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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Also, if that was Flink hurrying away with the key, who is the note writer?


They are not necessarily two different people. It could be that the keys are passed on in case anything happens.


In fact, could Angus still have the same goal as last time? To get the queen? In that case, the keys are what he's after, not majority. It means there's no regular mafia, only one powerful player who needs to find the five keys to win!


Though, it does beg the question why he didn't get hold of Eenuh's key immediately. Either it was a failsafe in her role, or whoever received the key intevened in some way.

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I seem to have been roleblocked again. But I am not angered, as this was only mildly impeding. Although I don't have any information, I do know that it is very likely that the person who roleblocked me on day one, roleblocked me again today.


This couldn't all be just for some sort of neutral, and Angus could not act alone. He is their the leader of the mafia and the only one who can kill, or the mafia disguises themselves as Angus every night for the kill, and are themselves Scottish. Maybe a family of mafia?


It makes me suspicious of Dannyboy, and I don't care if he has come out with the info himself, as he has tried this tactic before. I would like to know if anyone is even able to target him, that's a strange ability to leave out of a role PM. But he may just have been protected.

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Good sirs! I have valuable information regarding Nintendohnut. I targeted him last night and discovered traps and knives in his room. He is a most sinister person and I do not think we should trust him.


Vote: Nintendohnut I think we may have found Angus

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I'll come out now as it appears my power is drawing some suspicion, I am indeed a protector but I work for the town. I assume I am considered a rough protector because I am Jack Bradford, a street brawler.


On the first night I attempted to protect myself. It failed, as I tripped over a table.

On the second night, I protected Ellmeister.

Last night I opted not to target anyone. It was not through inactivity, it was a choice. I know not who to trust.


Now, if I was a mafia urchin, would I not be protecting one of my own each night?



Unfortunately I realise this has completely opened me up to the mafia and I will likely be dead come the next day phase. I can only hope that there is one like me out there to help me out in this time of need.


In the mean time, I will Vote: Nintendohnut.

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I seem to have been roleblocked again. But I am not angered, as this was only mildly impeding. Although I don't have any information, I do know that it is very likely that the person who roleblocked me on day one, roleblocked me again today.


This couldn't all be just for some sort of neutral, and Angus could not act alone. He is their the leader of the mafia and the only one who can kill, or the mafia disguises themselves as Angus every night for the kill, and are themselves Scottish. Maybe a family of mafia?


It makes me suspicious of Dannyboy, and I don't care if he has come out with the info himself, as he has tried this tactic before. I would like to know if anyone is even able to target him, that's a strange ability to leave out of a role PM. But he may just have been protected.


I don't really ask you to trust me, though - I ask you to trust Jonnas not to have done something as unfair as to make me the number one bad guy again.


That being said, I am able to dispel suspicions directed at me should the need rise to pressing levels. For now, though, I find it best to stay silent in this regard, and I do say I believe we have more interesting leads to follow. Don't you agree?


Good sirs! I have valuable information regarding Nintendohnut. I targeted him last night and discovered traps and knives in his room. He is a most sinister person and I do not think we should trust him.


Vote: Nintendohnut I think we may have found Angus


The sinister part, did you add that yourself? Or did you discover that as well?


In any case:


Vote: Nintendohnut


How curious. Was the wearer of the Sir Nut of Dough mask not the leader of the Black Masks last time?

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I don't really ask you to trust me, though - I ask you to trust Jonnas not to have done something as unfair as to make me the number one bad guy again.


That being said, I am able to dispel suspicions directed at me should the need rise to pressing levels. For now, though, I find it best to stay silent in this regard, and I do say I believe we have more interesting leads to follow. Don't you agree?




The sinister part, did you add that yourself? Or did you discover that as well?


In any case:


Vote: Nintendohnut




How curious. Was the wearer of the Sir Nut of Dough mask not the leader of the Black Masks last time?


I just want to point out that no-one should take this as having any relevance at all. This could all be one big lie and I have no reason to believe nor disbelieve Jonnas wouldn't ironically make you the murderer again.


Also, my character is quite topically given, though it has nothing to do with the previous game so if anything, this proves that Jonnas may make your character so as well.

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I just want to point out that no-one should take this as having any relevance at all. This could all be one big lie and I have no reason to believe nor disbelieve Jonnas wouldn't ironically make you the murderer again.


Also, my character is quite topically given, though it has nothing to do with the previous game so if anything, this proves that Jonnas may make your character so as well.


As we have already established, my character is definitely also topically given. That does in no way mean I'm actually Angus. I also fully realise it proves absolutely nothing, but you have to admit it would be a bit evil of Jonnas to make me Angus again. He knows I'd be a suspect from the beginning in any case.

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I think it'd make sense to have the same player a returning character. In the big baddies case anyway; because there'd be a sense of "Nah, he wouldn't do that" that you could fall back on and also the town may have a hard time believing it as well. I certainly don't think it's out of the question.

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I agree with Ellmeister and Dyson. There is no reason for us to believe you area good or bad just because of what Jonnas might or might not have done. I suspect you because you were pushed over for being/looking like Angus and someone claimed you can't be targeted.


The Peeps, care to elaborate any more on what you have, if anything, just to prove you are not being coerced into saying such things.

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I'd rather wait to hear what Nintendohnut has to say before voting him.


Meanwhile, I have thought a bit about ReZ's theory and I do actually think the same. I think there are few to no mafia in the voting of Mundi as well. I'm going to look at the vote differences between the first and second day and see if I find anything. I'll post if I think I've found something out.

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I think it'd make sense to have the same player a returning character. In the big baddies case anyway; because there'd be a sense of "Nah, he wouldn't do that" that you could fall back on and also the town may have a hard time believing it as well. I certainly don't think it's out of the question.


I do see your point, but I can't really say anything to it. We both have valid points. It's up to the people to decide.


Rest assured, though, that I am able to defend myself against eventual accusations. I just don't deem it necessary yet.

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Nintendohnut has traps and knives in his room. He has the ability to kill.


I suspect him to be Angus.


Someone mentioned a theory earlier that Angus may be the only 'enemy' in the game and that his goal is to get all the keys rather than kill everyone. I'm quite inclined to believe this may be the case although maybe Angus is neutral and there is still a mafia to face.

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