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I wish I could get involved in this twitter thing, I just don't feel as though my life is exciting for people to actually read about it.


Today I went to work, had a fight with my girlfriend and just lost at poker. Anyone want to read/ talk about that? Really :p


You also got a text from me :(


And offered to give me your girlfriend. Misogynist!

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I wish I could get involved in this twitter thing, I just don't feel as though my life is exciting for people to actually read about it.


Today I went to work, had a fight with my girlfriend and just lost at poker. Anyone want to read/ talk about that? Really :p


Totally wanna hear about that stuff. I read about Scoops trips to the toilet on various floors at his workplace, I read about will' being in HMV, I read Ramar talking about football; I have no standards.

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Mah Faysbuhk


I have twitter but don't use it. I can't reconcile with it. I appreciate it and it's lowering of the divide between "famous people" (or whatever) and the common folk, but really, I'm so bored of reading uninteresting things with no bearing on my life. And anything interesting is usually just a reposting of news from elsewhere.


If I was famous, I'd definitely use it.


But I can make status updates on Facebook (which is incredibly useful/fun), and people will actually read them.


Have a Myspace, not been on in...3 years probably? Might try now. Have a Bebo since that was facebook before facebook in the UK. Went on the a lol yesterday. It's shitty.

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Anyone use LinkedIn? Set one up months ago but not done anything with it. Mostly because none of my classmates know about this place and they're all on it...

LinkedIn is really more suited to professionals than general socialising. It can be used as a freelancer recruitment tool or networking tool.

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LinkedIn is really more suited to professionals than general socialising. It can be used as a freelancer recruitment tool or networking tool.


Mhm I know which is why I set it up...but I just can't be bothered to do anything with it. Think its still pretty blank.



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I mostly use Twitter for reading other peoples posts and occassionally chatting with people from here but I dont post as much on there as id actually like to. Facebook I still really like for keeping in touch with friends from school/college that I most likely would have lost touch with by now. Plus I cant stop playing Bejeweled Blitz on there.

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I use Facebook and FormSpring. Most people hate the latter but I think it's a great outlet depending on how you use it - can be therapeutic and almost acts as a substitute for a diary or something similar. Chain responses every now and then are irritating, but as long as it's a good question, it's enjoyable providing a good answer. (I don't publish posts on FB news feed btw, before ya troll me on that!)

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I wish I could get involved in this twitter thing, I just don't feel as though my life is exciting for people to actually read about it.


Today I went to work, had a fight with my girlfriend and just lost at poker. Anyone want to read/ talk about that? Really :p


God, no. Can't think of anything worse.

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Never had Bebo, mySpace or anything but I made a Facebook account before it really caught on over here thinking it might be something worth using. Well, nah, its not. I have sod all on my profile and its all made private anyway. I think this intrigues people and they friend me thinking there is a wealth of info to be found on me on there... oops! I think I've things set so that people can't see pictures that other people tag me in (not that theres an abundance of that happening, thankfully). Basically what it boils down to for me is I don't wanna go through pictures of people, I don't wanna see silly conversations on peoples walls and I don't want to play Farmville! What really peeves me off is people contact me through Facebook from time to time, and its like, just text me or use proper email! :nono: I really hate Facebook.


Twitter on the other hand, I don't update it that much but I like it cos I can follow things that will give me useful info (tennis, footy, gaming, tech news, etc). Plus: Stephen Fry. There's good banter on Twitter- the other day there was some quick fire Tweeting between myself, Rinha, Captain Falcon, Killer Kirby, ShadowV7 and Jordan about the virtues of DKC Returns, Metroid and Final Fantasy. It supplements this place well for me seeing as I can't get on here through C2K's filter when I'm at work during the day. I've also got a few friends on there from RPGamer and I'm not even a member of their forum. Twitters simple and to the point. :hehe:


For a while, I had my Twitter being posted onto Facebook. What a mistake that was! When people started commenting on stuff on Facbook I quickly got rid of that link.

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Mah Faysbuhk


I have twitter but don't use it. I can't reconcile with it. I appreciate it and it's lowering of the divide between "famous people" (or whatever) and the common folk, but really, I'm so bored of reading uninteresting things with no bearing on my life. And anything interesting is usually just a reposting of news from elsewhere.


If I was famous, I'd definitely use it.


Most of the interesting things I've found recently are from Twitter. It's pretty much an infinitely untapped well of information/stunning things.


The best thing about it, IMO, is if someone tweets something uninteresting, you just scroll past it, there's no stigmatisation involved. My sister is always like "I'm so scared to tweet, in case people hate me." The whole point is that because there's so many tweets, and they're so easy to digest (140 is so easy), that no one cares if you tweet something they're not interested in. And I know my sister has jokes stuff to say, so I don't have time for her reservations whatsoever.


