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3DS StreetPass Plaza


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Went to the Cardiff one. It just happened to be the monthly Cardiff StreetPass meetup today too, otherwise there would have been no one there in GAME. We saved the Nintendo reps hours of standing around bored doing nothing. :heh:


@Jimbob, think I got your StreetPass earlier, either at Cardiff Central or on my way towards it.


Yeah, i snagged yours as well (amongst 20 others i found today) between Cardiff and Swansea.


I will attend the next one, only missed this one due to other commitments which came up at short notice.

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It's possible to get 3 StreetPasses off 1 person in a day.


As for meetups in Bristol, there is a very small group on , but it looks pretty dead. And someone created a Bristol StreetPass group on and invited a few people, but then quit the group shortly after. ::shrug:


The interest is there, we just need someone to step up with good organisation/leadership skills to make it happen.


The mysterious person who created the original group for Bristol was me!


I have now created a new group and have no intention of abandoning it...we just need to gather the Bristolian troops and get them all signed up to the 'Bristol 3DS Streetpass Gathering' group on Facebook - let's get the Bristol Streetpass scene as good as anywhere else!!

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I'm determined to go to the next Streetpass meet for the full duration in May, get some gamings underway as such. Was interesting on Saturday, nice to chat to a few people i saw on my travels. In the case anyone saw me, i was wearing my trademark Umbro hoodie and a blue rucksack (i was wearing other clothes btw)


Edit: And i finally managed to find out whom the 3DS belonged to in work, turned out the person now sits opposite me. Had a few MK matches (used the phone internets for connection)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Animal Crossing Street pass puzzle is now GO! :)


Hmm not getting spotpass alerting me to this puzzle yet.:weep:


I still need to try and make a dent in Fire Emblem and Luigis Mansion 2 Puzzles, all my coins are going towards Find Mii 2 quest.


Edit- and now the blue light appears, no pink piece second row from the top.

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The mysterious person who created the original group for Bristol was me!


I have now created a new group and have no intention of abandoning it...we just need to gather the Bristolian troops and get them all signed up to the 'Bristol 3DS Streetpass Gathering' group on Facebook - let's get the Bristol Streetpass scene as good as anywhere else!!


Can't seem to find the new group, got a link for it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Iwata has been and dropped the bomb pink puzzle piece!!!


Got another panel done thanks to that.


Shame Nintendo don't do this once a month or something.


Rumours of Ninty doing special Mii appearances during E3 sound promising, bring on next week to find out.

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Finished Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing puzzles now thanks to a fourth E3 visitor, Tezuka. Just need one more visitor to finish Luigi's Mansion and have all the puzzles complete.

For anyone struggling for street passes, apparently we're going to be getting street pass relay stations in Europe to help make up for less people carrying 3DSs. Hopefully this should really improve the situation.


"We will achieve that by taking advantage of Wi-Fi access points and implementing a StreetPass relay feature into the Nintendo 3DS hardware.

Starbucks and McDonald’s, among others, provide about 28,000 Wi-Fi access points, which are connected automatically to Nintendo 3DS, in the U.S. and 24,000 in Europe.

We are going to perform a system update that introduces a framework that uses these access points as StreetPass relay stations by this autumn.

This will involve taking a Nintendo 3DS system in Sleep Mode to an access point which will then connect automatically and send StreetPass data to a server. At the same time, the Nintendo 3DS system also receives the StreetPass data of another user from the server. In this setting, data is not exchanged directly, but rather through a StreetPass relay station. Hence, as opposed to, say, Person A and Person B directly exchanging game data, data will be transmitted in sequence from Person A to Person B, and then onto Person C and so on. "

(Can't post links yet, but taken from the official japanese nintendo site).

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Finished Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing puzzles now thanks to a fourth E3 visitor, Tezuka. Just need one more visitor to finish Luigi's Mansion and have all the puzzles complete.

For anyone struggling for street passes, apparently we're going to be getting street pass relay stations in Europe to help make up for less people carrying 3DSs. Hopefully this should really improve the situation.




