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So, Nintendo have pretty much confirmed the Wii is dead.


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Isn't a dead console one that nobody plays any more?

In which case the Wii will not be dead for a good while yet. It's given me some of my favourite games of this generation in House of the Dead Overkill, Capcom vs Tatsunoko, Goldeneye, Mario Galaxy 1+2, not to mention the best Donkey Kong game in 3 console generations. Like others I've still got a backlog of games to finish, Silent Hill, Sonic Colours, Epic Mickey and Other M to keep me going for a good while yet. And that's without any new games that may come along in the next 18 months before PC arrives.


The Wii is not dead as long as people are playing Wii games, and if the rumoured backwards compatibility of PC is true, that'll be a good few years yet.

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Fair play man. :smile:


What's on your Wii backlog BTW, is it as big as darksnowman's epic list? :hehe:


..thankfully not :grin: My completion ratio on the Wii is actually pretty high :heh:


Having a look through my games here I can see that I need to continue with A Boy and his Blob, Battalion Wars 2, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Mad World, NBA Jam, Red Steel 2 and Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies and I have yet to begin Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon..


The other things that remain would be taking on the second half of Punch-Out!! since becoming the champion, the optional extra missions on Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros Treasure or taking care of all the challenges and finding the treasure in Wario Land: The Shake Dimension..


Then there's Okami which I've been looking to return to for quite some time and a few VC games that include Paper Mario, Rondo of Blood and The Revenge of Shinobi :smile:

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I'm sorry but this isn't true, there are plenty of great 3rd party games that just didn't sell. Nintendo consoles have always had this problem, I don't think its a support problem, they want to get there and sell games on Nintendo consoles, now its just cracking that conundrum.


Yeah, and there's also been a lot of very profitable third party games on Wii, as development costs were much lower!

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Nintendo would be foolish to stop supporting its biggest selling home console, and I am sure it will continue to release games for it for a few years after Wii 2 arrives. Afterall, The Wii is still alive and kicking when it comes to the majority of the Wii owners: the so called "non-gamers". A Wii Sports 3 or another Wii Fit would definately sell at least 10 million.


As for myself (and I like to think I speak for a lot of people), I don't consider a console to be "dead" until a) there are no more future games that I would buy and b) I've stopped playing all my current games. So I guess that the Wii isn't dead yet, as I've still got Skyward Sword to look forward to. But after that, there isn't anything to get excited about.

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I've still got Skyward Sword to look forward to. But after that, there isn't anything to get excited about.


Nobody really knows what is coming after Skyward Sword, though. So, it's a bit unfair for us all to say "that's it!" when it might not be. There's no reason to say that Nintendo don't have some Wii games lined up for us at E3.

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Nobody really knows what is coming after Skyward Sword, though. So, it's a bit unfair for us all to say "that's it!" when it might not be. There's no reason to say that Nintendo don't have some Wii games lined up for us at E3.


Maybe. I'm guessing there won't be any original "core" games being released on the Wii once the Wii 2 has hit shelves. With a few exceptions, the only core games that sell on the Wii are ones made by Nintendo, and I'm pretty Nintendo's dev teams will be focusing on Wii 2.

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Maybe. I'm guessing there won't be any original "core" games being released on the Wii once the Wii 2 has hit shelves. With a few exceptions, the only core games that sell on the Wii are ones made by Nintendo, and I'm pretty Nintendo's dev teams will be focusing on Wii 2.


There's still a fair bit of time until it does hit the shelves, though. Isn't it rumoured to be late next year, probably Christmas time? So, there's still potential for Nintendo to show more Wii games before then.

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No, you need to look at yourself. The Wii is not dead, it's still selling well, tens of millions of people are still playing their Wii's and it's going to be supported by developers for some time to come.


What's more, the Wii's pointer controls were a revolution for FPS games, just a shame that a load of self styled 'hardcore' gamers couldn't see past dual analog controls.


Or maybe the issue was the pointer controls weren't available for the xbox/PS3? You do realise Move only came out a few months ago right? :blank:


The issue isn't just controls. When a game like Modern Warfare comes out on Xbox and not on Wii, why are FPS fans not gonna buy it? Dual Analogue has been fine for years and it's supported by EVERY game out there. Coupled with great online, more advanced AI, HD graphics and great sound/atmosphere, do you honestly think people should have shunned it and bought a Wii? REALLY?


The Wii has had some strong years but it's way past it's best. I mean jeez, there's a limit to how many soccer mum's you can get to buy a console; they aren't gonna keep buying software with 'Wii' in the title if they were perfectly happy with Wii sports. Last year was a strong year for Wii software wise and even then it had a fraction of the 80% or over rated games that were available on other consoles. On top of that Nintendo know that Sony and Microsoft have sold over 50 Million home consoles without the consoles getting anywhere near mass market price point. They've got a few years left to run and Nintendo have little to attract that 'core' gamer back for this year, let alone the next 2 or 3.


