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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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We can lynch Tales at a less critical time, ie when we've ridded ourselves of Smeagol, who we've known for ages is mafia.


What? Where did we ever get that from? We haven't got anything solid on Smeagol, either, which makes me wonder about you alot. I'm telling you what I have on Tales is solid, he IS mafia. Why are you so reluctant, chair?

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I wonder what's nekst.


"Sméagol is mafia! You had no idea about this!!!"


I'm sorry but we didn't ever say "You didn't know about Eddie!", we just simply confirmed she was Mafia, just like we're confirming you are Mafia.


I'm not really sure why you're pushing so hard Danny, surely you can just kill any suspect you want at night?


Oh wait, I do understand. You're mafia, and need this lynch to win. Which is why we can't lynch Tales. Lynch Smeagol, Dazz or Danny. Preferably Smeagol, because he's participated least.


You're being ridiculous. If you lynch Smeagol (unsure about Smeagol but there's nothing solid on him), me or Danny, the Mafia will win by decreasing the numbers of Town.


You know what I think, Chair? I think you know Tales is Mafia because you are Mafia too. You're panicking because the Mafia numbers are declining. Will you be the only Mafia left or will there only be a couple left? See, throwing accusations can work both ways.


Lynch Tales. He's true Mafia.


We can lynch Tales at a less critical time, ie when we've ridded ourselves of Smeagol, who we've known for ages is mafia.


Tales is Mafia, how could it be less critical? You'd rather lynch someone who hasn't exactly been confirmed as Mafia instead of lynching someone who 100% is. Now I'm starting to think there's something dodgy with you but right now, I don't care because I just want people to trust me and vote for Tales. If I'm Mafia, why on Earth would I want to kill my own teammate? There's no logical sense to any of this!


Flink it's pretty much down to you, please use your double vote on Smeagol. The town loses if you don't.


Don't listen to him Flink, I swear that if you are Town, you'll regret it. Tales IS Mafia, I 110% promise you this. I can't account for Smeagol because I don't know about him but I know that Tales is Mafia and I promise, if we ever do reach majority, you'll see that he's Mafia and that I've been telling the truth this whole time.


Look, all the mafia are voting for Tales, all the town for Smeagol.


As Rihanna says in the first line of her song, Take A Bow:


You look so dumb right now...


chair, you've gone mad.


Makeshift Thanks (would put the picture on but not sure if I can post pictures in the game).

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Vote: Tales


He was not in his room when Flink targeted him.


What do we know about Tales? His power is to be asleep. What happened when Chairdriver tried to enhance him? He was already asleep. Why wasn't he in his room when Flink targeted him? Because he's dead. Angus killed him for his mask.


Tales is Angus.


At least that's my theory, had all day to think about it ;P

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Dazz and Rummy, why won't you guys cut to the chase and just explain how you were able to get your "correct results"?


If you think that by giving this info out you will be in danger, then you are wrong. You are already in danger, whether you give out this info or not. Either you guys know something, in which case the mafia will be drawn to you, or you're bullshitting and are either neutral or mafia, in which case you're playing us.


So, you tell me how you got these powers, and I'll give you my vote. You will have my trust if you answer me this.



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For the record I want to vote for Tales, but I refuse to do so before hearing from Dazz/Rummy on whatsup. Sozilol/I'm not apologising.


That's what I was trying to get out of them for the whole of the last day phase. They've pretty much confirmed that our deductions are right, they just won't say it themselves, even though we've all offered protection.


For the record, I think I can trust them, but I am voting for Tales on my own instincts/analysis of the game rather than what Dazz and Rummy are saying.


Also, I would update epic post, but it's on my PC (with no internets atm, need to find a wire), and I'm on my laptop, so you're gonna have to wait a bit for EPIC POST - The ultimate reference tool for Jonnas' epic thriller - Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance © PLC LTD BA Ma BSc Hons pHd Lolwtflmaoooo R ARTICHOKE etc etc etc.

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That's what I was trying to get out of them for the whole of the last day phase. They've pretty much confirmed that our deductions are right, they just won't say it themselves, even though we've all offered protection.


I want to vote Tales as well. But, I'm very uneasy on this due to the way Dazz and Rummy are acting. If they just came out with the info, then we can vote, lynch a mafia and move on to the next one.

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Flink. Please. There were 26 players at the start of the game. That means there's roughly in the region of 7 or 8 mafia. We've killed 2 for certain, and I have a feeling that Marc's weird facemask death was a result of the con artsists power. Either way, there's 4, 5 or 6 mafia left.


There are 12 players left. We lynch one today. There are 11 players left. They kill someone tonight. 10 players left, with 6 as a majority. Either they have a majority vote, which means the mafia win, or we don't have enough votes to reach a majority, which means the mafia also win.


