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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Nintendohnut, are bear traps your only traps?


All my PM says is that I can 'lay traps'. It doesn't specify bear traps or anything, just traps.


Regarding yesterday, I am utterly gobsmacked. I would have sworn my life that jayseven was evil. I still can't explain why he said he redirected me to Flink when my PM clearly says ReZ. And you have to admit his defence and accusations of me seemed terribly mafia-like.


I wonder who it is that killed Esequiel, for it was not I. I protected Flink last night, inspired by jayseven's claims. Perhaps Nintendohnut isn't keeping his word? (I see this turning into an argument between me and Dohnut: "You killed him!" "No, you killed him!"


I'm not accusing you, but why do you have hunters knives in your room? Also: can you actually kill? I thought yesterday you said you couldn't actually kill and could only protect, but now it sounds like you're saying you CAN kill, but didn't do it last night.


Cube could investigate? We knew this, right? Did he ever give us any useful info?


Also, whilst I realise it's not a bad thing losing Esequiel, SOMEBODY killed him, and out of our two identified non-mafia killers I trust one less than the other. Vote:Nintendohnut.


Right, so at the very start of a new day, rather than waiting to see if any other information comes forward about the actual mafia, and DESPITE the fact that Esequiel, who turned out to be evil, was trying very hard to get me lynched yesterday (they clearly see me as a way to bump off someone to lower majority, and get rid of a potential threat to them), you are still voting for me and starting the same discussion that wasted the entirety of yesterday? Reeks of mafia, to me, I'm afraid.

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Chairdriver, please could we have your targets for all game?


And anyone who has been enhanced by Chairdriver speak up.


Dyson, who have your targets been all game?


These are epic questions BTW.


Oh shit, and also if you were enhanced by Chair (and I guess if you've revealed your power before maybe, but if not just come out anyway) then please explain your power AND how it was enhanced.

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These are epic questions BTW.


Oh shit, and also if you were enhanced by Chair (and I guess if you've revealed your power before maybe, but if not just come out anyway) then please explain your power AND how it was enhanced.


I think Cube was enhanced by chairdriver at the start, meaning he got to target two people. I think. Hope I'm not getting things mixed up.


I also know chairdriver targeted Flinky one night (night 4 maybe?) but got blocked by Dyson. I remember because I was one of the four people to get blocked by Dyson that night. =P

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Okay thats cool. I was wondering if Chair might be evil....but that would be a big bluff on the mafia's part (targeting townies to make himself appear good) because you probably would do it once or twice, but Cube (conf townie) Flink (I didn't put him on that list I did this morning but he is basically confirmed too isn't he as he was partners) and me (although I'm not confirmed but obviously in my eyes I am) thats 3 out of 7. Not impossible but yeah. If we could hear from the others that'd be good.


Also.....Chair has made me infrickingsane tonight. So erm...can you target the same person in a row Chair? :p

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chairdriver, refreshing splasher

Dannyboy, hunter - traps - kill - protect?

Dazz, crappy cop

Dyson, roleblocking protector


Eenuh, reverse tracker

Ellmeister, jailkeeper


ReZ, multitude of animal awesomeness

Rummy, crappy cop

Sméagol, gate keeper/key master


The Peeps, (keep forgetting despite him keeping telling me)




Diageo, protecting investigator.

Zell, theif (unless identity was fudged) (heroic was also a thief?)

mr-paul, note passing investigator

heroicjanitor, item thief

Mundi, investigating roleblocker

Eenuh, standard protector

MadDog, murder investigator

Jayseven, redirector



Nintendohnut, killing dude. :p



Marcamillian, ability unknown

Esequiel, change someones identity



5.25 protectors of sorts. Either people are lying or its a wonder we've not saved more people./

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Right, so at the very start of a new day, rather than waiting to see if any other information comes forward about the actual mafia, and DESPITE the fact that Esequiel, who turned out to be evil, was trying very hard to get me lynched yesterday (they clearly see me as a way to bump off someone to lower majority, and get rid of a potential threat to them), you are still voting for me and starting the same discussion that wasted the entirety of yesterday? Reeks of mafia, to me, I'm afraid.


How many killers do we have identified? Mafia, Danny, yourself. Obviously the mafia did not kill their own(well, they could have but I wouldn't know why, not to mention there was another kill so they'd need two killers). That leaves me with...Danny and You. I trust Danny more than I do you, so I vote for you because it seems you're killing when you said you wouldn't. Or did another mystery killer just appear amongst our ranks? Can anyone come forward as killing Esequiel last night, and why?


I didn't start a discussion btw, I cast a vote. I'm allowed to cast a vote how I like, when I like, and that is what I've done, especially when I'm getting told off for not casting votes in time. Why wait for information when I feel I already have some? Why hold off casting a vote at the beginning of the day when it isn't going to kill you within seconds and I can retract it later if any issues come up?

