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Baby Swapgate


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I seen last nights episode and damn you really think ronnie is going to admit it so soon considering she hands kat the baby? damnit people I hate it when it seemes rushed thanks to those complainers

Edited by Ryuk
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I cared so little about this I haven't even seen it really since I saw the episode after the dastardly episode in question. This is because I've realised how little I care, but seeing stuff in the papers I walk past and this thread here, kind of makes me want to be seeing it just so I can share in getting riled up somehow, and I get the urge to watch EastEnders. Then I realise I'm not a twat. So I'm now avoiding this thread and this whole 'scandal' forever.

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I seen last nights episode and damn you really think ronnie is going to admit it so soon considering she hands kat the baby? damnit people I hate it when it seemes rushed thanks to those complainers


I heard in the media that the storyline is going til april so its unlikely to be the end..


I don't think you need to spoiler it seen as most people here are haters anyway =P

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I cared so little about this I haven't even seen it really since I saw the episode after the dastardly episode in question. This is because I've realised how little I care, but seeing stuff in the papers I walk past and this thread here, kind of makes me want to be seeing it just so I can share in getting riled up somehow, and I get the urge to watch EastEnders. Then I realise I'm not a twat. So I'm now avoiding this thread and this whole 'scandal' forever.


Fret not, I don't watch EE either and I think very few people in here actually do. It was more about this been crazy scandal/media panic than anything.

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a sodding back bone


A backbone to do what with??


do people not realise they do this to push the boundaries of tv?


I believe they do, and I believe this is the reason they complain.


I don't watch the program and don't really care, but "pushing boundaries" isn't always a positive move. I am going to make an extreme case here simply to make my point.


If there was a channel broadcasting child pornography and encouraging paedophiles to abuse children, would you complain? and why?

Its an entirely fictional scenario (thankfully.. hopefully :s) but if you answer the two questions you can see why the complainants have taken the steps they have. the reason no one else has.. others are less sensitive about the subject / are more apathetic.


There are large bodies of research that show that tv can go a long way towards normalising behaviour, the human mind is less than entirely capable of completely distinguishing between fact and fiction. By pushing boundaries tv is able to have a disproportionately powerful influence on the direction society takes.

The same argument holds a bit more strongly for computer games and books.

This can be a positive as well as negative thing, depending on your personal viewpoint.


in this case I suppose it highlights the sad event of cot death, and the irrational state such a bereavement can place you in.


negatively it seems to do that in a crass and insensitive way, demonising the victims and alienating pretty much anyone who could perhaps have otherwise identified with the scenario. Poor script writing imo.


having said that

a) how many women find their baby has died from cot death (answer sadly too many)

b) how many additionally have free access to a similarly aged baby (I imagine very few)

c) how many would get away with a switch without relatives (of them or the baby) noticing?


I mean, walking into a room with a dead baby, pop it down, take the live baby, then sneak out? :s


anyway, I hope the complainers enjoyed complaining, I'm sure they feel their lives have taken a meaningful step towards fulfillment

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I heard in the media that the storyline is going til april so its unlikely to be the end..


I don't think you need to spoiler it seen as most people here are haters anyway =P


I think he's done it for people who actually still watch this shit, like me. It has some kind of weird hold on me. I watched it back in the days when Eastenders had gangsters and things like that but now it's just full of soppy and emotional characters who seem to be always depressed about their marriages or relationships and it's boring and I don't really know why I still watch it. I suppose it might be because, for about 10 years, I've watched it and I'm just waiting for it to get better...something that will most likely never happen...:p


Coronation Street's better, lmao.

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A backbone to do what with??




I believe they do, and I believe this is the reason they complain.


I don't watch the program and don't really care, but "pushing boundaries" isn't always a positive move. I am going to make an extreme case here simply to make my point.


If there was a channel broadcasting child pornography and encouraging paedophiles to abuse children, would you complain? and why?

Its an entirely fictional scenario (thankfully.. hopefully :s) but if you answer the two questions you can see why the complainants have taken the steps they have. the reason no one else has.. others are less sensitive about the subject / are more apathetic.


There are large bodies of research that show that tv can go a long way towards normalising behaviour, the human mind is less than entirely capable of completely distinguishing between fact and fiction. By pushing boundaries tv is able to have a disproportionately powerful influence on the direction society takes.

The same argument holds a bit more strongly for computer games and books.

This can be a positive as well as negative thing, depending on your personal viewpoint.


in this case I suppose it highlights the sad event of cot death, and the irrational state such a bereavement can place you in.


negatively it seems to do that in a crass and insensitive way, demonising the victims and alienating pretty much anyone who could perhaps have otherwise identified with the scenario. Poor script writing imo.


having said that

a) how many women find their baby has died from cot death (answer sadly too many)

b) how many additionally have free access to a similarly aged baby (I imagine very few)

c) how many would get away with a switch without relatives (of them or the baby) noticing?


I mean, walking into a room with a dead baby, pop it down, take the live baby, then sneak out? :s


anyway, I hope the complainers enjoyed complaining, I'm sure they feel their lives have taken a meaningful step towards fulfillment


Interesting how out of all the posts on this thread you go for mine, given I posted once and never thought to check back - until now.


..and no that means I'm not replying properly, for the love of me I cannot be bloody arsed.

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