
  • Balloon Trip is a good recovery move. I think it's best to aim for the ledge when using it, as you're pretty vulnerable if the move finishes in the air.
  • Timber is situational, but powerful! My favourite place to plant the tree on Battlefield is below the left and right platforms. When the tree grows or gets chopped down, players standing on the plaform above will get hit too!
  • I've also seen fruit and pieces of wood come out of a fallen tree sometimes, that you can use for to regain health and throw at other players respectively.
  • The watering can can push opponents back. It's not going to prevent people from coming back to the stage, but it can give you a little space between you and your opponents.
  • The axe is pretty strong, you just have to keep in mind how long the tree is out for.
  • The bowling ball is a really strong smash, but hard to hit with. Since it's a projectile, you must be wary of players with reflectors. I managed to KO a Villager by using Mario's Cape as he used this move, heh. Link can also shrug the move off with his shield, and as mentioned previously other Villagers can pocket it, too.
  • Shovel was useless against the CPU players, they could struggle out of it almost instantly.
  • His Slingshot attacks are stronger when close to your opponent. I've managed to get some KOs with it.
  • His Side Taunt is great, I have the feeling I'm gonna be using it a lot. =P
  • He looks so cute with the Super Leaf's Raccoon ears and tail.
  • Overall, a great newcomer!

  • I get that they were going for NES style movement, but I would have liked to have seen a little bit more motion from the guy. And I'm not fond of a character being completely silent (I feel the same way about Olimar).
  • I haven't used his special attacks very much. They all have uses, but they're all also pretty weak.
  • Using his Mega Buster is awkward, but only because it's so different to what we've seen from characters in Smash Bros. thus far.
  • I like his mid-air attacks, but I think his Hard Knuckle isn't that good on opponents that are safely on stage, which makes him pretty vulnerable when directly above someone.
  • I think I come across negatively about poor Mega man, but I do like him! I just think that overall, Mega Man will take some time to get used to. He seems like a character who wants to keep his distance, then use his forward smash or get in close for the KO. Hopefully he's effective at that!

I give the demo a Why don't you like me enough to give me codes for this demo yourselves, Nintendo/10. Looking forward to playing the full game!


EDIT: Hope I don't come across as greedy, but if anyone wants to spare a code for my brother, that'd be neato.

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Well I am massively impressed with this. Can't really add much more to what everyone else has already said, but it is phenomenal. For them to have got a game of this scale, size and speed onto the 3DS is an absolute achievement. And that's why Nintendo, in my opinion are so fuckin good. They know how to make games for their systems and get the very best out of them.


Didn't enjoy the button layout from the demo as others have said, but obviously it's a non complaint as it can all be changed.


Really enjoyed playing with Mega Man! Liked him a lot. Villager - not so much. As @Guy said, he feels a little bit like Ness due to his floaty-ness, but he isn't a patch on my main man :heh:. I LOVED how the Villager comes onto stage though, out the front door of his house! :laughing:



Massively massively impressed. Can't wait to play more.

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I am really enjoying this so so much! It feels just like a little portable melee! I was concerned with the small size of my 3DS, but so far it's no problem at all! This is smash at it's purest, the controls are perfect, the items are fun and god I love the new characters so far!

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Random demo impressions in bullet point form! Just going off the top of my head here, and some of this stuff may have been mentioned before:


  • Biggest concern going in was the size of my OG 3DS screen. To me, no problems playing on Battlefield, but I won't be celebrating until I get to try out some of the games larger stages.
  • Wasn't too concerned about the controls personally, considering I used the Classic Controller Pro in Brawl. The circle pad will take some time to get used to, but I think it works overall (I'm glad we'll be able to edit controls though for grabs and throws).
  • The game does feel a bit faster than Brawl. I was fine with both Melee and Brawls speed myself, so to me this isn't a good or bad thing, just different.
  • I think the blast zones on Battlefield are larger, which makes the characters survive longer as a result. Some characters have more trouble recovering than others (I found myself unable to get back to the stage as Mega Man on some occasions for example).

  • The Super Leaf is fun, you can hover slowly to the ground and still use your mid-air attacks like you can during Peach's floaty jump.
  • Gust Bellows is absurdly good at blowing people away. If you get this, you're likely to get some easy KOs.
  • The Beetle from Skyward Sword can be wiggled out of if your percentage is low enough. You can also reflect it with more than just reflectors (I've managed to reflect it with the tiny shots from a Super Scope), and make it explode with a strong enough attack.
  • The Galaga item can also be wiggled out of like the Beetle. I think you can also change who "owns" the Galaga if you hit it, too.
  • Daybreak and Dragoon pieces are annoying to collect, as it can be so hard to knock pieces out of your opponents unless you KO them. Daybreak is so cool to witness when all the pieces are collected though. It won't be an instant KO on characters at low percentages however.
  • Fire Bar and Ore Club are really strong battering weapons. The tornadoes that come out of the Ore Club are a nice bonus too.
  • Bullet Bill is powerful, but you also have to be careful when to use it. Being careless could cause you to KO yourself.
  • Hocotate Ship is really good if you can get someone above it just before it flies off. When coming down, it's like a Snorlax that explodes!
  • Everyone can carry Crates, Barrels and other heavy items a lot faster. About as fast as you could move with the Cracker launcher in Brawl.
  • It's a bit harder to figure out what is a Super Mushroom and what is a Poison Mushroom on these smaller screens.
  • The Football is weaker in this game, but it also moves more naturally. It will also respawn if you hit it off the stage.
  • The Bumper doesn't appear to be absurdly powerful when thrown this time. Boooh.
  • The Smoke Ball is less colourful, but also covers up the action a lot better this time.
  • The Banana Peel disappears after a player slips on it. If Diddy Kong's Bananas work in the same manner then the move became a lot less useful.
  • No Fan! D=
  • The Screw Attack and characters with quick enough strong mid-air moves can prove devastating. Mario using a double jump with the Screw Attack followed immediately with his Super Jump Punch managed to get me a KO against Link at around 70% I think.
  • The difference in frame rates between Assist Trophies/Pokémon and the fighters is really noticeable depending on what you get. Some of them, like Ghirahim, feel like looking at a slideshow!


