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About Fields.

  • Birthday 05/11/1987

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    In bed, wanking


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I think if you look at the law you'll find that ignorance is no excuse. You may think it's an innocent mistake but the authorities won't see it that way. To them it's a simple case of FRAUD. If I were you I'd be worried mate. I think they're gonna throw the book at you. Trust me, I've seen it happen.
  2. Bloody hell mate, it's the year 2010 and we're on a video game forum. I think it's safe to assume we all know what Dance Dance Revolution is. No need for the Wikipedia entry.
  3. Where exactly have I done any "trolling"? I'm just happy because my football club are on the up and we're gonna win the league. Surely I'm allowed a bit of gloating?
  4. Everywhere south of Birmingham is Cockney as far as I'm concerned.
  5. What we normally do is forward the customer's details to Loss Preventions at head office, who then inform the police, who investigate and if necessary make steps to recover the money that is owed and/or prosecute the customer if any wrongdoing is found to have occurred. There was a huge increase in this sort of fraud over the Christmas period and so our local Retail Crime Initiative have launched a high profile campaign to combat it. It's been really successful - our shop is relatively small but we've recovered over £1000 since the turn of the year. I've seen a couple of cases in he local paper where they've made a real example of people. I think one guy even got a prison sentence!
  6. Oh dear, what's that I see? it looks suspiciously like some crying Cockneys clutching at straws. Only one statistic counts: Chelsea 0-1 Liverpool. You lost, get over it.
  7. That's like saying being in prison would be great because you'd be free from the pressures of everyday life.
  8. We will finish 4th and you can quote me on that.
  9. Agreed. The only thing worse than selfish pet owners is selfish child owners.
  10. Not sure what match you were watching. We were majestic, totally outclassed you. You must be getting a bit nervous about securing that Champions League place now?
  11. I'm not into pets. I think it's a bit weird, possibly even disgusting, sharing your house with animals. Especially cats, I can't stand cats. Although dogs are almost as bad. I was out running on Saturday morning when some dog started chasing me and trying to bite my leg. Then some prick appears from round the corner laughing telling me to calm down as he's 'only playing'. Only playing? I don't want to play with your flea-ridden animal you fucking selfish twat. I think that's the problem with pets actually - it's the owners. They think everyone loves their dog/cat/hamster/tortoise as much as they do. Well, here's the thing: we don't!
  12. Fields.


    All I know is there's loads of decent wanking material on that tumblr. Great site.
  13. Haha. Torres was just as shit as he's been for us the past two seasons. £50m? John Henry must be laughing his cock off.
  14. If you're fat, it's for two reasons: 1. You're too greedy 2. You're too lazy If you were a bit less greedy and a bit less lazy, you wouldn't be so fat. It really is as simple as that. No need to get all scientific about it.
  15. I don't get it. You're straight but you're going on a gay date? Or the other way round? Or what?
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