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The Peeps

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"Formula 1 is shit, it's just some cars driving around the same track for hours."

Sadly true though, when you are accustomed to the greatness of throwing various coloured shells to fuck your opponent up, watching plain racing is shit. Even if Formula 1 was just for three laps it would still blow.


One for me though, when football fans put their hands on their head when someone misses.

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I hate it when people say things like "Why is football so interesting, it's just loads of men kicking a ball around for a while", or "Formula 1 is shit, it's just some cars driving around the same track for hours."


F1 is shit though, not because, "it's just some cars driving around the same track for hours" but because there's very little action, especially considering the time it takes, and it's based far too much on money and car than on driver talent. That's why I prefer rally.


The thing that annoys me with F1 is when you say to an F1 fan that it's based on amount of money and car and their reply is, "Well that's changing this season, they're restricting X." You say that every season, because they add restrictions every season. It doesn't make a difference, it's still who's got the biggest bank balance.

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You'll get it back in October.


Isn't something happening to the UK's time? Something either to do with switching from GMT or not using DST any more.


Did my own work: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/europe/uk/time/change-uk-time-zone/


Basically they want to change from GMT to Central European Time. If the UK do it Ireland probably will too.

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Well I can understand you don't want to go 30 on a 60 road but still...


I'm a learning driver and I get really annoyed when people drive their car stupidly close to mine, even though I'm (almost) hitting the speed limit. Give people a break, not everyone wants to drive fast.


Even had someone overtake me in a very sharp turn because they probably thought I was going too slow. Ridiculous and so very dangerous for both of us.


I've nearly been in a couple of accidents from people over taking on corners; it's very annoying.


Also, the speed limit changes from 60 to 30 when you got into my village, but it changed quite a bit from the main entrance (to account for a small T-junction).


So I'd always reduce speed to 30, to then have some twat in a van be up my arse.


Most times I'd sharply slam on the brakes on and off which would usually make them back off.


But yeah... that's not that sensible I suppose.

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Isn't something happening to the UK's time? Something either to do with switching from GMT or not using DST any more.


Did my own work: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/europe/uk/time/change-uk-time-zone/


Basically they want to change from GMT to Central European Time. If the UK do it Ireland probably will too.


lol looking at that link they list these potential benefits:


  1. They believe it would cut CO2 pollution significantly – the equivalent to more than 50,000 cars driving all the way round the world each year.
  2. It would make the roads safer, therefore reducing casualties.
  3. Electricity bills would be lowered by reducing peak power demand.
  4. It would create new jobs in leisure and tourism which would boost the economy.
  5. Reduction in crime.
  6. Improve the nation's health by giving people the chance to be outside more in the evening.
  7. The quality of life for older people would be significantly enhanced.
  8. It would reduce the harmful effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


Besides point 3 and possibly 6/8... I don't see how it would actually do any of the others.

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I've nearly been in a couple of accidents from people over taking on corners; it's very annoying.


Also, the speed limit changes from 60 to 30 when you got into my village, but it changed quite a bit from the main entrance (to account for a small T-junction).


So I'd always reduce speed to 30, to then have some twat in a van be up my arse.


Most times I'd sharply slam on the brakes on and off which would usually make them back off.


But yeah... that's not that sensible I suppose.


Yesterday I had my neighbour overtake me in my own street. The street is blocked off in the middle (in front of my house even) so there's no traffic luckily.

You're only allowed to go 50km/h here, which is what I was going at. But apparently he thought it was still too slow and overtook me... when he was only about 100 metres removed from his house. Geez. Some people.



I'm actually afraid of going "too slow" as people are so impatient. They drive up to you really closely with barely any space in between the cars. It makes me really nervous, which makes me make more mistakes while driving. Grr.

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Besides point 3 and possibly 6/8... I don't see how it would actually do any of the others.


Surely it would increase SAD. We already wake up in the dark in the winter months, so increasing it would mean we're in the dark for an extra hour in the morning. Sure we get it back in the evening but I think it's more important in the morning when you're waking up and trying to start your day, rather in the afternoon/evening when you're winding down and will be going to bed soon.


EDIT: So they would still go forwards an hour in the summer. What's the point in that? Surely it would make sense to move winter clocks forward an hour and keep the summer the same?

Edited by MoogleViper
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People who come to Uni just to get drunk, I've accepted them.

What annoys me are the idiots who come to Uni who have no intention to even try to learn, waiting for other people to do the work for them, and have no common sense.


Case in point, a girl in my group. She's an idiot. How she is at Uni I don't know.

I think I convinced her of two things. First that my mother is Italian and my father is Ukrainian, I grew up in China moving to England when I was 18 to to go to Uni where I learned to speak English fluently with no accent whatsoever.

Then I convinced her, using my name, that I was in fact from Chernobyl, just left of Kiev (if you check a map it's not, it's north).


