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L.A. Noire


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I finished the game this morning to 100% with The Naked City and A Slip of the Tongue. I finished the main story in about 16 hours.


Phelps' death was not the right way to end the game in my opinion. There was no build up at all, just a phasing out after his pointless affair -- then whoops, he's dead. There wasn't nearly enough drama in the scene. I nearly cried at the end of Red Dead Redemption, what happened here?



The more I played (trying to get those sodding cars!) the more technical faults appeared. I might be able to forgive the theatrical pop-in, or the horrendous frame rate drops, but when I pan the camera and a bunch of cars disappear in front of me, that's too much. Sure, the facial animation is a huge step forward, but there are just too many compromises.

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I haven't noticed many technical problems with the game. Has been great for me at least.


Only finished the first arson case and I'm at 26 hours and 65-70% or so, plus(or is it including) 5-starring all the previous cases. I drive everywhere myself though, no matter how far.


I agree with everyone who says the twist in the homicide case is stupid.

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I finished the game this morning to 100% with The Naked City and A Slip of the Tongue. I finished the main story in about 16 hours.


Phelps' death was not the right way to end the game in my opinion. There was no build up at all, just a phasing out after his pointless affair -- then whoops, he's dead. There wasn't nearly enough drama in the scene. I nearly cried at the end of Red Dead Redemption, what happened here?



The more I played (trying to get those sodding cars!) the more technical faults appeared. I might be able to forgive the theatrical pop-in, or the horrendous frame rate drops, but when I pan the camera and a bunch of cars disappear in front of me, that's too much. Sure, the facial animation is a huge step forward, but there are just too many compromises.


Agreed, the ending was meh, as were most of the characters and the general storyline. The game itself was ok, despite the facial animation being superb.


I felt like there was something missing with this. There was a huge map, but next to nothing to do on it. It seemed odd that they bothered to make the map as big as it was really. Aside from finding cars (to which there wasn't much point either) or landmarks, I don't see much point to it.


Earning intuition points was also hardly the best reward for levelling up, they really were optional to use after all.


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The car thing is hilarious. Sometimes you'll pull up in front of a car to stop it, and then when you turn around to get into it, it's not there anymore.


I blooming hate this, half the time the car i pull over is one i need to finish an achievement, and it vanishes. Even when it turns a corner, it disappears.

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I played the PS3 one and while I did get the occassional pop in, it was nothing like what you lot are describing.


I'm playing it on PS3. I've had some buildings where the textures loaded then reverted to a lower-res texture as I got closer before loading the better one again. Once I got half-way through driving through a park (the one with the fountain where you have to go for a case) before any of the objects loaded.

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I'm playing it on PS3. I've had some buildings where the textures loaded then reverted to a lower-res texture as I got closer before loading the better one again. Once I got half-way through driving through a park (the one with the fountain where you have to go for a case) before any of the objects loaded.


Which PS3 version then?

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I meant which Playstation do you have? (unless thats what you meant as well)


It's a 160GB Slim. I haven't noticed the cars, just the texture issues (which wasn't common) and the benches and roadside objects.

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I don't know if the vehicle disapperance thing is a glitch, but possibly could be a way to save on memory courtasy of Rockstar.


It is certainly meant to happen. The pop-in pop-out is just the game loop re-drawing the surrounding game objects. I don't think it should be this obvious though. Perhaps Rockstar had no choice.

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I'm still not 100% convinced on this game. Love the setting, the aesthetics and obviously the facial animation stuff looks awesome.


BUT I hate the dialogue system. Doubt is too ambiguous at times. Sometimes you will have the evidence that may suggest something but isn't open and shut so you press doubt but because that's not right it won't even give you the chance to follow up that doubt with the evidence, Cole also sometimes goes mental when you press doubt when thats not what I intended. I'm not far into it though I only played traffic and part way through the 1st mission on the next desk.


Finally yeah a ton of graphical glitches that arise far to often. The worse being pop up that I've not seen since the fog heavy games that were so prevalent on the N64.

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I agree the interrogation system is flawed, but it's easier to manage if you think about it like so.


Truth: "I believe what you're saying and will provide a sympathetic ear."


Doubt: "I know you're lying but have no proof, so I'll go fishing by pressing the matter."


Lie: "I know you're lying and have proof."


Sometimes it's worth going with Lie just to hear what Cole and the suspect say as it tends to hint at what you're supposed to present; you can back out of a lie by pressing Circle/B. That said there are still times, much like Phoenix Wright, where you present evidence that makes sense but isn't the correct choice.

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