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I'm not accusing you, but why do you have hunters knives in your room? Also: can you actually kill? I thought yesterday you said you couldn't actually kill and could only protect, but now it sounds like you're saying you CAN kill, but didn't do it last night.


I think I've set a record in this game for how many times people have misunderstood what I've told them about my role.


  • James Barker
  • Thought-to-be-dead twin brother of Angus MacNeil
  • Has been in the service of Olivia since the ending of the Gentlemen's Mafia
  • A hunter himself
  • Can choose a target to either kill or protect every night


That should explain everything.

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I trust Nintendohnut hundreds of times more than Danny tbh. (Sorry Danny, your curse strikes back. Unless you're a filthy Raikou, in which Earthquake has been used /critical hit/etc)


Actually I don't trust either of them at all. Hahahahahaa. I don't particularly trust Rummy either though. Because he came out as a dumb cop after Dazz/opposite. But....I mean I don't trust anyone so its fine.

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Hang on, does it look like Diageo was roleblocked or something? Who the hell would roleblock one of the only confirmed townies (i.e. rhetorical).


(Oh, and obviously I'm good. I win with the town. But people should hopefully be aware of that by now! :p)


So have you been protecting people every day?

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I trust Nintendohnut hundreds of times more than Danny tbh. (Sorry Danny, your curse strikes back. Unless you're a filthy Raikou, in which Earthquake has been used /critical hit/etc)


Actually I don't trust either of them at all. Hahahahahaa. I don't particularly trust Rummy either though. Because he came out as a dumb cop after Dazz/opposite. But....I mean I don't trust anyone so its fine.


Why do you trust him so much more than me? To any of you I'd that we have roughly equal amounts of suspicion to us, and we're both normally equally good liars as well. So why me?

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What, so we got three non-mafia killers now? No way. I assume the one who killed esequiel is good, danny is neutral, then Nintendohnut has to be mafia.


Vote: Nintendohnut


Rez, haven't I come out with information every single day? I dream about something that happened that night. Like some kind of a small vague write up. Unfortunatly I don't have anything, what I got sounds like it's pretty much about what happened with Ellmeister/dyson/esequiel.

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Ell, who have you targeted (all game)?


What, so we got three non-mafia killers now? No way. I assume the one who killed esequiel is good, danny is neutral, then Nintendohnut has to be mafia.


Vote: Nintendohnut


Rez, haven't I come out with information every single day? I dream about something that happened that night. Like some kind of a small vague write up. Unfortunatly I don't have anything, what I got sounds like it's pretty much about what happened with Ellmeister/dyson/esequiel.


Yeah I'm sorry, its really hard to keep track of everyone in such a huge game.


(And Tales, what was it anyway?)

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Hang on, does it look like Diageo was roleblocked or something? Who the hell would roleblock one of the only confirmed townies (i.e. rhetorical).



So have you been protecting people every day?


From night 3 when I regained my memories, yes.


Night 3: Dazz - Our only known cop at that time

Night 4: Myself - Part of the plan with Nintendohnut

Night 5: Myself - Diageo convinced me before the day ended that it was safer to protect myself than risk the mafia going for me, a townie killer, while I was trying to kill Dohnut

Night 6: Cube, but redirected to ReZ by jayseven (he claimed Flink, though)

Night 7: Flink

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About killing Esequiel: if both Dohnut and Dannyboy deny it, could it have been Zell? Maybe he stole something from Dohnut/Dannyboy which allowed him to kill? iirc that's how his power works. Or else there's yet another killer, which sounds ridiculous...


Not a bad idea. But aren't people told if they've been stolen from? I haven't had any mentions of people stealing from me, I'm afraid.


What, so we got three non-mafia killers now? No way. I assume the one who killed esequiel is good, danny is neutral, then Nintendohnut has to be mafia.


We have two confirmed non-mafia killers. If Dohnut is telling the truth about not killing last night, there must be a third, though, since I did not do it, either.


I'm still good, by the way, unless what you're saying is just what you believe yourself. In which case there's not much I can do about it, except repeat that you're wrong.

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Oh ReZ, how many times must I tell you?


I am the adoptive son of my previous character, the butler. I am also a butler - the apple appears not to have fallen far from the tree. I am a power cop. I'm currently at Uni until saturday so I won't go through all my targets (AGAIN) so if you want them you can trawl through the thread ;) have fun. Also, if it helps, heroicjanitor turned out to be my adoptive sister and he was town.


And for the record I voted for Marcamillian but removed my vote because I believed his whole 'lord James is after the throne thing' :(


I'm interested to know what you found out about chairdriver.

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