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Not every member has a representation of them in the write-up. Does this mean there are many invisible characters?


Maybe there is a random chance each character appears in the write-up.

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  heroicjanitor said:
The mafia killer was invisible yesterday, and the killer today was not. Seems obvious to me that if they are going to kill they would use the invisible guy.


Invisible? Where does it say that? By invisible do mean that they don't appear in the write-up? I think the reason why the would-be killer appeared in the write-up last night was because there was a protection involved, whereas the first night seemed to be a straigtforward killing without any third parties. People don't always appear in the write-ups when they do something.

  Diageo said:
Not every member has a representation of them in the write-up. Does this mean there are many invisible characters?


Maybe there is a random chance each character appears in the write-up.


Mcoy's only guess would be that perhaps some ghost pokemon can't be identified at night?

  Diageo said:
Not every member has a representation of them in the write-up. Does this mean there are many invisible characters?


Maybe there is a random chance each character appears in the write-up.


There are lots of maybes, I just pick the most likely. The killer usually appears.


  Zell said:
Invisible? Where does it say that? By invisible do mean that they don't appear in the write-up? I think the reason why the would-be killer appeared in the write-up last night was because there was a protection involved, whereas the first night seemed to be a straigtforward killing without any third parties. People don't always appear in the write-ups when they do something.


In general though the killer is shown, it's a major event. I only think in terms of probabilities anyway. It is more likely to me that the first night the killer was invisible. The second night he wasn't, so I think they are different players. Assuming the first night was a mafia killer I think the second night is a vigilante.


I could obviously be wrong but I think it is the most likely version of events. Keep it in mind anyway.


  Diageo said:
Also, go back to your study Herojan you lazy git.


Ok :(

  Brian Mcoy said:
Mcoy's only guess would be that perhaps some ghost pokemon can't be identified at night?

We would need half the players to be ghost pokemon in that case.

  heroicjanitor said:
Dyson you shouldn't have told your power, I think they might have been after you to frame Zell... Or to defend Zell. But if they did find out your power, there is only one person we know of who does that. But I don't think they did since everyone else who has targeted you has shown up.


Sorry if I wasn't supposed to bring this to attention, but...mr-paul is the one who finds out powers, right?


  Diageo said:
Not every member has a representation of them in the write-up. Does this mean there are many invisible characters?


Maybe there is a random chance each character appears in the write-up.


It seems more likely that there's a LOT of redirection going on. Or people are coordinating their lies, because there's general confusion amongst people not knowing who they targeted.


Sorry if this has already been answered, but Dyson, did you get any PM from the night before? It may give a clue as to why you were apparently targeted so much in the write-up?

  heroicjanitor said:
In general though the killer is shown, it's a major event. I only think in terms of probabilities anyway. It is more likely to me that the first night the killer was invisible. The second night he wasn't, so I think they are different players. Assuming the first night was a mafia killer I think the second night is a vigilante.


Except that a vigilante would have no reason to go for Dyson after yesterday. Only factions opposed to the town would benefit from killing off Dyson, especially the mafia, as that would put extra pressure on Zell.


Also, your conclusion that the would-be killer is not mafia since he unlike yesterday's killer was visible is really circumstantial. Far from all characters appear in the write-ups, and we don't know what determines their appearance or lack thereof.

  EddieColeslaw said:
Sorry if I wasn't supposed to bring this to attention, but...mr-paul is the one who finds out powers, right?




It seems more likely that there's a LOT of redirection going on. Or people are coordinating their lies, because there's general confusion amongst people not knowing who they targeted.


Sorry if this has already been answered, but Dyson, did you get any PM from the night before? It may give a clue as to why you were apparently targeted so much in the write-up?


No, on night 1 I didn't actually target anyone - which is really weird as I could have sworn I sent my target in, but my sent items folder shows nothing. Fail :(


Last night I targetted Brian Mcoy and got a PM saying he didn't get a PM, so I assume my power worked.


People.... if MrPaul is sure that Zell is a roleblocker, I know there is another one. TWO people! And the one I know about is definiately firery... CAUSE ITS ME!


The way Zell claimed it was very safe "oh it MIGHT be me" so he could back out of it later. TBH there arn't that many fire pokemon so its highly unlikely that both roleblockers are firery and roleblockers. Thus I call shenanigans on Zell


Vote: Zell




  Zell said:

I know I'm capable of a hugely powerful blast, because I'm a legendary pokemon..


Legendary AND fiery? Well that leaves us with one option then Zell doesn't it...


... assuming this isn't an intricate web of lies


As I've already come out as the fiery roleblocker that targeted smeagol last night targets are not a problem fine sir.


Night 1: I didn't target anyone.. missed the night.


Night 2: Smeagol


So Marcamillian claims he is a roleblocker, and a fire type. Zell also claims he is a roleblocker, and a fire type.


Who to trust?


I'm going to Vote:Zell while I wait for a response from Zell as there is not much time left in the day.

  Tales said:
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but he is a legendary flying fire Pokemon? Moltres?


Yup, it sounds like he's Moltres. I wonder is Zapdos and Artiquinio (or however you spell it) are in the game.

  Tales said:
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but he is a legendary flying fire Pokemon? Moltres?

He says so, but now with the new information from Marcamillian who claims to have targeted Sméagol, there's no evidence he is a fire type.


Well Zell has been very unsure whereas Marcmillian seems very determined and forthcoming with what he is.


Vote: Zell if Marcmillian is lying we clearly know where to go next.

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