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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Not a bad idea. But aren't people told if they've been stolen from? I haven't had any mentions of people stealing from me, I'm afraid.




We have two confirmed non-mafia killers. If Dohnut is telling the truth about not killing last night, there must be a third, though, since I did not do it, either.


I'm still good, by the way, unless what you're saying is just what you believe yourself. In which case there's not much I can do about it, except repeat that you're wrong.


I keep forgetting/don't care which one of you is neutral.


My point is if neither of you killed him, then there's a third killer. Or actually a fourth since Angus killed too. That's too many. One you has to be lying, about esequiel or something else. I don't understand why you wouldn't claim to be the one to kill Esequiel even if you didn't. Sounds like a perfect opportunity.

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My point is if neither of you killed him, then there's a third killer. Or actually a fourth since Angus killed too. That's too many. One you has to be lying, about esequiel or something else. I don't understand why you wouldn't claim to be the one to kill Esequiel even if you didn't. Sounds like a perfect opportunity.


Because lying about it would be a one-way ticket to the gallows if I was caught out on it? Seriously, if you're a townie, it's stupid to lie. You should only lie if it helps the town as a whole, and come out with it if necessary, as I did with my protector power. Lying for your own benefit is sure to get you killed if found out, and I have plenty of suspicion on me as it is.


Besides, lumping me in with Dohnut is not really fair to either of us. We're similar, yes, but not identical.

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About killing Esequiel: if both Dohnut and Dannyboy deny it, could it have been Zell? Maybe he stole something from Dohnut/Dannyboy which allowed him to kill? iirc that's how his power works. Or else there's yet another killer, which sounds ridiculous...


No, because when I went to Nintendohnut's room I stole bear traps.


Anyway, I've got some info. On Night 6, on my way to Esequiel's room I stepped on a tripwire and got caught in a net. Last night, the same thing happened, only this time on my way to EddieColslaw's room. I think we can assume that both were protected by the same person.


Hypothesis: the person who set these traps is mafia. Since Esequiel was mafia, it's very likely that he was protected by a teammate. Which now leads me to believe that EddieColslaw is mafia.


Vote: EddieColeslaw


I'll only take my vote off if this protector comes forward. If he doesn't, then we can assume he or she is mafia.

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GUYS. Seriously. I've been confirmed to have a beneficial power to the town. I'm not answering questions for a reason. Because the less the mafia know, the less they can fuck with my power.


I don't understand this game. People are being so cautious and overanalysing everything to the point where we're not lynching people who we know can kill! WE NEED TO LYNCH PEOPLE WHO CAN KILL TO WIN THE GAME. And if they're town (which I severely doubt multiple people are), they better have a pretty good explanation why.



So. Can Nintendonut kill? Yes. We've established that.

Is Nintendohnut town? No, he's claimed to be neutral.



IT'S. A. FUCKING. NO. BRAINER. And I'm 90% sure he's mafia anyway. Deal with life. I'll answer questions when we don't have a queue of people we have to kill first.

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Crazy theory here (probably not right), but what if chairdriver enhanced the mafia killer or something, meaning they could kill twice during the (next) night? And they somehow got redirected to one of their own when doing one of the kills...

Yeahhhhh doesn't sound right haha. Nevermind.



I don't know. Seems weird to have another killer on the run. May just have been Nintendohnut or Danny, don't know if there's a way to figure out who it was...

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Sorry chair but when you argument is 'deal with life' and 'it's a fucking no brainer' you'll forgive me for completely ignoring you.


All I can say is that Esequiel was trying hard to get me lynched yesterday. The mafia are clearly seeing this as an excuse to lower the majority and bring them closer to the win. Also I am clearly a threat to them if they want to get rid of me so badly.


This will be the third (or fourth?) day now in which a few people have concentrated on getting me lynched to the point where all other information is completely ignored. This is a massive waste of time and is clearly a tactic that mafia are using to help them get through days unnoticed. I'm not saying everyone who is voting for me is mafia: just that they will leap on townie votes to pass the day without a mafia lynch.


I have already said I'm not killing. I can prove I didn't kill Esequiel - I have already said if I don't kill Amgus I will be revealed in the write-up. I know it's only my word on it, but I could prove it by killing tonight. I won't, without the towns permission, but doing so would show that I am not lying.


Tales - your point about 'if there are three killers then that means Dohnut must be evil and Danny must be neutal' is not only massively flawed, it's also based on absolutely no information whatsoever and is entirely made up. You've already said you don't like me (thanks for that, by the way) but coming up with ridiculous, baseless theories about why I 'must be' mafia is pointless. It makes me think you're actually a mafioso more and more; all that comment did was confuse matters even more.


I can kill Tales tonight if people want me to prove it wasn't me who killed Esequiel? LOL joking. Chill.


Crazy theory here (probably not right), but what if chairdriver enhanced the mafia killer or something, meaning they could kill twice during the (next) night? And they somehow got redirected to one of their own when doing one of the kills...

Yeahhhhh doesn't sound right haha. Nevermind.



I don't know. Seems weird to have another killer on the run. May just have been Nintendohnut or Danny, don't know if there's a way to figure out who it was...


I've run out of thanks today, but thanks


This is actually an excellent point. Perhaps a mafia killer gained an extra kill, but the person they targeted were being targeted by a target switcher of some kind? Then, their target would be switched to that persons second target, which just happened to be Esequiel? It's certainly an option, considering neither me or Dannyboy (apparently) killed him.


