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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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That post by Zell says Jayseven may have redirected him? Do we have confirmation of that. Because if he was redirected, (by an evil) then they wouldn't redirect and roleblock him (i.e. Mundi innocent)




Until this post I was willing to go with Mundi. Why is there now a suggestion that he may not be evil?

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That post by Zell says Jayseven may have redirected him? Do we have confirmation of that. Because if he was redirected, (by an evil) then they wouldn't redirect and roleblock him (i.e. Mundi innocent)




It was confirmed that Jay redirected him.


Until this post I was willing to go with Mundi. Why is there now a suggestion that he may not be evil?


If anything, it makes jay look innocent.

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Until this post I was willing to go with Mundi. Why is there now a suggestion that he may not be evil?


In the post he just quoted, Zell states that he was redirected before he was interrogated.


Usually redirection is a mafia power.


If the redirector doesn't come forward, then its (relatively) safe to assume Mundi is evil.


If the redirector (comes forward) or we already know about them (can't remember), then it is (relatively) safe to assume that Mundi may or may not be evil.



Basically....I don't know. But....I Aqui1a's power seems pretty explicit in that it protects against evils as opposed to shadies, and thus....yeah. Reasonably solid.


(Yeah ignore everything I just said basically, Cube is right, it makes Jay look innocent if Mundi is...evil....slash....) ?

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Its the way that I get my info that makes it look shady, nothing else makes me look evil.

My power is twofold, of course there is going to be a catch to it, I doubt the mafia would get a info gatherer/roleblocker all in one package.


If I were a mafia roleblocker, it would make no sense for me to come out and say:" I was blocked from doing my action, please stop doing that"

I did that because I'm an investigator and find it very frustrating to be blocked from getting info.


When Zell comes online he can confirm that he was interrogated and that my info on him is correct.

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I mentioned it when it became important to talk about it, coming out with all this info at once just paints a bigger target on my back.

Not my greatest move but I felt like I would appear desperate by claiming to have numerous power to seem more important to town.


Right now Aqui1la has all but confirmed that I can roleblock and Zell can confirm my investigative power.

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Even with your powers confirmed it doesn't prove you're good.


Then I would like to re-iterate the point i just made.

I have a twofold power, having some sort of catch to it should be obvious.

I'm not saying that it confirms any sort of innocence, but it hints towards it.


It wouldn't be the first time.

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Interesting indeed. Could it be that Mundi's power has negative connotations, or are either Aqui1a or Dazz just lying?


I'm not lying, I promise but I'm not going to write walls of texts trying to tell you I'm not lying like I used to. I'm voting for Mundi basically because of what ReZ found out. I know that Diageo and ReZ are good guys and if anybody think I'm lying, so be it but I assure you, I am not since I have no reason to. Also, if anybody wants to investigate what side I am on, please feel free. Also, I know, at this moment right now, I can trust ReZ but I just don't trust Mundi.


Sorry dude.


Vote: Mundi

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On the mundi issue...


Aqui1as description of his power does sound like he's a mafia specific roleblocker. BUT... I like the idea of having someone with the ability of finding out peoples names. In a game where characters are seeming to be interconnected and closely tied to characters last time round it could be useful to know who people are, especially if we can guess what powers the characters have. Using character names rather than usernames gives us a way to co-ordinate night actions without the mafia being able to interfere as they won't know who to target.


Having said all that... will only work if we know the powers the characters have.



On the write-up...


There is a lot of fuss made if this really is a straight kill. Between "weighed up his options" and the missing body there's gotta be something more going on here. Is it unheard of to have a "dead" player that is still around for night activities?

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Seeing as I can not say much more to help my case then I can only suggest one thing:

Investigate me, we apparently have some who can see who is good and evil and we have someone that can prevent his target from having his powers affected negatively.


Its better than lynching an investigator.


On the mundi issue...


Aqui1as description of his power does sound like he's a mafia specific roleblocker. BUT... I like the idea of having someone with the ability of finding out peoples names. In a game where characters are seeming to be interconnected and closely tied to characters last time round it could be useful to know who people are, especially if we can guess what powers the characters have. Using character names rather than usernames gives us a way to co-ordinate night actions without the mafia being able to interfere as they won't know who to target.


If character names can help then I hope this it helps my case:

I am Sergeant Micheal Connor, I was trained by Manleigh and Cambell in the British Army but felt like the methods of Cambell were too soft in his investigation.

I did not think much of this, seeing as I did not take part in the last game.

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I'm still not sure Mundi is evil. We've had rough roleblockers before on the town's side. It's not uncommon.


That's what I think, which is why I'm currently not voting for him. I'm not convinced yet that he's evil...

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