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Fitness 2011


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That's good advice, there.


I'm loving the gym still, and now I'm making more of an effort to get the diet right and to do a bit more cardio to burn off my fatty fat.


Although, I've been shocking this week. Haven't been feeling too well, so have allowed myself to have some chocolate here and there. I can feel myself getting fat whilst eating it, which makes me incredibly guilty.

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Exercise at it's very basic core is tearing your muscle fibre and rebuilding them. Exercising the same muscles everyday without rest is completely counter productive. You're not giving your body time and your muscle the proper time to recover. There's also a good chance you'll injure yourself.


This is exactly what several people told a friend of mine, he ended up hurting his leg after exercising 40 days straight, his weight loss pushed him to keep going and now he doesn't do it everyday.


Silly bugger.


Exercising everyday is great, but walk one day instead of running/cycling everyday, give your body a break from time to time and it'll reward you.

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This is exactly what several people told a friend of mine, he ended up hurting his leg after exercising 40 days straight, his weight loss pushed him to keep going and now he doesn't do it everyday.


Silly bugger.


Exercising everyday is great, but walk one day instead of running/cycling everyday, give your body a break from time to time and it'll reward you.


40 days straight?! How? That's mad.


I deliberately have days where I do bugger all, just because I know I need to regain my energy. Also, the session immediately after the rest day tends to be the best one for me, because I feel fresher.

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40 days straight?! How? That's mad.


I deliberately have days where I do bugger all, just because I know I need to regain my energy. Also, the session immediately after the rest day tends to be the best one for me, because I feel fresher.


I exercise everyday of the week. Even on the days I'm supposed to relax, I exercise. I love it which, by looking at me, you wouldn't really guess. I'm more active than people think I am, haha.

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40 days straight?! How? That's mad.


I deliberately have days where I do bugger all, just because I know I need to regain my energy. Also, the session immediately after the rest day tends to be the best one for me, because I feel fresher.


He was using a exercise video I believe, quite a difficult one and would and still does it every morning, which is crazy.


He's lost quite a bit of weight, but by god the boy is determined.

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Exercise is anything that involves any sort of physicality, i think some people seem to think it's only hitting the gym that count; I've lost 3 stone and haven't been near a gym. I exercise everyday, whether that be in the form of Running, working out or playing football. I always spread it out over different days so i'm not constantly working on the same thing. It gives the muscles you worked on the day before time to recuperate whilst you work on other muscles that day.

Edited by Jon
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He was using a exercise video I believe, quite a difficult one and would and still does it every morning, which is crazy.


He's lost quite a bit of weight, but by god the boy is determined.


What video is it? I want to try it, pmsl.

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Exercise is anything that involves any sort of physicality, i think some people seem to think it's only hitting the gym that count; I've lost 3 stone and haven't been near a gym. I exercise everyday, whether that be in the form of Running, working out or playing football. I always spread it out over different days so i'm not constantly working on the same thing. It gives the muscles you worked on the day before time to recuperate whilst you work on other muscles that day.


Whatever type of exercise you do, it is still good to have rest days. It helps both your body and your mind. Exercising for 40 days straight, even if that is doing different forms of exercise each day is just madness, in my opinion.

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Has anyone ever tried the atkins diet? And if so how did you find it?


Apart from the obvious exercise what would people recommend as the diet to lose weight with? Would it be atkins or more of a general low calorie diet?


No but my headmaster has and he shed a lot of weight with it. However, I wouldn't really recommend it because he was ill quite a bit and it wasn't pretty.


I would suggest a low-calorie diet. As people have said, diet is everything but exercise plays a major part. I'm trying my absolute best to get people who want to get fit into DDR because they have no idea how much weight you lose and how much fun you can have at the same time. It's also a sport as well. ;)

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Has anyone ever tried the atkins diet? And if so how did you find it?


Apart from the obvious exercise what would people recommend as the diet to lose weight with? Would it be atkins or more of a general low calorie diet?


I've been on Slimming world diet, the Original plan is very like atkins, except you get some carbs in your diet - albeit limited.. I really didn't like it at all. Made me feel groggy and tired, and started a couple of migraines. Bowel movements just stop. My friend said she used to go once a day/every other day but now its more like once a week on SW.


If you can stick to it you do lose weight, but its horrendously bad for your bowels.. for me its totally not working because I already have flippin IBS.




In other n00s i've injured myself, twice!!! Had really bad cramps in my right calf during a workout (enough to make me stop completely) and ive damaged one of my quad muscles. Gargh. The perils of exercising while overweight. >_>


I personally think WW is a very good tool for weight loss because you can "eat what you want" but just about everything has to be weighed - and you do start to adapt and eat better naturally - getting better "value for money" eg on the old ww scheme an apple was 1/2 a point, and a mars bar is like 8...


Slimming world diet is okay, but as above, buggers up your bowels a bit, and if you REALLY LIKE BREAD its a big adjustment. Its all about salad, lean meat and pasta.


http://minimins.com/ has a lot of info on different diets, and lots of support for just about ANY kind of diet. I know that they could all advise you on the benefits of any kind of diet out there. I'm on there as hannata :)


Even if you try as a starter - eat a few pieces of fruit, limit "rubbish" to once a week. Little changes are the most manageable and the change may help you lose if its only a little bit you have to get rid of. That with more exercise than you normally do (and a bit of change in exercise) does wonders.


