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Red Letter Media Star Wars Reviews


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I know many of you are likely to have seen these but I've only just got round to properly watching through them and they are so funny. Just had to post her for discussion and to highlight them to people who may not have seen them.


Massively long (PM one is like 70 mins long) narrated reviews of the Star Wars prequels (and other films) from the point of view of a very strange old man character called Mr Plinkett. Not only are the hilarious but also very insightful and really do show you what a mess the prequels truly are...check out their site here:




or their videos are on youtube search for red letter media

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Someone posted a link to these in another thread not too long ago, and I ended up watching for twenty minutes or something before I had to go do something else.


My suggestion would be to persevere through the first few minutes until you get used to the fake voice. The reviewer (or whatever) actually makes some really good points and is genuinely funny. I was going to turn it off almost immediately due to the voice, but I'm glad I didn't.

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I tried watching one of those a few weeks ago after I kept reading people going on about it, I turned it off almost straight away. I have no interest in watching a video with that voice talking the entire time.


Really for me thats what makes it! If it was just another critic talking it would be boring. I love how he is an actual character

Edited by flameboy
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I couldn't watch all of the star wars one. It's entertaining enough, just I rarely sit and watch long vids that I 'stumble' on. having said taht, I did watch the 30 min review fo Baby's Day Out, and I'll probably watch the avatar one too - I'm just not as interested in star wars (and I've not seen the star trek films).

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Yeah it's genuinely great review work- exposes the films as shambolic toss of the highest order (not that that was hard to work out, he just does so in an insightful way)


yes indeed it does...the way he quickly unravels how Palpatine's plan to create the situation of Naboo to help himself is an utter shambles is brilliant...half way through Attack of the Clones so far.

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His voice pissed me off at first but by the second video I was loving it. It's brilliant. Probably, the best thing to come out of the new Star Wars films.


It's pretty much a master class on how not to make a film.


Agreed. They're amazing, amazing, amazing. When the 3rd one came out it was a proper "event" for me and my mates and we sat down and watched it with popcorn.

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The best thing is that the guy doing these has a really strong grasp of narrative and structure. He knows his good cinema too, and that knowledge applied to Star Wars leads to much hilarity.


Also, I'm reminded at just how good The Empire Strikes Back is. I can take or leave most of Star Wars but that movie is awesome.

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The best thing is that the guy doing these has a really strong grasp of narrative and structure. He knows his good cinema too, and that knowledge applied to Star Wars leads to much hilarity.


Also, I'm reminded at just how good The Empire Strikes Back is. I can take or leave most of Star Wars but that movie is awesome.


yeah as much as he slams the films it is analysis of them in comparison to the original trilogy and highlighting how great they are that really makes it all make sense. The biggest thing it really comes down to is the characters or lack there of....the analysis of obi wan and anakins friendship early on the Episode 2 analysis or lack there of and the constant character switching that takes place between them is very insightful. The story sucks but if there were great characters who we cared about that would make things slightly better in some ways but not a lot. blargh too tired time for sleep.

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Firstly, the voice is so fucking annoying.


Secondly, I don't agree with him.


Thirdly, I didn't find him funny.


Prequel hater.


he does make some very good points once you get past the bizarre rape humor.

It might not be for everyone though :) His voice is quite annoying but it's intentional

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