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Cancer rise


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So anyone seen this?:


A woman's risk of developing breast cancer has risen to one in eight from one in nine, according to Cancer Research UK.


The charity's figures show that breast cancer rates in the UK have increased by 3.5% in 10 years, from 42,400 new cases in 1999 to 47,700 in 2008.


Women aged between 50 and 69 have seen the biggest rise in breast cancer rates of 6%.


Exercising and eating healthily can reduce the risk, cancer charities say.


Cancer Research UK figures suggest that breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women, accounting for almost a third of cases.


Bowel cancer is the second most common, followed by lung.


Almost half of breast cancer cases in 2008 (48%) were in women aged between 50 and 69.


A third were in women aged over 70, with 19% in women aged 25-49.


As seen here.


I know we always see these stories, but this morning it was actually rather worrying and I know it's just specific to ladies breast cancer here, but if this can rise surely other forms can too.


Really more people than ever are surviving cancer which is great, but we shouldn't be getting it in the first place!


So guys/girls how aware of you of cancer, do you make sure you're ok regularly? Get checks with the doctor?


How do you feel about the fact that it's getting worse, apparently due to diet, do you even believe it really is diet that causes it? Given there's a large chunk of people who get cancer when perfectly healthy.

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Just wanted to say that if you compare the number of cases of breast cancer versus national population, the percentage of incidents has actually gotten smaller, albeit marginally. I guess it's still a shame a decade of research hasn't changed the figures much, though.

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That post would have made sense if cancer was a bacteria or virus...


It still wouldn't have.


But yeah this news isn't great.


People my age don't really take cancer seriously - despite most having had family with it.


People sometimes act like it's something you have no control over.


When simply being healthy has a large impact on the chances of getting it.


I had a nasty scare this last 9 months.


Lots of doctors appointments and hospital things and thankfully it's not the big C.


Although they don't know what it is.


Maybe it's my second (or fist) brain growing somewhere deep inside of me.

Edited by Wesley
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Whether this makes me sound like a nut job, I don't care, but I will say this - I doubt wireless signals and mobile phone masts are as safe as we're told. What has happened in the past decade? The explosion of Wi-Fi and faster mobile phone signals. Almost everyone has got a mobile phone, and it's not like the '90s when you'd use it occasionally. Now people are paying a fortune for 3G contracts. All this emits radiation, and I'm sure the signals are only going to get stronger, as people demand "cloud" services.


Take a look at this article about Wi-Fi killing trees. If it's doing that to plants, what's it doing to us? I can't imagine it doesn't have an effect. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1332310/Is-Wi-Fi-killing-trees-Dutch-study-shows-leaves-dying-exposure-Wi-Fi-radiation.html


Mobile phones generate a fortune for businesses and also tax revenue. Do you think governments wouldn't cover it up if it was harmful? I'm sorry to say, I think this may have something to do with the theme of this thread.

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I don't really think much about the conspiracy/supposed dangers of mobile phones etc, but I met this weird guy while out one night (stunning long hair and red leather jacket, felt like a playable character) who was of ambiguous european origin, and had no reason to be there (he wasn't with anyone, no one knew how he attached himself to our group). He was going on about how he doesn't carry a mobile. And he owns one, but keeps it off, in a box hidden away in his room lest he ever need it.


He said something haunting (can't remember exactly) about how we should think not about a supervirus or zombie apocalypse killing off swathes of humanity, but how sad it'll be when we all drop dead from brain tumors in 20 years. Mentioned the "silence" of that kind of extinction.



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I don't really think much about the conspiracy/supposed dangers of mobile phones etc, but I met this weird guy while out one night (stunning long hair and red leather jacket, felt like a playable character) who was of ambiguous european origin, and had no reason to be there (he wasn't with anyone, no one knew how he attached himself to our group). He was going on about how he doesn't carry a mobile. And he owns one, but keeps it off, in a box hidden away in his room lest he ever need it.


He said something haunting (can't remember exactly) about how we should think not about a supervirus or zombie apocalypse killing off swathes of humanity, but how sad it'll be when we all drop dead from brain tumors in 20 years. Mentioned the "silence" of that kind of extinction.




That's just strange.


Few interesting points, it was just something I noticed, I mean cancer is something that either scares people or people seem to ignore! Which baffles me, surely everyone should be doing everything they can.

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well mobile phones have been in circulation for over 20 years, (the older ones being massively worse than the new technology) so if we haven't had mass death due to brain cancer I can't see it ever happening now.


i'm always a little worried about cancer thanks to my medical history, years of UV therapy (like sunbeds but concentrated to hell) and immunosuppressant/cell killing drug therapies. Actually one of my treatments is a cancer therapy.. but ironically it can risk giving you cancer thanks to it messing with the way normal cell production works. ._.


My doctor(s) always insist that I am extra vigilant with checking my armpits throat and all the other signs too x(

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Whether this makes me sound like a nut job, I don't care, but I will say this - I doubt wireless signals and mobile phone masts are as safe as we're told. What has happened in the past decade? The explosion of Wi-Fi and faster mobile phone signals. Almost everyone has got a mobile phone, and it's not like the '90s when you'd use it occasionally. Now people are paying a fortune for 3G contracts. All this emits radiation, and I'm sure the signals are only going to get stronger, as people demand "cloud" services.