She once asked who Gordon Brown was and couldn't pronounce Syria.


I can't wait to see her fail.

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Surely it would increase SAD. We already wake up in the dark in the winter months, so increasing it would mean we're in the dark for an extra hour in the morning. Sure we get it back in the evening but I think it's more important in the morning when you're waking up and trying to start your day, rather in the afternoon/evening when you're winding down and will be going to bed soon.


EDIT: So they would still go forwards an hour in the summer. What's the point in that? Surely it would make sense to move winter clocks forward an hour and keep the summer the same?



SAD isn't purely sun related ...

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But how would this change it?


More light in the evenings, when most people do things. More people do stuff after work than they do before, so more people will be experiencing more light.


I wouldn't say I get SAD badly, but I definitely get it a bit. I think having just a bit of sunlight in the evenings would help no end. I hate coming home after a hard days work and it already being dark.



Wait a fucking minute. How can they stop using Grenwich Mean Time, when Grenwich is in England? Surely just changing GMT would make more sense. Semantics I know, but it just seems silly.

Edited by Goafer
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More light in the evenings, when most people do things. More people do stuff after work than they do before, so more people will be experiencing more light.


I wouldn't say I get SAD badly, but I definitely get it a bit. I think having just a bit of sunlight in the evenings would help no end. I hate coming home after a hard days work and it already being dark.


Yes but you'd have it less in the mornings, when you need a pick me up. Not getting sunlight 'til 10am will certainly depress me.

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Yes but you'd have it less in the mornings, when you need a pick me up. Not getting sunlight 'til 10am will certainly depress me.


Yeah, but most people are getting ready for work indoors in the mornings. At least in the evenings, we have a chance to make the most of it.


SAD, to me, is more about not being able to do anything in the light. Most people tend not to do anything in the mornings before work, so the light is wasted then.


Sure a pick me up in the morning would be great, but I feel that having decent evening would be more beneficial. Coming home from work in the dark makes it feel like you've spent the whole day at work and it's almost time for bed. If it's light, it feels like you still have some of the day left.


And there is not a thing in the world that could pick me up when I have work in the next hour.

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So Greenwich will never be in the GMT time zone?


I have always found it fantastically ridiculous that it already spends half its year not in its own groundbreaking timezone.


yeah shut up all you smartys i don't know about time and maritime and all teh gay workings of gmt, it's just an awsum park okz?

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Yes but you'd have it less in the mornings, when you need a pick me up. Not getting sunlight 'til 10am will certainly depress me.


I don't mean to be cheeky or anything, but how can you comment on a condition you seem to not suffer?


Mine is temperature related.. and an hour here nor there will probably make little difference at this time o year, and i get mine in both the summer and the winter...


"The US National Library of Medicine notes that "some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and may also feel depressed. Though symptoms can be severe, they usually clear up."[4] The condition in the summer is often referred to as reverse seasonal affective disorder, and can also include heightened anxiety.[5]" (wikipedia)


You can't change the fact that the seasons are going to change, and where there's people like goaf who would appreciate the light in the evening, some want it in the morning.. so if you're basing an argument on that alone its not really conclusive, and a lot of people will probably continue to suffer or require medication whatever you do time wise.

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I don't mean to be cheeky or anything, but how can you comment on a condition you seem to not suffer?


Mine is temperature related.. and an hour here nor there will probably make little difference at this time o year, and i get mine in both the summer and the winter...


"The US National Library of Medicine notes that "some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and may also feel depressed. Though symptoms can be severe, they usually clear up."[4] The condition in the summer is often referred to as reverse seasonal affective disorder, and can also include heightened anxiety.[5]" (wikipedia)


You can't change the fact that the seasons are going to change, and where there's people like goaf who would appreciate the light in the evening, some want it in the morning.. so if you're basing an argument on that alone its not really conclusive, and a lot of people will probably continue to suffer or require medication whatever you do time wise.


But that was my point. I don't see how this is going to change SAD (or any other of their plus points). It may benefit some slightly but it will be worse for others.

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Shit adverts. Not the really shit but memorable ones (GoCompare, webuyanycar.com), but the ones which are just shit. Like the Ginsters one. I don't even get it, it's just pure shit.

The Ginsters one is trying to emulate the cringeworthy Co-Operative adverts, having someone talk to their partner through the TV instead of face to face which a working couple would.


Co-Operative refers to negativity towards the "weekly shop" because they buy stuff they don't want want/waste time in traffic/have sex on Saturdays etc. Instead they want to nip down the Co-Op every day to buy little bits. Depending on the proximity/how much you buy negates its usefulness.


For some reason the man in the Ginsters is hiding from his partner that he's been buying Ginsters as if it's something to be ashamed of. I can only assume his partner is some form of vegetarian or similar.


Either way, as you said: Pure Shit.

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