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Sega's Scott Steinberg mentions Shenmue III

BIZ: Since we only have time for one more, let me throw in a question for all the hardcore gamers... Is Shenmue III ever going into production?


SS: I really can't answer that, although I will say that we look very closely at our IP and a few days ago we [announced] the comeback of Golden Axe... and I know a Sega guy who worked here in the early '90s on Genesis and touched a lot of the core brands in a prior life, so having come back here in 2004 when we started to relaunch the company, part of our mission is to look at our library of IP and be real selective and smart about which ones we bring out, which ones are "next-genable" and creatively that we bring something new to the table with them. I never want to comment on any specific one, but that is a big part of our strategy... taking advantage of what we have, and of all companies in this industry, there aren't very many that have as many great brands as Sega does across all of its hardware iterations as well as arcade IP.


Yet again we get the usual 'no answer' but at least it gives a bit of faith as if it definitely wasn't going to be made they'd probably say no rather than "I really can't answer that...""

These answeres are very irritating though

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In a way its a very smart move by Sega. Regardless of what people say Im a firm believer in that Shenmue 3 will be released and with Sega keeping people on the edge of their seats it will probably sell like hot cakes when it does arrive. The same goes for NiGHTS.

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I just picked up shemue 2 for the xbox, do I need to know the story line for the first one, if so can someone fill me in; in a couple of sentances just so I get the just of it. (got it for £10 from comet; bargain or what).



Doesn't Shenmue: The Movie come free with it that shows all the cutscenes from the original Shenmue?

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Yay. Just purchased Shenmue II. Twenty nine pounds, a price I am fairly satisfied with as it is like new, perfect condition.


Little tip for anyone buying Shenmue on eBay as well as searching for as well as Shenmue 2, search for "Shenmue II", as less people are likely to look for this as the majority of people just type "shenmue 2". That's what happend on mine which I think meant a lesser amount of people were aware of the auction.

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I think for it to sell really will it'll have to be released as a trilogy, like the kikizo article suggested.


I don't normally care for petitions, but Suzuki knows about this one, as he mentioned it in an interview saying he 'understands the demand for Shenmue III'


Sign, Yu Suzuki is aware of it!



I was gonna do a petition. (bastards nicked my idea) Oh well at least there is one. I've signed it.


38692 Signatures Total



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Doesn't Shenmue: The Movie come free with it that shows all the cutscenes from the original Shenmue?


It does indeed, lol, anyway it even says in the manaul. I'm not going to watch it the movie though I don't want to spoil it, as when I have finished 2 I'll pick up 1 and a dreamcast.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't watch the trailer,i'm not going to I don't want anything spoiled.I want Yu to come out and say whether there will be a 3rd.If Shenmue Online is a success in Korea and China then he might get sufficient funding for the 3rd but who knows.

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I finished disc two and got some stupid error reading .pks has anybody had this problem and if so....HELP!


I had the same trouble with Disc 1 once but I just cleaned the disc and it worked. I really hope you're copys not damaged in anyway ...having it stop at the end of Disc two would drive me crazy.

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I don't like the Shenmue Online trailer (and the whole idea of the game) one bit.

This is what I said about the fantasy elements situation as so many Shenmue fans are against it.

I am not against the whole supernatural/fantasy element as the way Shenmue II ended is one of the primary reasons why we anticipate Shenmue III so much.


Like we all know, throughout Shenmue I & II it all felt very realistic, and like a seperate life (well it did to me) but the theme of the game is representing the idea of destiny/fate/prophecy , so it only felt natural when the arrival in Guilin went all mystical.

What angers me so much about Shenmue Online is the way it seems to be destroying this magic you've gained from journeying through I and II by giving supernatural powers to... everyone :/ and used in a crappy way in battle that ruins the whole theme of destiny that has progressed throughout the saga.


As much as I am against it and the way it was shown, I don't think the scene in the trailer is really a BE ALL END ALL spoiler and means that we'll never see Shenmue III.


It's more than likely that the outcome of Shenmue Online will determine the decison of releasing Shenmue III or not. I hope they just release Shenmue Online in China,to bring in more fans through the MMORPG market and then get going on III. I personally think we will see III but not till 2008/2009.

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