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Pokémafia 9 : Red and Blue


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Please tell me Jayseven had a double vote. He did didn't he? I'm sure that's right. That means Jonnas did not have a double vote (except that one time).


I will vote for Tales if everyone else agrees.


The night before Jonnas was lynched he was targeted by Ellmeister!


Someone say something!


Man, you're right ...


Dammit, it HAS to be Tales!

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lol mr-paul has just gone offline. Bastard!


Vote Tales


I hope I'm doing the right thing here.


That's his second vote. Only one more... I think we should still discuss it more but it has to be him.


he's back, I retract the bastard statement

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I'm still here! was just dozing off!

Are we absolutely sure?

Nintendohnut, what do you think (if you're still awake?)


I think it must be the only way. I'm gonna feel so gutted if one of you guys are mafia.

But it's been a well played game all round.

Tempted to wait to the morning and see if Tales has posted when I wake up. We do have another day.

Will be going to sleep in 10 minutes so I'm gonna have a little think about it!

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I'm not absolutely sure about anyone but I was going over it and when I thought about it, it was just so obvious....


5 people remaining. It's not me. 4 people left. It's not mr-paul. 3 people left. Dannyboy and Nintendohnut have been investigated as good. 1 person left. He has a double vote. Another mafia had a double vote. Oh snap, no he didn't. Vote Tales.



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No I'm still around, just wasn't for a little while as my gf just got home from work. Sorry guys.


I have to say I'm positive it's tales it HAS to be! I'm really nervous about putting the last vote on but to be honest we aren't going to get anywhere now, and I really think it has to be him.


Vote: Tales


Now we just have to wait for Rez...


*head explodes*

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Vote : No Lynch - 3; Brian Mcoy, EddieColeslaw, The Peeps.


Vote : Zell - 4; Cube, heroicjanitor, Jonnas, Diageo.


The Pokemon could not come to a conclusive decision and they retired to their huts. Several Pokemon lit candles for Magikarp...they placed them in the centre of the town, at the recently formed Rattata Shrine. It gleamed gently as the summer night closed in.




Current Players (20);

Brian Mcoy, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Dyson, Eenuh, Eddie Coleslaw, Ellmeister, Heroicjanitor, Jayseven, Jonnas, MadDog, Marcamillian, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Sméagol, Tales, The Peeps, Zell.


Night Two deadline is 20:45PM GMT on 15th March (23 hours)


Please send your PMs! :)


Current Players (20);

Brian Mcoy, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Dyson, Eenuh, Eddie Coleslaw, Ellmeister, Heroicjanitor, Jayseven, Jonnas, MadDog, Marcamillian, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Sméagol, Tales, The Peeps, Zell.


Majority is 11.


Vote : Zell - 7; Marcamillian, Diageo, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Nintendohnut, Jonnas, Rummy.


Majority has been reached


Vote : heroicjanitor - 9 ; Cube, MadDog, Tales, Eenuh, Ellmeister, Nintendohnut, Jonnas.


The Pokemon gathered around their target....although some of them were unsure on their target and wanted more time they were unaware that it was already too late. The Pokemon smothered their target. Taking a step back they witnessed the life fall from his face and blood spill out of his mouth.




heroicjanitor is dead. He was Machop, vengeful Neutral with a burning rage for inactivity.


Current Players (16);

Brian Mcoy, Chairdriver, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, Eddie Coleslaw, Ellmeister, Jonnas, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Sméagol, Tales, The Peeps.


Night Four deadline is 7:45AM GMT on 19th March


First post has been updated with Night (and large Day) write ups.


Current Players (15);

Brian Mcoy, Chairdriver, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, Eddie Coleslaw, Ellmeister, Jonnas, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Tales, The Peeps.


Majority has been reached


Vote : Jonnas - 8 ; Dannyboy-the-Dane, The Peeps, Diageo, MadDog, mr-paul, Cube, Jonnas.


Surrounded and with no way out of this situation, Cybernetic Mewtwo turned a gun on himself. Setting it to Particle Dispersion and Distance Reapplication mode her charge and shot himself. A bright yellow light beamed out.




