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3DS StreetPass Plaza


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Just got the last two pink pieces I needed to finish all the puzzles, only to immediately get the new puzzle. Did get a pink piece as my first piece though which is the first time I've had that happen.

I also finally got the hat for getting to the top of the ghost mansion. Only have four more hats left to get now.

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I'm at the London Expo today, so getting loads of StreetPasses as usual, but strangely finding that probably about half of the 3DSs I'm connecting with don't have StreetPass Plaza enabled! So getting loads of Pokémon hits, but nowhere near as many puzzle pieces etc as usual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had our second StreetPass event in North Wales on Sunday, where I once again helped out with proceedings, mainly running the Pokemon competitions. Turnout wasn't as great as I had hoped, mainly because a lot of the students in Bangor were finishing up their Extra Life marathons, but it was still good fun, and I finally got my hands on what I missed out on last time, a Mario Kart trophy, and also swagged £10 of eShop credit.



Jen, the main hostess, has just started up a website/blog if anyone fancies reading up or following us.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else noticed the way the streetpass relay works seems to have changed? I've been getting about 5-15 hits in town since the relays were introduced, but on Friday I got 34, and yesterday 45:o. All the relays were giving three hits at a time, and all different miis, rather than the usual problem of following the same people about. I was having to clear my plaza so often it was like being at a convention!

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Has anyone else noticed the way the streetpass relay works seems to have changed? I've been getting about 5-15 hits in town since the relays were introduced, but on Friday I got 34, and yesterday 45:o. All the relays were giving three hits at a time, and all different miis, rather than the usual problem of following the same people about. I was having to clear my plaza so often it was like being at a convention!


I have noticed some difference. I have been getting 7-10 hits for the last few days, all in groups of 3 at the same time. I like it cause I'm getting new Mii's, but then that's no good for my Streetpass Quest game as no one is higher than level 2.

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Got an amazing max number of 10 Streetpasses today when I went to pick up Zelda.


According to the notifications app, 4 were at same time and the other six a few mins later at same time so must have been from a relay.



What I found odd was 9 of them were all from the UK (one from Scotland which has completed the UK map for me) and the 10th was from the USA. Must have been a school tour group or something I guess, further evidenced by most of them having the same pink puzzle pieces....of which 3 of them had nothing new to give me but got 7 pink pieces off teh others, completed the Rythem Heaven puzzle because of it YAY


Also had a Spotpass from Eiji Aonuma and got another pink piece from him still a ways off completing another panel though

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What I found odd was 9 of them were all from the UK (one from Scotland which has completed the UK map for me) and the 10th was from the USA. Must have been a school tour group or something I guess, further evidenced by most of them having the same pink puzzle pieces....of which 3 of them had nothing new to give me but got 7 pink pieces off teh others, completed the Rythem Heaven puzzle because of it YAY


I was changing buses in a town cente on Wednesday, and during those 5 mins on the ground, snagged 10 hits from the relay zone nearby. Later I picked up a further 9 while at the cinema! The Mii's I usually get from the relays are all from Wales, and names that you recognize each time your in that area, but this time they were all from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, which confused me, so I figured they must be disturbuting random StreetPass hits out to people throughout the UK?


It's somewhat annoying if this is the case, as my StreetPass Plaza is going to reach it's max capicity, every time I enter a town or city centre (there are relay zones everywhere almost!), meaning I might miss out on genuine hits from local passerby, random kid playing 3DS in public etc


On the other hand, you can still get data for your games of course, and maybe for more of the obscure one's now too, plus the fact that it looks like I'll be clearing a full plaza more often now has tempted me to buy those extra StreetPass games ...

Edited by welsh_gamer
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It's somewhat annoying if this is the case, as my StreetPass Plaza is going to reach it's max capicity, every time I enter a town or city centre (there are relay zones everywhere almost!), meaning I might miss out on genuine hits from local passerby, random kid playing 3DS in public etc


Those "genuine" Streepasses might have been picked up and distributed by the relay so chances are you might be picking them up anyway.


The extra games are worth picking up. Takes ages to through them all though. :laughing:

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I was changing buses in a town cente on Wednesday, and during those 5 mins on the ground, snagged 10 hits from the relay zone nearby. Later I picked up a further 9 while at the cinema! The Mii's I usually get from the relays are all from Wales, and names that you recognize each time your in that area, but this time they were all from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, which confused me, so I figured they must be disturbuting random StreetPass hits out to people throughout the UK?


It's somewhat annoying if this is the case, as my StreetPass Plaza is going to reach it's max capicity, every time I enter a town or city centre (there are relay zones everywhere almost!), meaning I might miss out on genuine hits from local passerby, random kid playing 3DS in public etc


On the other hand, you can still get data for your games of course, and maybe for more of the obscure one's now too, plus the fact that it looks like I'll be clearing a full plaza more often now has tempted me to buy those extra StreetPass games ...


hhhmmm... yeah... if thatis the case not sure how I feel, on the one hand WOOT I'll get 10 passes whenever I go to the city... on the other, yeah I would feel "what if I'm missing on genuine passes"


Though as I said all the ones that did have puzzle pieces for me seemed to have all roughly the same pieces, if it was 7 random people from random places in the UK surely there'd be more differences in what pieces they had.




Ah, we'll see what happens next time I'm in the city.

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It's a little annoying, but it's good for clearing many plaza games quicker. And it's good for people whom don't get many Streetpass hits. This week, i think i've snagged close to 50 passes and a further 30 or so yesterday (these 30 were genuine as i was at a Streetpass event). I've finished Miiverse, all Puzzles are done and i'm closing in on finishing that Miiverse Battle thingy.

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I figured they must be disturbuting random StreetPass hits out to people throughout the UK?


Just seen this when looking up nearby relays:


14 Nov 2013: NEW! We've now updated the StreetPass relay point service to ensure you can receive up to 6 Mii characters' data when you visit. Meet more Mii characters than ever with this expansion of StreetPass – you might even receive data from a user from an entirely different area!


Got 6 hits this morning. After Animal Crossing and now Pokemon I've been getting a lot more hits. The AC ones seem to have dropped off though.

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