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  Raw said:
I've decided to follow your trend Hero and get all my characters to level 99 on each job. Shouldn't take to long, all you have to do is go back to Ur (the starting town) and just battle a really weak monster around there, guard 10 times in a row (can be fewer depending on which job you are, but 10 will definitely work) then kill the bastard and all your characters will gain a job level every fight.


It's a lot quicker than it sounds, dunno if that's how you were doing it Hero?


Thats exactly what im doing and yes it is easy but it gets really REALLY tedious. I usually guard 7 rounds and that usually does the job.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Thats exactly what im doing and yes it is easy but it gets really REALLY tedious. I usually guard 7 rounds and that usually does the job.


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Before I give a quick update on how I'm finding FF III so far, I just wanna offer that I think we're discussing it in this thread cos this thread is for all things Final Fantasy on DS/ GBA? Strictly speaking, the FF IV stuff should be in here too! :heh:


Sooo, I'm up to about level 18 in this. The next step for me is to head back to Tokkul. I'm enjoying the game so far you know. Its amixed bag of knowing where I should go next and not knowing, obviously I prefer knowing but I like exploring this world too so its ok. The games been good, story's been fun and I'm not sure what to expect to happen next apart from I need to at the very least get to the other two crystals.


I've taken also to levelling up the jobs. Just got Luneth up to lvl 99 as a Warrior so theres plenty of work left to do! I like the idea of completing this game as best I can, it should be worth the effort and the game isnt half as "old skool" as I was expecting!




One thing I've discovered is that the Scholar, Thief and Knight jobs are a bitch to level up owing to the fact that they don't have a guard move! I'm leaving them for now, probably go back to them in the end.


Really? Thats a pity with the Scholar... isnt that the wee one with the cat ears? I thought Refia would look cute as one of them! I'll try and persevere when I get that class opened up.


Nah, you're thinking of Devout, the improved White Mage.


Looking at the classes in the manual it would appear that the Sage class will be the same since it has two special moves, one of which will no doubt replace guard!


So how's the levelling up going for you guys?


I'm slowly getting there...


Luneth is a level 99 Freelancer, and Monk. Level 77 Warrior and level 50 White Mage, the rest are around level 20.


Arc is a level 99 Freelancer and Black Mage. Level 59 Warrior and level 50 White Mage. The rest are around level 20.


Refia is a level 99 Freelancer and White Mage. Level 50 Warrior and Black Mage. The rest are around level 20.


Ingus is a level 99 Freelancer and Warrior. Level 64 Monk and level 50 White. Again the rest are around level 20.


My last save was dead on 37 hours 40 minutes!


Also darksnowman, what's happenin'? Your friend code is still greyed out on my roster - I want to get this mognetting started to unlock some of the extras!


I havent played this in over a week actually, just having some downtime from turnbased madness and grinding. Its enjoyable like and I love building the stats, but doing it 100% of the time can be an uber grindathon! However Rawk Hawk, you're added on my list. The only option its giving is to delete you though! Do we both have to be on the game at the same time or something for it to initiate us...? Surely not!?


Mmmmm, very strange. Have you gone to the Moghouse option (at the bottom) and then selected far away friends? This looks for new mail from people on your friends list, maybe you have to do that at least once after we've entered each others codes for it to register us (otherwise how would it know we've added each other)? I've done this a few times just in case that is the problem - maybe if you do it at your end it'll start working?!


I know what you mean about it being a bit of a bore, but I usually just chuck on a Scrubs DVD or something similar and watch that whilst doing it.


Oh and I'm loving the Rawk Hawk name!

  Raw said:

I know what you mean about it being a bit of a bore, but I usually just chuck on a Scrubs DVD.


Thats very freaky because its exactly what I do aswell. I went through series 5 the other week and then after I had watched it properly I played some FF with that on in the background.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Thats very freaky because its exactly what I do aswell. I went through series 5 the other week and then after I had watched it properly I played some FF with that on in the background.


Man of my heart Hero! (In a non gay way of course...)


Its been series 1 for me, I really need to get some others but have a lack of funds at the moment!


I'm afraid I cant join in on the Scrubs loving, but when I sit down for a good levelling up sesh I usually stick on a Muse CD!


Rawkie, I tried to receive any of your correspondence but there was none to get. And I just tried typing you another message to send, but you're numbers still all greyed out...! Somethings amiss! :hmm:

  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone wants recieve letters from me? I want to open the sidequest and job.

You must have the american version or it won't work.

  • 2 weeks later...

stuck in tht stupid saronia castle, cant get past that boss that trys to kill the prince, he keeps taking out my white mage in one hit(little bitch) any advice people?

  firthy1991 said:
stuck in tht stupid saronia castle, cant get past that boss that trys to kill the prince, he keeps taking out my white mage in one hit(little bitch) any advice people?


As many dragoons as possible. Maybe try and level up you're white mage so she'll survive or cast protect on herself.

Kinda simple but also make sure she's on the back row eh?

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  • 3 months later...

Well dragging this thread back from the deep cellar of N-Europe past threads, to what people think of FF Tactics, on a bit of a GBA/DS Final Fantasy completist spree so got myself a copy off ebay on its way. I've read reviews and they all sound good so eagerly awaiting its arrival!


FFTA is a quality game if you like that kinda thing, and even if you don't it might help you get into tactical battle games. I've played a fair bit of it but got nowhere near completing it, so be prepared for a lengthy one!


FFTA is simply an amazing game. I remember I finished it but never did complete all 300 quests. I love how you could build your army to your own liking and the fact that your charcters can die and still come back makes this slighty easier than the FE series. ( Not having a go at FE as I love it to bits just saying FF is an easier game IMO )


Is it wrong to be enjoying FF XII : RW?


I feel my gaming tastes are on the slide, also how come DQM: Joker rocks so hard?


These 2 games are actually making me play my DS again!


CAN NOT WAIT for FF IV DS remake ^_^ eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  Hero-of-Time said:
FFTA is simply an amazing game. I remember I finished it but never did complete all 300 quests. I love how you could build your army to your own liking and the fact that your characters can die and still come back makes this slightly easier than the FE series. ( Not having a go at FE as I love it to bits just saying FF is an easier game IMO )


I remember when I was in the Vault areas and Montblanc got killed permanently...I was gutted. Forced me to turn off that did.

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