I'm hopefully going to join a kettlebell class in my gym, if they have any spaces! Flippin love kettlebell training, but you really need someone qualified to watch you doing the swings, or else you can really injure yourself. Apparently you can burn 20 calories per minute, but it is one hell of a workout haha :D

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Thanks for the replys.


As probably guessed by me asking the question i have put myself on another diet, (i did 2 years ago and i remember psoting in a thread about it somewhere on here before i got a new job and it all went to shit and put more weight back on!)


I have been dieting since the 16th of January this year and i have lost a good amount of weight quite quick (1 Stone and 3 pounds as of yesterday as i weigh myself every sunday morning), although it is nothing compared to the big goal of what i want to lose. I have started to reintroduce myself to exercise but nothing 'proper' as yet.


My diet this time has been based around the idea of low carbs although i haven't ruled them out. For example having bran flakes for breakfast (carbs) and including some fruit and veg (which are also classed as carbs) but a lot of the rest has been based around fish, meat and eggs. After speaking with a friend yesterday i might reintroduce some more carbs as time goes on like some beans or maybe the odd wholemeal pasta but in moderation.

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lol i like the meme, sad but true, haha.


@mike1988uk - yes limiting carbs is a good idea, but as long as you are still getting some in yer diet. I find taking a small amount of carbs & protein half an hour or so before a workout helps (like pasta and chicken or something) to help fuel the workout. You dont wanna overeat because you'll feel sick but its not a good idea to go on an empty stomach because sugar levels drop and you end up feeling really sick if you overdo it.


I rang up the gym today and got my name put down for the kettlebell training in ma gym.... yuuuuuus! Put myself down for an 8kg one as I'd been using that weight in my training :) Seems to be the standard starter size, although I found it heavy as hell at the beginning!

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Over the last few weeks i've been running around 12 miles a week (Sounds a lot but you generally cover a mile for every 10 mins you run) and it's really got me interested in doing a marathon or something similar. Just need to find out if there's any such event near by.

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I'm loosely in the game of weightloss, I'm only 10st 12lbs, but I'm getting a bit out of shape. So it's more conditioning than weightloss, I'd happily put on a few pounds of muscle.


So the past two days I've been out for a jog in the morning and I'm cutting down on snacking in between meals and fizzy drinks.

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woohoo went to weightwatchers last night -4lbs!


Also I went the week before after not having been in months, with 5.5lbs off. I've been maintaining for about a year, at a weight I'm still not happy at, but maintaining is better than putting on. Not putting weight on over Christmas was down to me being sick for about half of it with on off migraines.


I haven't been this weight in years. And because I've started late back to the gym/diet, everyone else has started to give up, and i'm raring to go. Woohoo.


I'm starting a kettlebell 6 week training session in March and I can't bloody wait :) Gotta get my swinging practice on the go!!


I've pointed myself 5 little pieces of chocolate and just realised I've only ate one... I'm not desperate to finish it, that's an awfully good sign...!! normally I would've finished the 30 odd piece bar long by now, and not even enjoyed it! :)


Positive mindspace really is the key to getting all of this right :)


edit: And I did a km in 6m45 on the crosstrainer!! Me, the person who used to hate crosstrainers XD

Edited by Raining_again
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Well done R_A, that's totally awesome! Keep it up!


I can feel myself becoming a little fitter. Today I did The Biggest Loser: Boot Camp DVD and managed 20 minutes (I know that may sound bad but I could only do 10 minutes before) so I know I'm on the right track! I also did a bit of DDR today and found myself getting an A on Expert songs again (I've still got it, it never left me!)


I don't think I'm going to weigh myself every two weeks. I think I'll do it monthly...

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Mine is going..shittily, I got the Myfitnesspal app for my ipod to calorie count, gave me a daily limit of 2340 a day, i'm always under that at like 1500-1900, though I am walking so that's knocking it down a bit after the walk (usually hour to hour and half). Lost no weight, according to the scales anyway, still at 113..or our scales suck, I dunno.

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Best weightloss method guys....



go out of your way to become Ill, in the form of a common cold (aka Man Flu)


started feeling rough on Monday, totally lost my appetite, Since Monday my eating has consisted of celery and water..... with the odd Ferrero Rocher :)


up until last night anways, when I was feeling slightly better then decided to go all out at TGI Fridays. I ate enough then to fill the void from the 2 rough days heh :)

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Best weightloss method guys....



go out of your way to become Ill, in the form of a common cold (aka Man Flu)


started feeling rough on Monday, totally lost my appetite, Since Monday my eating has consisted of celery and water..... with the odd Ferrero Rocher :)


up until last night anways, when I was feeling slightly better then decided to go all out at TGI Fridays. I ate enough then to fill the void from the 2 rough days heh :)


Post two of this thread ... I'm still waiting.

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