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Super Smash Bros Brawl Mafia II - The Game Begins


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Also does nobody notice Chairdriver's silence, compared to his previous reveal? To talk for such a thing, but not then find/follow interest in the game, I find it strange.


(also i've totally been watching code gheass and drinking...ZERO!)


If I ever get something then I'll say so. My passive "power" just makes it quite unlikely.


Passive? So you do nothing of a night? Or nothing actively?

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So you have an active power that you may use of a night time, with a passive power that takes precedence if activated? Offer anything on either, or what you might have done last or previous nights? It makes me think of Ness or Lucas with their pk and shielding abilities, though I don't know how much I'd call that passive, something about them as characters does really make me think of them as more passive than anyone else, though really it should be someone with a counter.

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So you have an active power that you may use of a night time, with a passive power that takes precedence if activated? Offer anything on either, or what you might have done last or previous nights?


So far I've done nothing but run away.

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Take your votes off me! There is NOTHING that proves I'm the killer or even I'm mafia. It's my word against his, yet you all believe him and not me! Am I that untrustworthy?


Esequiel, has it ever occurred to you that you might be wrong? Have you even entertained the possibilty that your info is simply wrong and I'm telling the truth?


Another thing, no-one here has defended me. If I was mafia, don't you think people at least one person would be on my side? Especially since the accusation against me is flimsy at best.


I don't see how results could have possibly been skewed into adding another target, so I'm game.


Vote : Zell


No. I targeted Esequiel and, evidently, someone else targeted both Jayseven and Ellmeister. Esequiel somehow found a different target, and it made it look like that I had targeted Jayseven and Ellmeister.


If I had indeed targeted Jayseven and Ellmeister, then why would I lie? The sensible thing would be to admit it.

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No. I targeted Esequiel and, evidently, someone else targeted both Jayseven and Ellmeister. Esequiel somehow found a different target, and it made it look like that I had targeted Jayseven and Ellmeister.


If I had indeed targeted Jayseven and Ellmeister, then why would I lie? The sensible thing would be to admit it.


You're right. I'm an idiot as well, could have been someone with an item.


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Haha I thought I was dead in this :p


Ok Zell vs Esequiel.


Zell claims to be Mr Game and Watch and a protector.

Esequiel claims he tracked him and found that he had targeted Ellmeister and Jayseven the night Ellmeister was killed. He is apparently certain it was Zell who killed him.


Obviously we can't be sure either way but I usually go with the tracker unless we are near the end. Zell's defence that there was a redirection isn't apparent in the write-up and I think it is less likely. With the lack of any evidence supporting Zell being a protector, Mr game and Watch or that Esequiel was redirected I think I'll leave my vote on. Even if he was Mr Game and Watch a dark figure was roleblocked on the first night when there was no kill, and being Mr Game and Watch wouldn't help his case anyway would it?

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I don't see why Zell would deny targeting two people if he did target two people, and especially when someone said he did target two people, before he himself stated how many he targeted. I'm more inclined to belive Ese got things wrong.


However, I'm hesistant to believe people who "protect against negative eects", it's too vague and to easy to claim in my opinion , but it's not enough for me to vote on him.

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Zell claims to have targeted me on night 2. I only joined the game on night 2 why would target and protect someone who had just joined?


I was not redirected, there is nothing saying I was redirected. When I targeted JAYSEVEN on night one I got a pm saying HE had been redirected away from Jonnas.


You either need to trust me, or the day ends and we lose another.

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Another thing, no-one here has defended me. If I was mafia, don't you think people at least one person would be on my side? Especially since the accusation against me is flimsy at best.


No, if you're mafia that's even more reason for people not to, to give you that perfect defense. It is in fact, to me at least, strange that no one at all has even tried to defend you.



No. I targeted Esequiel and, evidently, someone else targeted both Jayseven and Ellmeister. Esequiel somehow found a different target, and it made it look like that I had targeted Jayseven and Ellmeister.


If I had indeed targeted Jayseven and Ellmeister, then why would I lie? The sensible thing would be to admit it.


The sensible thing WOULD be to admit it...unless you killed someone, or at least had suspicious actions. Who are you, what do you do?


I don't see why Zell would deny targeting two people if he did target two people, and especially when someone said he did target two people, before he himself stated how many he targeted. I'm more inclined to belive Ese got things wrong.


However, I'm hesistant to believe people who "protect against negative eects", it's too vague and to easy to claim in my opinion , but it's not enough for me to vote on him.


What if the reason was because he was mafia and he wanted to conceal it with both a regular poweruse and a kill? He woultnt deny it thne?

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After the new posts, I still don't know. It's probably time for a re-analysis of the previous write-ups, but I don't know when Diageo is planning on ending this day? I'll leave it for tomorrow yet again, in the meantime, I'd like a votecount. And I'd also like to know where this notion that Zell is a protector comes from (@heroic?).

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