I've only had 2, Iwata and Konno, my 3DS has been on and online all E3... where are my 2 other pink pieces :mad:

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who am I missing


I have Iwata, Aonuma, Konno, Tezuka and Hayashida. Not sure why you would miss them if you've been in wifi signal range, although I know one of our 3DSs didn't trigger while shut with a game playing in sleep mode so that could be it? Either that or maybe you can't get two at a time if you haven't checked it regularly?

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I've only had 2, Iwata and Konno, my 3DS has been on and online all E3... where are my 2 other pink pieces :mad:


I also have 4, Just give it awhile I only got my 4th today I think maybe they get to different people at different times since my brother got a few before me.

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Major new update for streetpass plaza now live. Still looking what the changes are, but new games to buy, new items to collect etc. Also noticed that the limit for passing the same mii has raised as it said I'd passed the other mii's in the house 100 times as they went through. Did we know this was coming at all?


New games are StreetPass Squad, Garden, Battle and Mansion. Every time I try to look at one it crashes the software though, and looks like other people are having the same problem. Also new panels for Puzzle Swap. I've got a Xenoblade one but apparently there are more.

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Amazing new update!....Potentially. If only it didn't crash every time I tried to actually get the games! Nintendo dropped the ball there - they don't usually have problems like this! Still, the promise of four new games, plus all the new hats and StreetPass puzzles (Xenoblade! :love:) gets me more than a little excited...

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Here's a list of what the update does from Gaf.


Two kinds of games in a "bigger" Mii Plaza - ones you've already, plus ones to purchase!


We've now got a Shop, and Exchange Booth, a Check for Updates button and a new Play icon, along with a new second screen menu.


New games - Streetpass Squad, Streetpass Garden, Streetpass Battle, Streetpass Mansion.


New game selection section.


Games are bought with real money, as in eShop purchases.


Streetpass Squad is like Streetpass Quest. Takes place in space. Battle the Gold Bone Gang. Costs £4.49.


Streetpass Garden. You move in to a house in Leafington and try to become a Master Gardener, under the tutelage of Mr Mendel. Grow flowers and decorate your garden. Costs £4.49.


Streetpass Battle. Game of strategy and luck. Rule a remote country in a wartorn land. Your butler, Wentworth, helps you build an army via Streetpass to battle other generals. Ultimate goal to conquer the world! Costs £4.49.


Streetpass Mansion. Spooky paranormal investigation. You're a detective trying to solve the mystery of a haunted house, helped by your assistant Ella Mentree. You work to uncover truth with the help of people you meet inside. Battle enemies to reach the top floor. Costs £4.49.


Combo pack is only available for your first purchase and costs £13.49 (saving of £4.47). Deal only available if you buy all four at first. If you buy one on its own, the rest cost full price.


Exchange booth is locked. Clicking on it doesn't do anything yet. You'll need to earn tickets (see below) to use it.


No Xenoblade puzzle for me, but I did get a Skyward Sword one.


Playing games wins you hats and plaza tickets for achieving certain goals. Exchange these for new Mii accessories. Not available in the StreetPass Quest/Quest II or Puzzle Swap.


Get a Pixel Mario hat to commemorate :-)

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The only problem I can see (aside from it not actually working yet...) is that with Animal Crossing currently swallowing 4 play coins a day, I may now actually have to get actual StreetPasses rather than paying for Miis to appear! :wink: Looks like this is going to be a slow burner..

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The only problem I can see (aside from it not actually working yet...) is that with Animal Crossing currently swallowing 4 play coins a day, I may now actually have to get actual StreetPasses rather than paying for Miis to appear! :wink: Looks like this is going to be a slow burner..


4 coins? I know 2 are used for the cookie, but what are the other 2 used for?


EDIT: Just checked, I guess your store is upgraded. :D

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English update seems a little broken.. my Japanese 3DS's update is pretty good and everything seems to be working correctly, but something's aren't being displayed properly on my English 3DS. I can't work out from memory what's missing, but the one thing I definitely know for sure has changed is that although it displays how many pieces you've collected, it doesn't have the total possible pieces displayed afterwards.


Might compare both languages later, but I'm heading out soon.

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