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Battlestar Galactica & Caprica


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Saw The plan yesterday.. Didn’t really excite me. I had a bit of a feeling while watching it, and then watching the deleted scenes afterwards confirmed it for me: it just feels like watching a collection of deleted scenes. It was nice to see everyone again after a long time, and it’s good to have Battlestar Galactica finally complete (well, I need to replace everything on blu-ray, but..), but I personally didn’t feel did really added anything to the series. Perhaps this is exactly because of its structure, perhaps if it was more of a story, I would have liked it more. Anyway, my opinion of The plan doesn’t alter my opinion of Battlestar Galactica as a whole: it’s still my favourite series.

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If SyFy screw with this show I swear I will make make bad things happen :mad:


Also... I thought they were gonna have the same guy who played Bill in the Razor flashbacks to play him in this show?


And that guy in this trailer doesn't even seem to have the proper deep blue eyes.... is this gonna be another Caprica thing? It's not really our Bill?

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Not exactly:


Though the vision for 'Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome' has evolved over the course of the past year, our enthusiasm for this ambitious project has not waned. We are actively pursuing it as was originally intended: a groundbreaking digital series that will launch to audiences beyond the scope of a television screen. The 90-minute pilot movie will air on Syfy in its entirety at a future date


The word "series" still gives us hope.


Edit: Also, I don't think it's ever been at a point where it was going to be aired on TV.

Edited by Cube
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I have scrolled through this entire thread at RAPID SPOILER AVOIDANCE SPEED to let you all know I'm watching this and so far it is brilliant (almost done with season 3). Starbuck is annoying as fuck, but the rest of the characters are pretty much superb.

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Starbuck is annoying as fuck, but the rest of the characters are pretty much superb.

You’ll learn to love her.


Anyway, I can’t watch the video above, but I’m not interested anyway, for the same reason Magnus mentioned.


More interesting however, is that Ronald D. Moore wrote a new episode for the original series. Really!


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I've been trying to get a bit more into sci fi, but haven't been able to find anything that I like except for this and Firefly. And firefly is more for quick blasts of fun than exactly great writing, if we're being honest.


I'd like to watch BSG again, but not so soon... I finished it less than a year ago...


The genre as a whole seems a bit lacking to me.

BSG is the best sci fi I've ever watched and even so it does have some fundamental flaws to it. As in, it's amazing, but not "top tier" level.

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I've been trying to get a bit more into sci fi, but haven't been able to find anything that I like except for this and Firefly. And firefly is more for quick blasts of fun than exactly great writing, if we're being honest.


I'd like to watch BSG again, but not so soon... I finished it less than a year ago...


The genre as a whole seems a bit lacking to me.

BSG is the best sci fi I've ever watched and even so it does have some fundamental flaws to it. As in, it's amazing, but not "top tier" level.


Such as? (Genuine question, I know it's flaws - in particular the filler episodes) but what stops it being top tier in your opinion?


I remember when I watched it a few years back thinking it was about the best TV I'd ever seen. Not sure how it would hold up having since seen The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men et all, I'll have to rewatch it some day. On lovely blu-ray, preferably.


Also, agreed on the Sci-Fi thing. I had a phase post-BSG of trying to find sci-fi tv of the same calibre but don't reckon I found anything. Shame.


More interesting however, is that Ronald D. Moore wrote a new episode for the original series. Really!


haha, that was great

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Such as? (Genuine question, I know it's flaws - in particular the filler episodes) but what stops it being top tier in your opinion?


I remember when I watched it a few years back thinking it was about the best TV I'd ever seen. Not sure how it would hold up having since seen The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men et all, I'll have to rewatch it some day. On lovely blu-ray, preferably.


Also, agreed on the Sci-Fi thing. I had a phase post-BSG of trying to find sci-fi tv of the same calibre but don't reckon I found anything. Shame.