Jonnas was Cybernetic Mewtwo. His particles have imploded. He was leader of the mafia, with a wide arsenal at his disposal, his gun arms were incredibly technologically advance.









Beep. Beep.


Beep. Beep. Beep.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.


Cybernetic Mewtwo had laid a mine.




Cube is dead. He was Charmander, a formidable investigator with the ability to discover the outcome of characters at night, he was a member of the town.


Stunned the remainder of the town gathered around and picked up Charmanders broken and bruised body. They carried him over to Mayor Rattata Shrine, which had sadly become an impromptu graveyard. The stronger Pokemon helped carve a gravestone and the others all held candles as a memorial.


The last few Pokemon left the graveyard and it was eerily quiet.



In a nearby grave a hand rose out of the ground. The human-like body rose out of the ground. Spitting at the floor, an empty blood capsule landed in a pool of fake blood and saliva. "Yuuck, salty" he exclaimed. He put his hand on his head. "Where....where am I?....who will help me?"




heroicjanitor has returned to the game. Now Machoke, using his blood capsule he was able to trick the townsfolk into thinking he was dead....but it was too convincing. Burying him he has been starved of oxygen for over 24 hours and has amnesia.




Current Players (14);

Brian Mcoy, Chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, Eddie Coleslaw, Ellmeister, heroicjanitor, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Tales, The Peeps.


Night Five Deadline is 9:00AM on 21st March


First two times he didn't have a double, then he did for herojan's and his own lynch.....


Fuck it.

Let's go for it.


Vote: Tales



Please be right!

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I have to say, how stupid were we for not picking up on Tales' double vote as evil?

We had so much information at the end we were going round in circles and extremely paranoid about every little possibility!


Heh, thanks. :heh: Turns out it does pay to keep at it - I've more or less been suspicious of Tales since my initial result.


I always was, but then when Jonnas was killed my doubts were taken away a bit as I thought they can't have two double votes! Made me doubt you and then I started thinking up all sorts of Ice and redirection theories!


Extremely well played Tales though, we should have got you earlier!

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Can't believe everyone kept suspecting me after so many comfirmations of my town-ship! I know it was mostly tales accusing me but still guys you were following him so easily!


I have to get off to bed, but well done guys! Will be on again in the morning to see Rez's write up :D I'm looking forward to it!

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I have to say, how stupid were we for not picking up on Tales' double vote as evil?

We had so much information at the end we were going round in circles and extremely paranoid about every little possibility!


Well, to be fair, we did think it was balanced with a mafia double voter and a townie double voter for a long time. Heck, even I, who was suspicious of him for a good deal of the game, had my doubts due to the double vote thing.

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So there were two mafia double voters... Was yours optional/restricted Jonnas?


I was defending Tales so much in the last couple of pages so I'm glad I kind of worked out for sure that he was mafia. Sorry Nintendohnut for all the suspicion lol, that clear body thing had me worried it would affect my results!


Tales you played it really well, especially by letting us vote off Eenuh (sorry Eenuh) while you voted for Nintendohnut. Made him look a lot more suspicious too when Eenuh came out town.

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LAWL. I feel bad for Tales.


The townsfolk gathered around Tales....


Fifteen years in the future...Having found a slip stream in time inside a volcano, and with his power so great that he could withstand the heat, Moltres decided to follow his suspicsions that Cybernetic Mewtwo would be after the legendary power source....Moltres travelled back in time to try and stop Cybernetic Mewtwo.


Back in Pallet Town, now (The past). The townsfolk were certain he was mafia....and they grabbed him!




Tales is dead. He was Moltres. With his huge flame body it would take two night kill attempts to kill him, his proficiency with flying made him a lucrative stalker and his wisdom and intelligence gave him a double vote. He was a member of the town.




Deadline seems redundant as I need so few PMs, so just get em' in quick. :p


Current players (4) ;

Dannyboy-the-Dane, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, The Peeps.

Edited by ReZourceman
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