They have acknowledged that they want to get back at that 'core' gamer as it's their brand loyalty that works for you long time. Innovation and software will sell to these crowds and they know that, hence all this Wii 2 business.

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They have acknowledged that they want to get back at that 'core' gamer as it's their brand loyalty that works for you long time. Innovation and software will sell to these crowds and they know that, hence all this Wii 2 business.


I want to hear this from Reggie's mouth in the following fashion:


There's no way they'll be ignoring the 'casual' crowd, but given this being E3, they best impress the 'hardcore' crowd with cheesy slogans about how they're all about the games (and the social experience:laughing:)

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They'll get the hardcore crowd excited with 3DS stuf and Wii 2 info and we'll spend the next 6 months in love with them.


They handled the DS way better than they did with the Wii imo. They only pushed focus on the casuals once the revision in hardware came followed by a loud of marketing around Brain Training, AC and then the Layton games, but buy then a lot of the core were already in love with the system. With the Wii from day 1 it was 'get your mum to play Wii Sports' with you. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think it further disappointed people that even the new games they were showing off were basically one 5-6 old tech. I loved a lot of Wii games but a part of me was always thinking what they could do with more powerful hardware. Metroid Other M was a great example; not a bad game but I played a lot of Assassin's Creed 2 around the same period and it made me realise how bloody dated Other M was before I had barely sunk time into it.

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They'll get the hardcore crowd excited with 3DS stuf and Wii 2 info and we'll spend the next 6 months in love with them.


They handled the DS way better than they did with the Wii imo. They only pushed focus on the casuals once the revision in hardware came followed by a loud of marketing around Brain Training, AC and then the Layton games, but buy then a lot of the core were already in love with the system. With the Wii from day 1 it was 'get your mum to play Wii Sports' with you. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think it further disappointed people that even the new games they were showing off were basically one 5-6 old tech. I loved a lot of Wii games but a part of me was always thinking what they could do with more powerful hardware. Metroid Other M was a great example; not a bad game but I played a lot of Assassin's Creed 2 around the same period and it made me realise how bloody dated Other M was before I had barely sunk time into it.


Really? I've been playing the AC franchise from start, so replayed 1 then went straight to 2 and now taking a break before brotherhood and the game I played inbetween was Metroid Other M and I loved it! It's got great production values for a Wii game and is to be merited for that I feel.

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It's got great production values for a Wii game and is to be merited for that I feel.


Besides being an absolutely unique action game that flows almost perfectly (forced scanning ftw :heh:) and is the most innovative "modern" implementation of a sidescroller I have seen.

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Besides being an absolutely unique action game that flows almost perfectly (forced scanning ftw :heh:) and is the most innovative "modern" implementation of a sidescroller I have seen.


I wrote in the thread for the game the other day when I completed it that I liked the first person bits. I feel they had to include these slight asides of 3D for newcomers to the franchise/fans of the 3D games who had perhaps never played 2D ones. I didn't have a problem with the scanning was never once stumped or stuck by them. Yeah though a truly great modern 2.5D sidescroller mixed with 3Dness.

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This talk of Other M makes me happy. I'm glad to see I'm not alone in my love for the game.


Really enjoyed it. Moar please.


I want a sequel I loved it that much, or at the very least a new sidescrolling one on 3DS, would give me a definite reason to buy one.

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Anyone who thinks the Wii is dead that hasn't played Monster Hunter Tri (probably not many people on here, but you never know :rolleyes:) seriously needs to get that game! And shut up. :heh:


Trust me when I say, you will find your Wii more than resurrected if you do. :wink:


Well said :)


There's definitely a good (and overwhelming) 20h gameplay to be had before distraction sets in. :heh: For some reason MH Tri made me want to play Rune Factory.


What? How about...490+ hours and STILL GOING? Also, been playing pretty effectively and goal-orientedly, and still haven't completed the game 100%!

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Third parties: The Wii was your loss. You had a console that had a vast user base for all ages yet because the "tech" wasn't as strong as other consoles you went didn't bother. In my opinion that shows what a sorry state the industry is in. It shouldn't be about the power of tech. It should be about the power of imagination and craft.


The "tech" you speak of includes an effective online service, which Wii does not have. An outright killer for many titles.


Wii is the console that lacked features for games, and was therefore the one stifling imagination. Look at how Demon's Souls made use of the 'always logged in' online service. In terms of originality the Wii literally had motion controls, which the other two companies have since stolen. The other two consoles now have motion controls, good online services, modern age graphics and a good active player base (while the Wii sold lots, I've no doubt lots of consoles now sit gathering dust). Both consoles also have their own versions of the virtual console.


It's a no brainer that third party retainers would opt to develop games on superior consoles. That's why it's better if the Wii 2 comes sooner to get people's interest once more.

Edited by Sheikah
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The funny thing is, Black Ops Wii shows that the Wii has a decent online service if the developer does it right!


It's pretty much Xbox Live but Black Ops specific, by which I mean you can't see your friends if they're on other games, but if they're on Black Ops then you have all the same options you do as Xbox Live.