Chair - by your 'we have to lynch people who can kill to win' you also need to lynch Dannyboy, and he is apparently a townie. Are you saying we should all lynch a townie as well?


Vote: chairdriver


Pressure vote to find out the answer to questions people have been asking. The whole 'I'm not revealing as it would help the mafia' line is old and tired.

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Crazy theory here (probably not right), but what if chairdriver enhanced the mafia killer or something, meaning they could kill twice during the (next) night? And they somehow got redirected to one of their own when doing one of the kills...

Yeahhhhh doesn't sound right haha. Nevermind.



I don't know. Seems weird to have another killer on the run. May just have been Nintendohnut or Danny, don't know if there's a way to figure out who it was...


I actually had a similar theory earlier when I was (sick), but it was a bit more convuluted. I even wrote it out but stopped because it made no sense (when I realised a mafia died) but it was basically (Chair enhanced himself so he could target two peopel..e.a..a.ed.ae.a.e.a....even now it doesn't make sense/I've found another hole.


Chair, I don't see how pointing out your previous targets helps the mafia.


I'm extremely willing to follow Zell on the lynch of Eddie. And we need to find (other?) roleblocker, or at least find out from Diageo what happened to him.


Chair,.....the only kill that the (killers) have made is a mafia, so I don't see the problem at the moment.

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But the mafia trying to off you only proves that you're not mafia. What I fear is still that you're a neutral who can steal our win.


Also, the point about you not showing up: How do we know you don't have a secondary list of targets that won't reveal you - like I had in the previous game? You could have simply taken a chance based on voting patterns.


I'm afraid it doesn't look that good for you in my eyes, currently. Though I disagree entirely with chair's rationale, and I still want him to reveal his info. Also, I think it's worth pursuing Zell's theory about the net-protector and EddieColeslaw.

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Tales - your point about 'if there are three killers then that means Dohnut must be evil and Danny must be neutal' is not only massively flawed, it's also based on absolutely no information whatsoever and is entirely made up. You've already said you don't like me (thanks for that, by the way) but coming up with ridiculous, baseless theories about why I 'must be' mafia is pointless. It makes me think you're actually a mafioso more and more; all that comment did was confuse matters even more.


I can kill Tales tonight if people want me to prove it wasn't me who killed Esequiel? LOL joking. Chill.


I don't know if this is even worth commenting. I have a theory about a self claimed neutral killer with unconfirmed background stories and now I need to be killed.


Aaaaaaaaaaaand now I just noticed the white tekst. Funny.


If you want to kill, I suggest the one coming behind me. He is larger and bigger.


Remove vote


What's your theory anyway? Someone must be the killer and it baffles me why no one wants to come forward as someone who killed a mafia.

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Hmm I just went back through the write-ups (well one of them) and I noticed that during night 5, MadDog got killed. But also, Cube claimed he was targeted by a killer which he defended himself against...


So there's another killer around?

Or one of the known killers isn't telling the truth...

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Changevote: Nintendohnut


Obviously just a theory but I think he wrongly guessed that Esequiel was Angus and tried to kill him, then lied about it. No one else is coming forward as the killer and I believe Dannyboy over Nintendohnut - who we know is neutral.


ReZ was there any reason for questioning chairdriver? I got the impression that you think he's evil or something.

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Someone must be the killer and it baffles me why no one wants to come forward as someone who killed a mafia.


This ... is actually a very good point. I know that I didn't do it (you only have my word for it, of course), but Dohnut has a reason for not coming forward - because it would mean certain death. Even with 26 players, I personally doubt there'd be more than two non-mafia killers.


I'm pretty suspicious of Dohnut at the moment. Still, I agree with him that we shouldn't waste this day focusing solely on him. I'd much rather see a scumnag than a neutral dead at this point.

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Okay, I couldn't garner much at all from Esequiels posts. My suspicion of Aqui1a was a reasonable non starter. He is that quasy-protector and Esequiel remembered him first on one occasion. Lewl.


My main suspects right now in order are;







And to a lesser extent





Chair I find it suspicious that you (A aren't listing targets and claiming it will only help conspiracy theorists) and (B you mentioned you targeted me yesterday and got trapped, which is common knowledge and thus an easy claim).


Sméagol was accused by Esequiel, so its safe to assume he is town.


And also Chair the fact that so few people have come forward as having been enhanced. Cube and I are possibly the only successful targets of yours apparently.

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Okay, I couldn't garner much at all from Esequiels posts. My suspicion of Aqui1a was a reasonable non starter. He is that quasy-protector and Esequiel remembered him first on one occasion. Lewl.


My main suspects right now in order are;







And to a lesser extent





Chair I find it suspicious that you (A aren't listing targets and claiming it will only help conspiracy theorists) and (B you mentioned you targeted me yesterday and got trapped, which is common knowledge and thus an easy claim).


Sméagol was accused by Esequiel, so its safe to assume he is town.


And also Chair the fact that so few people have come forward as having been enhanced. Cube and I are possibly the only successful targets of yours apparently.


Smeagol could just as well be neutral. I thought he said he was?


Also like I said before, on night 5 there has been a double murder attempt as well (one failed). So that must mean last night's killer also tried to kill on that night. Getting more and more suspicious of Nintendohnut, unless we have another killer amongst us. Which I hope not.

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