I actually find celebrities less interesting than the people who just seem to have stunning lives. Celebrities feel like they're tweeting as self-promotion, and its always like "In the studio recording the new album [you better buy it]", kinda stuff you've heard before, and you weren't impressed the first time you heard. [Actually, I do follow Brent Everett, who's a gay porn star, and I love so much, because he's also a budding artist, and he's always like "Hey guys, check out my new 6 foot sculpture!!". His pieces are always borderline impressive (but not totally), but I just enjoy the feeling of sophistication and unskankiness, coming from a massive slut].


But yeah, Twitter is made entirely by who you follow. I just love the concept of writing down random thoughts, and for people to read them, or not to read them.

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For a second i thought you said budist lol.


I don't use twitter, mainly because most of the people that I want to talk to are on either msn or facebook. I like facebook because I think its a good way of having people you don't keep in regular contact on a list somewhere.. I do think though that there's a dark side to facebook for some reason it brings the worst out of people.

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I didn't relise it was agienst the rules to make so many threads?


It's not, people here are so above themselves it's unreal. And with attitudes like the Fish's it's no wonder nobody fucking sticks around.



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Twitter is so fucking annoying in its difficulty of use. As an example. You read a tweet from someone you follow, and it is a reply to a question that some random has asked....and it intrigues you, so you then click on the person to see what the question was, except it was a few days ago and this particular person updates every hour, and its annoying.


Just little things like that are annoying. Its a good idea though. People who update constantly are....not even annoying, just pointless. Like...do you think this is worthy of my precious few seconds to read kind of thing.


And you can get out of hand. Like there are TOO many people to follow.


Blah blah.


FB is <3/Great. YES. Add me(s) if you want.











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Twitter is a base, there are many add ons. http://bettween.com/ is what you want.




Oh nice one, thats perfect.


Incidentally, I don't know if Vauchian is private or not, but check out his profile. Some absolute dingbat of a stupid brainless chav is trying to argue with him on there, asking why 50 of her friends (and her) are friends with him if none of them have ever met them, and Vauchian is saying "Well why the fuck did you accept the friend request if you don't fucking know them" in no uncertain terms.



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Incidentally, I don't know if Vauchian is private or not, but check out his profile. Some absolute dingbat of a stupid brainless chav is trying to argue with him on there, asking why 50 of her friends (and her) are friends with him if none of them have ever met them, and Vauchian is saying "Well why the fuck did you accept the friend request if you don't fucking know them" in no uncertain terms


lmao epic response

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As far as I'm aware twitpic is an unofficial site, in no way endorsed by twitter, hence why.


And in before the someone says it - Twitter's ethos is status updates (essentially), hence why they "won't just add pictures anyway".

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Twitter is so fucking annoying in its difficulty of use. As an example. You read a tweet from someone you follow, and it is a reply to a question that some random has asked....and it intrigues you, so you then click on the person to see what the question was, except it was a few days ago and this particular person updates every hour, and its annoying.


This. Maybe why it still feels shitty and unfinished to me. Why isn't there an obvious button to press to see conversation? So easy but not there.


Most of the interesting things I've found recently are from Twitter. It's pretty much an infinitely untapped well of information/stunning things.


The best thing about it, IMO, is if someone tweets something uninteresting, you just scroll past it, there's no stigmatisation involved. My sister is always like "I'm so scared to tweet, in case people hate me." The whole point is that because there's so many tweets, and they're so easy to digest (140 is so easy), that no one cares if you tweet something they're not interested in. And I know my sister has jokes stuff to say, so I don't have time for her reservations whatsoever.


I actually find celebrities less interesting than the people who just seem to have stunning lives. Celebrities feel like they're tweeting as self-promotion, and its always like "In the studio recording the new album [you better buy it]", kinda stuff you've heard before, and you weren't impressed the first time you heard. [Actually, I do follow Brent Everett, who's a gay porn star, and I love so much, because he's also a budding artist, and he's always like "Hey guys, check out my new 6 foot sculpture!!". His pieces are always borderline impressive (but not totally), but I just enjoy the feeling of sophistication and unskankiness, coming from a massive slut].


But yeah, Twitter is made entirely by who you follow. I just love the concept of writing down random thoughts, and for people to read them, or not to read them.


I'm aware.


I find so little of interest there (I know that it's made by who you follow, but I don't know who else to follow. I know no one else on it, I don't REALLY care what Eliza Dushku did last weekend, but I may as well have something on my feed..?). I dislike that there's no "base". No respite. It's like SAY SOMETHING OR DON'T. And if you don't..well there's no point in having one really (since it's made annoying to just spy on people's conversations). And I know no one real on it (apart from you and selects) so it's not even like I have a reason to be on there to chat to people.


I have no incentive to say anything to 21 followers, the majority of which are randomers.


That said, I'm trying to give it it's time again.

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