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Streets of Rage Remake

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If you are or have ever been a fan of the beat 'em up genre or Streets of Rage, get download this right away. It's free and an absolutely awesome fan remake.


The guys at Bombergames have spent 8 years on this project and I myself have followed it for roughly 5 of those years as I bought my first PC game pad solely for the game. They even received Sega's blessing around 2 years ago as pretty much every thing has been built from scratch by themselves to iron out the original bugs.


Version 5 is the final version of the remake even though the past 2 have been absolutely exceptional (It surprised me when they decided to go beyond V4, it was just that good). So here we have the ultimate work containing nearly 20 characters, over 100 stages, remixed BGM's and brand new game modes. Trust me, you will not be disappointed with this game.


Although the ports to other systems are still being worked on, there is still no word on the Wii port they had planned for those with a homebrew channel installed.

Edited by Debug Mode
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I got one of the versions of this a while back and really enjoyed it. Not sure which version it was though.


Do you play through all 100 levels in one go or is it branching path style? Will definitely check it out when I get back.


I often listen to the soundtrack on YT - the remixes of Go Straight are brilliant.

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Branching style. I just had a quick play (my god the difficulty is solid), it starts up with you choosing Streets of Rage or Streets of Rage 2 route. There will be branching levels within both of those and I think there's even a Streets of Rage 3 route which will also have branching levels. There's a few original Bomber Games levels in all of them too.


You can even customise your play style. If you preferred the SOR2 or SOR3 system rather than Bomber Games version, you can choose that. Visual style, weapon specific features etc are also changeable.


Extremely impressed considering the high bar they set in V4. I would have easily bought this game as a full priced game considering the effort and playability you can get out of it.


EDIT: Now that you mention it, I checked 'Go Straight' on youtube and had a listen. It's the V4 remix that has been changed. I think that's also the one step back they've taken from that version, the remixes on V5 seems far too.. messy. It may just be because I am too used to the originals and the previous versions mixes though, I may grow to love them but right now I'm not digging it.

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Thanks for the heads-up. I remember hearing about the remake years ago and forgot all about it until recently. I will definitely give this a go sometime (218MB download!).


You can play as Shiva!



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Been playing this today, its such a great remake with so much effort put into everything in the game. I had played this a couple of years ago and thought it was pretty much perfect then, but they've added so much now its even better. Also, I caught a little Shenmue reference on the third level with all of the arcade machines.

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Wow! This is absolutely superb!! :o


Thanks for posting, Debug Mode. :bowdown:


Absolutely no problem man. My only regret is not posting this sooner, we could have all endured the wait together haha.


Have this downloaded to play tonight.


Can't wait.


You will have a lot to play through man, they really have designed the game to be played multiple times on all difficulties just to get all the features! Never mind the playability over the years when you inevitably come back for more!

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I downloaded this earlier but haven't had a chance to play it yet. I'm trying to resist the urge. I just have to last until Friday evening and then I'm sorted. Looking forward to it though.


The file size did surprise me a little. Have they upped the sprite/background resolutions and stuff or is it just due to the sheer number of different assets for all the levels?

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I downloaded this earlier but haven't had a chance to play it yet. I'm trying to resist the urge. I just have to last until Friday evening and then I'm sorted. Looking forward to it though.


The file size did surprise me a little. Have they upped the sprite/background resolutions and stuff or is it just due to the sheer number of different assets for all the levels?


There is a lot of extra content such as character and level editors, the music is in pretty high quality too. I think it is 50mb over what the predicted a few years ago, but file size means nothing these days!

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The guys at Bomber Games have announced they're going to release a patch fixing bugs and adjusting certain aspects of the game that they forgot to wrap up heh.


They also announced they will be toning down the difficulty. Having mixed feelings about it. Although I think the game starts being immensely difficult at just the 'Normal' difficulty, I always found it fun. Kinda reminds me of the Streets of Rage 3 US & PAL difficulty!

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Am I missing something? I can no longer see the link to download it.


Edit: this is lame, links have been removed from the forum post. I don't care if it's buggy! I can deal with that. Just release a new version when it's fixed. Damn, I could've downloaded this days ago but I was waiting til I had a controller sorted for my PC.

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Am I missing something? I can no longer see the link to download it.


Edit: this is lame, links have been removed from the forum post. I don't care if it's buggy! I can deal with that. Just release a new version when it's fixed. Damn, I could've downloaded this days ago but I was waiting til I had a controller sorted for my PC.


Ah man, if it makes you feel any better it's awesome. SO SO awesome.


Grand upper!

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Am I missing something? I can no longer see the link to download it.


Edit: this is lame, links have been removed from the forum post. I don't care if it's buggy! I can deal with that. Just release a new version when it's fixed. Damn, I could've downloaded this days ago but I was waiting til I had a controller sorted for my PC.


Yeah, I'm annoyed about this too as I'm supposed to be setting it up on a friends computer today. It's not because it's buggy though, Sega have changed their stance on it on the project so it's had to be pulled for the time being.


Absolutely pathetic, they've been pretty supportive of the project over the years but now just after it has had it's final release they start fucking around about it.

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Yeah, I'm annoyed about this too as I'm supposed to be setting it up on a friends computer today. It's not because it's buggy though, Sega have changed their stance on it on the project so it's had to be pulled for the time being.


Absolutely pathetic, they've been pretty supportive of the project over the years but now just after it has had it's final release they start fucking around about it.


I've been following this since just after v4. So glad I didn't miss out on getting v5 (thank god for newsnow!) otherwise i'd be PISSED after waiting so long. I'm not surprised Sega have done a turnaround. They're probably jealous a bunch of fans have made a better game than they have in the past 10 years.

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Ooooh burn Viper!


He's definitely right though. Although the quality of Sega games have dipped, I still bought games from my favourite IP's. Despite quite a few being very fun, this remake has already topped the fun I've had with a lot of the Sega games I have bought in the past decade. (Excluding PSO, PSZ, PSPo2)


The 180 degree turn is absolutely annoying. Even though I already have the game and have it readily available to distribute to those who want it, it's just an unnecessary nuisance to Bomber Games who just want to release the game, fix the bugs and just share the good times with other fans.


Sega's official page is busy at work deleting a lot of comments calling for them to quit acting like jerks regarding the remake. Gotta love it.

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Rather than acting like arseholes, shouldn't Sega be giving these guys jobs or something.


Because they've been able to deliver something that the fans want, which Sega themselves haven't been able to do properly for a lengthy amount of time.


Also, 8 years on one project is dedication. The fans respect this. They don't respect Sega churning out game after game with little care in each one.

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