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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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As for the other person who targeted you Rez, I am responsible for that :) I protected you from Mundi (I only know it was him because he said so). One thing thing is clear though which is he didn't try to kill you. Although, my PM did say I 'prevented someone suspicious' from entering your room.


I targeted you and found out you were good.


I want to give thanks to the athletic person blocking me :blank:


So last night I found out that these three targeted me.


And Mundi was the only one to not reveal what they were doing whereas the investigator and protector (two of the most important town roles) came forward....and the fact that Mundi is "suspicious".


So Gentlemen Mundi, what were you going to do to me?


Vote : Mundi

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So last night I found out that these three targeted me.


And Mundi was the only one to not reveal what they were doing whereas the investigator and protector (two of the most important town roles) came forward....and the fact that Mundi is "suspicious".


So Gentlemen Mundi, what were you going to do to me?


Vote : Mundi


Take you too my room and interrogate you.

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I can protect people from anything, apart from being killed.


Just to check, what type of protection exactly (how is the protection power described).....because if Dazz was able to investigate me and discovered me good, then I feel suspicious that it would stop Mundi if his is (albeit an interrogation as he says) but still...seems curious.

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Just to check, what type of protection exactly (how is the protection power described).....because if Dazz was able to investigate me and discovered me good, then I feel suspicious that it would stop Mundi if his is (albeit an interrogation as he says) but still...seems curious.

Interesting indeed. Could it be that Mundi's power has negative connotations, or are either Aqui1a or Dazz just lying?

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Just to check, what type of protection exactly (how is the protection power described).....because if Dazz was able to investigate me and discovered me good, then I feel suspicious that it would stop Mundi if his is (albeit an interrogation as he says) but still...seems curious.


I did miss something. I can protect against the work of nefarious roleblockers, misdirectors, and other ill-meaning individuals though I can't protect against killers.

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Well that seems pretty conclusive to me.


Chageth vote : Mundi


So if we are to trust Aqui1a, then Mundi is wicked.


This seems solid enough, although I wonder why Aqui1a hasn't spoken up about it sooner.


I'm going to Vote:Mundi


He possibly didn't have anything, and he's a protector, so why would he? Combining his power with the reverse track I had last night has become useful.

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I'll also Vote: Mundi. However I can confirm that he is correct about Oliver existing. Although he said that he only spoke to the bartender and one other person, which is jay and me, so his story doesn't quite fit.

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Did your PM also mention where you met Oliver? Or that he was a servant?


I met him on the hallway, took him to his room and interrogated him.

I targeted Zell so he can confirm this for me.


I got redirected (possibly by jayseven). On my way to my original target, I was offered a drink by someone and as a consequence I got shitfaced, started talking to the barman and another person and ended up deciding to change my target to heroicjanitor.


Not that it mattered, before I got there I was attacked, brought back to my own room and interrogated.


I assure you I wasn't scheming anything.


When I target people they get roleblocked for the night so that is the "nefarious" part of my role.

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