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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima has revealed during a Twitch Q&A session that he would love to see Snake feature in the next Super Smash Bros game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. Kojima said that if Sakurai is watching the stream then he should consider including Snake in the game.


“I’m not working on that game so I don’t know, but I don’t think that’s likely”, explained Kojima. That said, he certainly doesn’t seem to be against the idea, saying, “Well if Mr. Sakurai is watching this, please use Snake.”




Needless to say I hope this doesn't happen. Kojima has some cheek.

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Meh. Snake was interesting/cool for a bit but tbh I was mostly underwhelemed by him, I liked him no doubt and his somewhat different smashes - but I don't think I'd particularly miss him. I'd be inclined to agree he has no place/right either, given it didn't get Nintendo much.

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Mr.Sakurai, if you are reading this post, please use Snake :heh: Really, he had a unique fighting style, and was very fun to play.


Realistically, if Kojima waited until now to say this, Snake probably isn't in. I hope they give his moveset to someone else, though.


*hint**hint* Mr.Sakurai, please use Sami from Advance Wars *hint**hint*

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Snake was my absolute fav from Brawl, so of course I'd want to see him return. But if doesn't then what can you do?



"Pic of the day. Here's some info on the Nintendo 3DS stage called Super Mario 3D Land! First, it advances by side-scrolling…



Then you continue into the valley--it's in 3D Land, after all. The protruding stone blocks change the angles of the platforms.



After that, back to side-scrolling. Now it gets you moving--you'll have to trot downhill here.



And finally, you get back on rails to go farther into the stage. It takes roughly two minutes to complete a lap, and at the end you go into a giant pipe that takes you back to the beginning. …I know this sequence goes above and beyond a traditional Pic of the Day, so consider this a little something extra on the side from me."

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We've got a new rainbow ride! Looking forward to try it out :D


Regarding Snake it might be possible for him to be in since he is a popular character and he has a very unique play style. I was gonna say that he shouldn't be in since he doesn't have any games for Wii or Wii U but Mega Man doesn't have any either apart from MM9 and 10.

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We've got a new rainbow ride! Looking forward to try it out :D


Regarding Snake it might be possible for him to be in since he is a popular character and he has a very unique play style. I was gonna say that he shouldn't be in since he doesn't have any games for Wii or Wii U but Mega Man doesn't have any either apart from MM9 and 10.


Well... MGS_3DS_2D_Final1.jpg

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Mr.Sakurai, if you are reading this post, please use Snake :heh: Really, he had a unique fighting style, and was very fun to play.


Realistically, if Kojima waited until now to say this, Snake probably isn't in. I hope they give his moveset to someone else, though.


*hint**hint* Mr.Sakurai, please use Sami from Advance Wars *hint**hint*





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Wasn't that released around the same time as the cheaper MGS 2&3 for Vita (and 2,3 and a PSP one for 360 and PS3)?


I know it had more work done on it, but Konami just seemed to completely undermine it in the end.

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Looks so pretty.


As for Snake, I don't mind them doing as Jonnas suggests and putting the moveset on another suitably fitting character. Not familiar with AW/Sami, though.


She has the design you see in Fused King's post, but in-game, every CO just orders their armies from afar, with each having different properties.


Her power in that game involves her infantry and bazookas (a.k.a. the grunt soldiers) being more powerful and effective, and occasionally, she can have them march long distances as well. Good material for a Final Smash.


I mainly suggested her because she has a more military, on-field look to her.

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AND it would add yet another female character to the roster!


I'd love to see an Advance Wars stage in there too.


You'd have one CO on either side of the stage (random match-up each time) and they'd send different kinds of troops towards one another from time to time.

Throw in weather elements in there as well and you've got yourself a caught between cross-fire :D.


Maybe make this guy playable as well:




Come to think of it, Intelligent Systems only has Fire Emblem as their representative Smashers, but both Paper Mario and someone from Advance Wars would be very welcome indeed!

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She has the design you see in Fused King's post, but in-game, every CO just orders their armies from afar, with each having different properties.


Her power in that game involves her infantry and bazookas (a.k.a. the grunt soldiers) being more powerful and effective, and occasionally, she can have them march long distances as well. Good material for a Final Smash.


I mainly suggested her because she has a more military, on-field look to her.


Aha! I had assumed, probably foolishly, that she was a he. Def don't mind them adding a few more female characters to the roster, and it'd certainly be nice to see a Snake 'clone' in that respect if it's a from such a solid franchise(from all opinions I hear, that is). I'd say her look definitely would work well enough for it too.

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I completely forgot about that game! Didn't Kojima himself work on MGS3D and Konami got some other company to make MGS HD Collection? And because they're such an intelligent company they released MGS3D and HD Collection at the same time so no one with a console bought the 3DS game. It's a shame because the 3DS version actually has new features like taking photos to create your own camo and crouch walking ala MGS4 and Peace Walker.

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The Peanut Popgun now deals a powerful attack when it explodes. It'll be difficult to hit your target, but when you succeed, the explosion will really blow your enemies away. Give it a shot when you break someone's shield.


Sounds like a cool change for Diddy, now he actually has a reason to charge the gun all the way instead of punishing players who hold the trigger a little too long wanting to get a decent shot.

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