Funny you'd mention Breaking Bad, as imo it stands side by side with BSG when it comes to quality level. I love both shows and neither is in the very least disappointing or marred by anything in particular, but they're both missing something to really be top tier. If I had to put my finger on it, I'd say it's mostly the familiar character arcs and somewhat heavy reliance on slightly worn out themes and set pieces. And in both cases, I think that there are some gaping flaws in casting, which result in an uneven balance between perfect engaging performances ( such as James Edward Olmos' role as Adama and/or Bryan Cranston as Walter White) and 90's television soap opera playboy archetypes (such as Jamie Bamber as Apollo or Dean Norris as Hank Schrader).


That said, they are both television of the finest quality, whose flaws, while many, are completely overshadowed by their strenghts. The only reason these aren't "top tier" shows IMO is because stuff like The Wire, The Sopranos and Deadwood exists.


HBO is way ahead of the competition when it comes to delivering effective and well executed drama.


In all honesty, though, television as a medium for drama has not yet found stable ground, as even the very best are still marred by some slight blemishes... The Wire, whose ultra realism and gritty presentation make it utterly perfect was still marred by some slight freedoms taken with it, like the whole Amsterdam arc and faux-serial killer stuff which pretty much went against the show's very essence... The last few Sopranos seasons saw a slight drop in quality and some quite frankly ludicrous final episodes (though the finale was amazing)... I could go on, but the truth is that there has yet to exist a tv drama that is absolutely without fault in modern TV (we'll always have Dekalog, Berlin Alexanderplatz and Heimat, but the 80's are long gone now...). The problem is always the same... things either go on for too long and become a bit aimless or the writers succumb to gimmicks for audience purposes.


That said, credit where credit is due... there are a lot of amazing TV shows out there, despite their flaws.


BSG would rank as upper tier, imo, not top. Next best thing, basically.


As for Breaking Bad ,Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Tréme and Boardwalk Empire... or any other show that's yet to conclude... I'll reserve my judgement for after their completion, but we truly live in the best of times, when it comes to quality home entertainment.


That said, I'm gonna go play Journey and then get comfy in bed watching The Thick Of It, currently going through and loving both those pearls.

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More interesting however, is that Ronald D. Moore wrote a new episode for the original series. Really!



Haha that was awesome, was not expecting the cameos towards the end, bloody awesome :D


As for the show itself I find it still holds up very well, having only just finished a rewatch a few months back with a cousin of mine. Pretty similar to that video actually. He didn't think he'd like the show, I convinced him to watch the Mini Series and said if he still doesn't want to continue after that then fine, but he had to at least watch the mini series first.


We ended up watching into half of season 1 that day before he had to go back to Dublin. Later ended up watching all of seasons 2 and 3 the next bank holiday he came to visit my place. Then finished up with 4 and 5 in his place just watching eps back to back :D


The season 3 finale still gets my adrenaline pumping and the final episode I still love and still think it was one of the bets final eps to show ever :D

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The last few Sopranos seasons saw a slight drop in quality and some quite frankly ludicrous final episodes (though the finale was amazing)... I could go on, but the truth is that there has yet to exist a tv drama that is absolutely without fault in modern TV


I think I'm going to have to put you on my hide list for that comment. :p


The final season of the Sopranos was perfect. Superb writing, acting, casting and a fantastic ending. Everything in it adds up.


I would say The Sopranos is the finest programme I've ever seen and probably will see. I recently watched Breaking Bad and thought it was fantastic but there was some lazy writing in parts and the fact that there's going to be another season too. There's no need for it.


I'm watching The Wire at the moment and loving it so far; just about to start Season 3. Stringer Bell is quality.


As for comedy/drama, only thing that anyone can mention in that category is Entourage. Hands down the best comedy/drama series.

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Agreed, Entourage ended when it should - perhaps a little too late, but the last seasons still had some moments. I've never really liked Vince that much, so having the other characters take the spotlight for the last years was very welcome.


Drama in particular was always a pleasure to watch. What a bro, in every sense of the word.

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Agreed, Entourage ended when it should - perhaps a little too late, but the last seasons still had some moments. I've never really liked Vince that much, so having the other characters take the spotlight for the last years was very welcome.


Drama in particular was always a pleasure to watch. What a bro, in every sense of the word.


Yeah I think it had one season too many but there were a few great episodes in the final season, especially towards the end when all the boys were together.


And totally agreed about Drama.

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