It's imperative the town lynch a mafia member today.


Why do you think it's so hard to get a lynch on Smeagol, and so easy to get a lynch on Tales? Why do you think everyone's pressuring on Tales, and no one seems to care about the fact Ell blocked Smeagol on the night there was no kill?


Because Tales is a scapegoat. The mafia need to lynch him to win. And they don't care that he'll come up as town, because by the time it comes back to a lynch they'll have already won.


It's pretty clear mr-paul is mafia. Sorry to metagame, but it's clear the mafia were sending in aqui1a's targets for the period up until he was replaced, otherwise Jonnas would have replaced him much sooner.


mr-paul is backing up Dannyboy, who's backing up Dazz, who's backing up mr-paul, who's backing up Rummy etc etc, whilst none of them are actually adding anything to the thread, apart from conflagerating information that other people have given, twisting it and obsessing over minutae until we've lost sight of the big picture.


At this point, I'm not too bothered if I win or lose, I just reserve the right to say "I told you all."

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Flink, if I tell you, do you absolutely honest you'll double-vote Tales?


At this point, I'm not too bothered if I win or lose, I just reserve the right to say "I told you all."


To which you'll absolutely fail because I'm not Mafia. I reserve the right to say "I told you all" if we reach a majority on Tales....

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Alright, Chair. I've read your post and I've taken it into account.


Dazz, I want to hear your explanation. I'm not promising anything until I hear this first. For all I know, it could be horseshit.


So, it looks like its down to this. Smeagol or Tales. Post away, Dazz.

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[..] If we get nothing solid today, I shall follow chair's example and vote for Sméagol since he's blatantly the most suspicious currently.



Let's vote Smeagol who we've known is mafia for ages. Ell blocked him on the night there was no kill.

It wasn't me. You disregard the fact there was also someone protected that night, that must have stopped the kill. Perhaps Dannyboy can tell us if his traps leave any indication of being used on a particular night? If yes, he can shed some light on this.


Being diplomatic, I'd prefer to lynch Smeagol first, because he's been least involved, and therefore deserves to win least.

From anyone else I'd say they have a point, but you haven't been involved a lot yourself, especially not in the beginning. You've been only posting since people started asking you questions. I didn't feel like posting a lot anymore after day 1, but I generally posted at least to say how uneventful my night has been, and I have responded to any queries directed at me.

[..] than people like Smeagol whose whole stories relied on Eddie being honest about what she had done (which she probably wasn't).[..]

You've been saying this a few times and this annoys me. I only state what my PM's tell me, if I ever get one. I mean, my abilities have been confirmed multiple times now. How hard is it to believe I have been roleblocked that night? Nobody has reported anything stolen, and if they did, it was Zell.

They're obviously using this as an poorly eksecuted ekscuse.


Off-topic but please stop this.

I investigated Smeagol last night and didn't find anything. The PM however did hint that I should have found something...


I dunno what to make of that. Perhaps because I'm a thief but haven't succesfully stolen anything. Are there any other details you can give? I honestly wouldn't know why you should get something from me.

This really is ridiculous to listen to. Why would I waste my night power on killing someone who's so obviously mafia when we can lynch him instead?

Ehm, that's weird reasoning actually. Although it's perhaps in my best interest to not point that out, oh well.




And I forgot to add:


I think Dazz is bluffing, but I consider it good play actually, making himself useful that way. I think between him and Tales, I'd go for Tales (because of his defense of Eddie, and his ridiculous 2nd mafia theory).


Although I'm even more inclined to go for Chair. I can understand why I'm slightly suspicious, but he's trying way to hard to get me lynched for mostly the wrong reasons.


I should've gone after him last night, although it wouldn't have mattered. Because I was roleblocked again. But oyu probably won't believe it.

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OK, let's entertain the prospect that Tales is mafia. Who are his team-mates? The people that have defended him, most likely. So me. And Zell. And maybe ReZ.


All three of us have been shown to be trustworthy, one way or another.



It makes NO sense for Tales to be mafia. It makes every bit of sense that Smeagol is mafia. Why is he not posting? Because he doesn't need to. Because it would incriminate him further.


Why is Dannyboy et al conveniently overlooking all the accusations against Smeagol? Because why would they entertain accusations against their team-mate?


They've assumed position of run-this-town information brokers. Which is why I'm not giving any info to them. Because scum need to know info, where townies can smell lies a mile off.

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Chairdriver thinks mr-paul is mafia so we really shouldn't be listening to him lol.


Dazz and Rummy are being weird but I happen to agree with them about Tales. I think he is mafia. His power involves being asleep but he wasn't in his room when Flink targeted him. I think he wasn't in his room because Angus killed his teammate and took his mask for himself. Which is why Angus is still around even though we lynched Marcamillian. Tales is Angus.

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