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I think I found out the reason, I've been using up all my CC's.


Is there no way to use healing artes outside of battle? I was quite surprised when Sophie managed to pull a First Aid during battle (not that it wasn't unappreciated) but in the menu for Artes it only mentions the general attacks.


Oh yeah, I got confused about that too in the beginning. The best way to battle is to make whatever combo you want, then guard, even if the enemy isn't attacking you, and when the cc has recharged to whatever level you want, you start a new combo. I usually stop at 12-14 because it's enough for 4 A-arte combo.


I'm pretty sure you can't use healing artes outside battles. The reason is obvious, since CC replenishes you would have an unlimited supply of healing outside of battles rendering gels and cooking useless outside of battle.


Anyway, I completed the game a few days ago. Am on my second playthrough with all the goodies from the grade shop. Since I level up so fast I can play on Chaos and still annihilate the enemy with ease. It got a bit boring charging through things I've already done so I stopped for now.

Anyway, I completed the game a few days ago. Am on my second playthrough with all the goodies from the grade shop.

Waddidya think of it all then?


I've just found a new annoyance, that it takes CC off you when you want to free run in battles. :(


Started this last night, not used to the CC system. It's certainly bright and colourful. Was also surprised to see (hear) they dubbed the opening song.


The battle system and use of titles are the best of the series. Keeping record of sidequests, the eleth mixer, discovery book, stamps, dualizing, are all great additions. The story sucks big time however and I didn't bother to pay attention half the time. Even for Tales standard it's bad. The humour makes partly up for it. It's up there with the Abyss, Symphonia and Vesperia, but it's not the step above them as I initially thought. I couldn't possible rate one above the other so that's all I can say.


That's quite worrying that the story is that bad. If the story is bad, I can only assume the characters are pretty poor too, since they're obviously completely dependent on each other.


I found the story of Abyss to be pretty shite if I'm being honest, so if this is much worse then bad times.

I found the story of Abyss to be pretty shite if I'm being honest, so if this is much worse then bad times.

The story may not have been that inspired (I didn't mind it that much to be honest) but it was more than made up for with the characters.


The battle system = the best of the series.

At this moment in time I don't know how you could say such a thing, CC to run around the battlefield/use normal attacks? Most annoying.


I've put the game on hold, I need to wait till I get an optical cable for my home cinema before I finish. On Chapter 8 right now, I've had a wonderful time playing this game, sure it may not be the greatest storywise but I've loved the combat, loved Sophie and generally enjoyed it.

  • 1 month later...

The PS3 themes are tempting. I love the one I got for XIII-2. It'd be an expensive theme though :p


Essentially done with the game, only got the dreadful eleth mixer grind to complete the platinum. Wonder if I will ever be bothered.


31st of August is it? Right on the edge of the release window then, looks like that'll be my game for the month. I wonder if that day 1 edition will be available for those who pre-ordered early as well.

I wonder if that day 1 edition will be available for those who pre-ordered early as well.


Shopto have changed mine to the "Day One" edition so it looks like it :)


Do US saves work on PAL versions?


I'm still working on this, about 30 hours in. I'm not sure what it is about Namco always making the Tales games about warring kingdoms [at least from the start], but they should try the textbook "big baddy wants to destroy the world", with the start of the game the world being under this monsters oppression to begin with.


I've got enough CC to not be a pissed off as I was about the battle system, but it still annoys me that I still need to use CC to just move around the battlefield. That was all part of my Tales strategy, run around the enemy and attack it from behind. Now I just run up to it, whack it, then dodge my way around.


I love Pascal.


And I'll say one thing "Royal crablettes..."

Done the boss fight at Fendel's Valkynes Cryes, but the boss was brutal, had to retry a few times and even with an all divide it was dealing massive damage with a certain combo attack. Life bottles are a precious commodity in this game.

Kurt? He was the hardest boss I ever went up against. The only one I've backtracked to do some training.


Life bottles aren't that hard to come across. Unless I'm against a boss I usually have a full stock.


Did anyone use those cosmetic things you can attach to your characters. I did have every character running around with a watermelon on their head but it got tiring quickly. I did keep Maliks watermelon nose and goggles on. It looked great in the cutscenes when he was trying to act tough.


My order was changed to the special day 1 edition now, thank goodness for that, now I can rest easy.


I barely got into the after story but now it's European release was announced I'm gonna leave the US version so there'll be some new stuff for me to do.

  • 4 weeks later...

Finally got my platinum. Grinding for the eleth mixer wasn't very fun so I did it in short sessions every now and then. Played for roughly 120 hours over two playthroughs, just over 90 hours the first time(I think completing it takes around 40 hours so don't worry, I did a lot of other things), just under 20 hours the second time and 10 hours for the grind.

  • 2 months later...
What are your overall thoughts after completing it? Enjoy it?

Most enjoyable. I'm currently writing a review for my site so you can read the full lowdown soon.


Gutted I won't be getting the artbook, but meh.

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