Take a look at this article about Wi-Fi killing trees. If it's doing that to plants, what's it doing to us? I can't imagine it doesn't have an effect. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1332310/Is-Wi-Fi-killing-trees-Dutch-study-shows-leaves-dying-exposure-Wi-Fi-radiation.html


Mobile phones generate a fortune for businesses and also tax revenue. Do you think governments wouldn't cover it up if it was harmful? I'm sorry to say, I think this may have something to do with the theme of this thread.


I always considered cancer a product of modern times, an indirect result of our advancements i.e. artifical products/food etc. We never had it in the past, and for a while, cancer cases were cases were few and far between. Now it's all over the place like a bad rash.


So with that, I wouldn't really see that article all that far fetched.

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well mobile phones have been in circulation for over 20 years, (the older ones being massively worse than the new technology) so if we haven't had mass death due to brain cancer I can't see it ever happening now.


i'm always a little worried about cancer thanks to my medical history, years of UV therapy (like sunbeds but concentrated to hell) and immunosuppressant/cell killing drug therapies. Actually one of my treatments is a cancer therapy.. but ironically it can risk giving you cancer thanks to it messing with the way normal cell production works. ._.


My doctor(s) always insist that I am extra vigilant with checking my armpits throat and all the other signs too x(


Does this mean you'll most likely get scans for various cancers more so than anyone else?


Such as cervical cancer, I know there's a medical reason it's 25 (there can be abonormal cells at younger ages that are fine but can be mistaken for other things.) but it worries me that you have to be that age to get something sorted.

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I don't really worry about cancer to be honest. Worrying won't stop me developing it, so why bother? Obviously I'll check or whatever, but I'm not going to obsess over it.


What narks me something fierce is those stupid secretive FaceBook status updates like what colour pants they're wearing. Raising awareness by posting secret messages that exclude half the population? Sounds reasonable. Why is it that almost all breast cancer charity events or these stupid updates exclude men? Men can develop breast cancer despite popular belief, but they're not allowed to participate in the charity events? Pathetic. Even if breast cancer is far less likely in men, men are still effected by it. Our mothers, sisters and girlfriends are all women (hopefully), so it effects us too if they get breast cancer. But apparently our kind gestures of charity aren't welcome.


In short, I find breast cancer charities retarded.

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I don't really worry about cancer to be honest. Worrying won't stop me developing it, so why bother? Obviously I'll check or whatever, but I'm not going to obsess over it.


What narks me something fierce is those stupid secretive FaceBook status updates like what colour pants they're wearing. Raising awareness by posting secret messages that exclude half the population? Sounds reasonable. Why is it that almost all breast cancer charity events or these stupid updates exclude men? Men can develop breast cancer despite popular belief, but they're not allowed to participate in the charity events? Pathetic. Even if breast cancer is far less likely in men, men are still effected by it. Our mothers, sisters and girlfriends are all women (hopefully), so it effects us too if they get breast cancer. But apparently our kind gestures of charity aren't welcome.


In short, I find breast cancer charities retarded.


I was wondering if that'd be mentioned, when I first saw it I was incredibly confused and to this day I don't understand why someone would think status updates on facebook helps, yes I suppose it can raise awareness, but anyone who doesn't know of cancer now has been living under a rock.


Yes they do and it's a surprising amount that go ignored!

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Take a look at this article about Wi-Fi killing trees. If it's doing that to plants, what's it doing to us? I can't imagine it doesn't have an effect. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1332310/Is-Wi-Fi-killing-trees-Dutch-study-shows-leaves-dying-exposure-Wi-Fi-radiation.html




I understand what you're saying but I'm going have to counter you with the Daily Mail's list of things that cause cancer

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He said something haunting (can't remember exactly) about how we should think not about a supervirus or zombie apocalypse killing off swathes of humanity, but how sad it'll be when we all drop dead from brain tumors in 20 years. Mentioned the "silence" of that kind of extinction.


That's just strange.


Few interesting points, it was just something I noticed, I mean cancer is something that either scares people or people seem to ignore! Which baffles me, surely everyone should be doing everything they can.


On both these points, I think people like to worry about "big" things they can't control, perhaps to avoid taking responsibility for things they can.


Society loves mobile phones so much, I suspect people don't really want to consider whether they're totally safe. Can you imagine the masses being prepared to stop using them?


Quite a few of my workmates honestly believe the world might end in 2012 (or they say they do). When asked why, they don't really know, they've just seen documentaries about it and heard the general "idea". And yet when I've mentioned my doubts about radiation from mobile phones and Wi-Fi, I get a "You can't worry about that or you wouldn't leave the house". The thing is, I don't let it stop me leaving the house, it's just a concern of mine.


To be honest, if there's something to this theory, I think it'll be one of those things where, in 50 or 100 years time, when safer versions have been developed, authorities will say "Oh, by the way, that technology wasn't as safe as you thought". Humanity will probably get by, it's "just" that our collective health will have been good than it could have been.


Specifically on nightwolf's point, the best thing to do is, not worry, but be as proactive as possible in avoiding real risks. Exercise, don't smoke, don't binge drink. If you do what you can, the best thing to do is forget about it and hope for the best.

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