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Attack the Block


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This... actually looks quite good. I really like the idea of an alien invasion from the point of view of some average urban kids in a typical estate, as opposed to a group of marines on a spaceship or something similar. If they can build proper tension and avoid too many "Durr hurr chavie chavs"-type jokes I think we could be on to something promising.

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Was just watching this on the BBCs best programme (Film 2011, fucking awesome show) Joe Cornish is king and from the very few bits they showed, I think it looks utterly fantastic, not least because of the realistic dialogue, good effects and seemingly interesting direction! :D

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I'm a fan of the pegg/frost movies! Typically they star in satirical genre pastiches that are worth a dry heave of laughter here and there. Clearly it's very low budget, which will reflect in a lot of poor acting and off delivery with lines but the novelty should carry this film a fair way. Frost's role is hugely downplayed, and in general the trailer gives little away of the plot (even if the story is fairly obvious) so I think I'll put it on my "will watch if and when I have money to do so" list.

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