  • Mario's F.L.U.D.D. is still fairly useless, it just doesn't push people back enough. Give it the power of the Gust Bellows!
  • Link feels like he got a little bit faster and a little bit more powerful.
  • His down air feels like it has gotten slower (as in, Link doesn't fall as fast as he used to). It does make the added meteor smash effect safer to use though.
  • Pikachu's Thunder feels a bit weaker in this game, but it also seems to come out quicker. Even if you attack Pikachu before it can finish the first syllable of "Pika", that Thunder will still be coming down.
  • Its Volt Tackle is a lot easier to control this time round, but I still can't get a KO with it. The extra little circle that lets you know where you're directing it is handy.
  • Pikachu feels a tad weaker as a whole actually. That said, Pikachu is probably the CPU opponent that I have the most difficulty defeating one on one, so it could just all be in my head.

  • Pocket is great, you can get almost anything into those pockets of his. Found a Heart Container but have a low percentage? Put it in your pocket and use it for later! Items do disappear from your pocket after about 30 seconds, though...
  • You can even get stuff like other Villager bowling balls and trees! Two villagers are going to be a real threat in team battles.
  • Things you can't pocket include Assist Trophies, Poké Balls (really? you can't put the balls from Pocket Monsters in your pockets?), Smash Balls and projectiles such as Daybreak's.
  • Unfortunately, you can't use Pocket on an Electrode either. That's what I wanted to work the most!
  • The Lloid Rocket is a great multi-purpose move. Good for recovery, and very strong if you hit someone with it as you're riding it.
  • Balloon Trip is a good recovery move. I think it's best to aim for the ledge when using it, as you're pretty vulnerable if the move finishes in the air.
  • Timber is situational, but powerful! My favourite place to plant the tree on Battlefield is below the left and right platforms. When the tree grows or gets chopped down, players standing on the plaform above will get hit too!
  • I've also seen fruit and pieces of wood come out of a fallen tree sometimes, that you can use for to regain health and throw at other players respectively.
  • The watering can can push opponents back. It's not going to prevent people from coming back to the stage, but it can give you a little space between you and your opponents.
  • The axe is pretty strong, you just have to keep in mind how long the tree is out for.
  • The bowling ball is a really strong smash, but hard to hit with. Since it's a projectile, you must be wary of players with reflectors. I managed to KO a Villager by using Mario's Cape as he used this move, heh. Link can also shrug the move off with his shield, and as mentioned previously other Villagers can pocket it, too.
  • Shovel was useless against the CPU players, they could struggle out of it almost instantly.
  • His Slingshot attacks are stronger when close to your opponent. I've managed to get some KOs with it.
  • His Side Taunt is great, I have the feeling I'm gonna be using it a lot. =P
  • He looks so cute with the Super Leaf's Raccoon ears and tail.
  • Overall, a great newcomer!

  • I get that they were going for NES style movement, but I would have liked to have seen a little bit more motion from the guy. And I'm not fond of a character being completely silent (I feel the same way about Olimar).
  • I haven't used his special attacks very much. They all have uses, but they're all also pretty weak.
  • Using his Mega Buster is awkward, but only because it's so different to what we've seen from characters in Smash Bros. thus far.
  • I like his mid-air attacks, but I think his Hard Knuckle isn't that good on opponents that are safely on stage, which makes him pretty vulnerable when directly above someone.
  • I think I come across negatively about poor Mega man, but I do like him! I just think that overall, Mega Man will take some time to get used to. He seems like a character who wants to keep his distance, then use his forward smash or get in close for the KO. Hopefully he's effective at that!

I give the demo a Why don't you like me enough to give me codes for this demo yourselves, Nintendo/10. Looking forward to playing the full game!


EDIT: Hope I don't come across as greedy, but if anyone wants to spare a code for my brother, that'd be neato.


Do you still need a code for your brother?

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Read this was done by the Metal Gear composer they had on board. When I saw her name in the music section I had hopes for Snake returning but this theme makes a nice consolation prize.


A terrible shame seeing two MGS related names (Snake's Japanese VA doing Goroh's voice) in the credits but nothing Metal Gear.


On the demo: The Gust Bellows from SS is completely evil. At least it has a relatively low lifetime of use because that thing is insane for pushing people off stage and making recovery impossible. Unless it's Villager. Villager is the master of recovery, it will take nothing short of launching him at high speed or meteor smashing to kill him.

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