If other developers just took the time to do this, including Nintendo, the majority of people wouldn't have complained about the service.

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570hrs+ and continuing for me!


Monster Hunter truly is an AMAZING game!


530+ hours before I got distracted by Black Ops (250+ hours and counting)


I still have Sin & Punishment 2 & RedSteel 2 to finish.


Plus Donkey Kong Country Returns & Kirby's Epic Yarn still to buy.


The Wii dead? you are having a laugh.

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The funny thing is, Black Ops Wii shows that the Wii has a decent online service if the developer does it right!


If other developers just took the time to do this, including Nintendo, the majority of people wouldn't have complained about the service.


Exactly. I mean both BlackOps and MH3 certainly shine with their online gaming services...and why? Because the devs decided to make it a kick-ass functionality! So what's stopping other devs from doing the same? I mean that's the main reason I have been playing MH3 for so long now...because the online is so well-executed, and brings the whole game to another level of awesome altogether :) No doubt it is the same with other brilliant online games...With such huge potential, you'd think the devs would step up and take full advantange of it! I mean if you manage to make an online system that has people playing your game for years on end, you've pretty much guaranteed yourself a loyal fan base. In other words, these people will most certainly buy your next games as well!


530+ hours before I got distracted by Black Ops (250+ hours and counting)


I still have Sin & Punishment 2 & RedSteel 2 to finish.


Plus Donkey Kong Country Returns & Kirby's Epic Yarn still to buy.


The Wii dead? you are having a laugh.


Yeah. Haven't even started the BlackOps single player campaign yet, because the multiplayer has been captivating enough. Bought BW2 just recently and completed it. Have just started Goldeneye and Tales of Symphonia DotNW, both seem very interesting but haven't really gotten very far yet...because I've been busy playing other games, mainly Monster Hunter Tri! :o Then there's still Okami, Punch-out and SvR 2011 waiting...and a list of other games that seem interesting, like Kirby, Endless Ocean 2, de Blob 2, Epic Mickey, Sin and Punishment 2, Fire Emblem etc...and of course Zelda, when it finally comes out.


So I have more than enough Wii games in my backlog at the moment...and you know what I still do? Keep playing MH3, because there's still something there for me to enjoy and accomplish, even after a full year of playing! xD

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The funny thing is, Black Ops Wii shows that the Wii has a decent online service if the developer does it right!


I have to disagree with that. It's not the Wii, which has a decent online service, because frankly, Nintendo's system sucks hard. There is no arguing that. Not even a bit. It's just that Nintendo leaves it open to devs to come up with their own system.


The online service Treyarch build, is a decent one. And that's precisely the reason that the Wii has been a dead fish in the water most of the time where online features are concerned.


If the developer have to implement the most basic and necessary features themselves without being able to rely on Nintendo's implementation of such features, that'll automatically result in what we've seen on the Wii. Either they use the shitty features available, or they invest time and money for the development of decent features. After that, they'll have to keep paying for the servers to run these features (that's why EA continually switches off servers of their older games).


For any but the largest projects and developers / publishers, the "self-built" route is not even an option. That the console has a notoriously bad reputation for 3rd party games doesn't help, even if that reputation isn't just Nintendo's fault.



There is just no arguing, that any large western 3rd parties rely heavily on advanced online ecosystem, which the Wii doesn't provide. It's one of the two main reasons why the Wii has been largely ignored by them.



And of course the Wii is not dead, yet (!). It has at least two large unreleased "mainstream" projects (Z:SS, DQX), it's everywhere in stores, people play it and it might quietly keep selling decent amounts of units to less traditionally focused gamers, even with a more pricey and powerful successor on the same shelf, for the same reason the PS2 does.


But unlike the PS360, both having OS that can be heavily evolved with updates, that get all the big shiny western games and that could easily sell for another four or five years, if the "Café" doesn't create too much pressure and MS/Sony chose to keep selling them, the Wii has no longer enough customer and developer attention in order to continue at a level even close to what it has enjoyed so far. "Practically" dead is a bit of an overstatement for "has a year to go", but Nintendo has set the clock is ticking. Sometime between Q2-Q4 next year, the Wii will leave the spotlight completely.

Edited by Burny
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Exactly. I mean both BlackOps and MH3 certainly shine with their online gaming services...and why? Because the devs decided to make it a kick-ass functionality! So what's stopping other devs from doing the same?


You can blame the devs, but the ultimate resposibility falls at Nintendo's door. They didn't provide a proper framework/platform from which developers could incorporate into their games.


Microsoft have made Xbox Live integration that simple and effective devs don't need to waste money and time thinking of a great way to put it into their software.

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Some of these comments confuse me. People are saying the Wii isn't dead because they have a ton of games they haven't finished yet. I have a ton on the N64 I never finished, does that mean that is alive?


The way I define a console being dead is to look at the upcoming release schedule. And oh boy, it's dire to say the least. Now that Project Cafe is official, it's only gonna get worse.


To be fair the Wii isn't dead, but it sure is in a coma.

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