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Life after Wii


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The media it will use is an interesting question. I personally think that Nintendo will carry on using a proprietary disc format.


No chance that it will use BluRay as it is a highly used format which means that piracy will be much easier. I would say the same for the solid format. If Nintendo used any type of flash memory that is publicly available on a large scale then locking this down for preventing piracy will be near impossible.


So what could be left? Proprietary solid state, like the DS? Well most 3rd parties HATE this as it rips a lot of money off of them and puts it in Nintendo's pocket as they own the production process. Or they might just stay with the current idea of the cheap to produce proprietary disc formats, which I think is the most likely.


Cloud is a nice idea but I don't think that Nintendo will be the people to do it. They like their tangible products and it makes them more money with merchandise.

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Although, I feel 2011 will still prove a successful year for Wii with Nintendo avoid further price cuts. They'll probably wish to send out a signal that their hardware will not drop in price - very Apple like. But a few thoughts from me:



All three machines - Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft will launch within a few months in 2012. Microsoft for Easter, while Sony and Nintendo hit the Christmas season.


Hardware and Performance

Sony is said still to loose money on every PS3, while Microsft has made their machine finally profitable. This could hint at Wii being no more powerful than a 360. I would perhaps argue their next console will not be as powerful as the 360 (and that would mirror this generation), but still offer 720p - of course, I'd rather see them aim higher and mandate 1080p but that's a pipe dream. A camera in a revised sensor bar - Pachter suspects Nintendo will be offering a Kinect style revolution next gen, and its probably a shrewd move (but how to differentiate from Kinect...).


Bye Bye hardware buttons. Original PS3 touch keys, please..


Nintendo may also up the ante with a small and sleek design - again taking a cue from Apples more recent products.


Nintendo will have to opt for a larger capacity drive - probably avoiding solid state due to costs. They were caught off guard and did not plan for WiiWare, that is clear.


Revision to Controller

A physical controller to include sensors for heat and blood pressure and whatever other inputs they can get from your hands - yes, Vitality Sensor Returns! It wouldn't surprise me if we see a touch controller, either. I doubt Nintendo will again opt for the TV-style remote we currently have though, something is telling me they'll be looking at phones for inspiration - or something crazy like hoops you fit your hand into. Considering the tech that goes into slim smartphones, I expect Nintendo will have really slim controllers. Rechargeable?



Nintendo will opt for a 'verified boot' option ala Crome OS. I suspect Nintendo will wish to avoid the bad press associated with remotely bricking hardware, so being able to forcibly reset firmware is a better option for them, and enforced firmware updates overtime.


Games Media

A further revision to Nintendo's optical disk, potentially a return GC style mini disk but at a higher density (8cm bluray disks offer around 8GB). No bluray or DVD to avoid licensing fees. Further, more unique, anti-piracy measures. More unique shaped boxes - squared, DS style boxes?



I think the 3DS will pave the way for an integrated, persistent online approach. A unified 'My Nintendo' account across web, home and portable consoles, potentially mirroring AirPlay with certain titles flicking between 3DS and Wii 2. My Nintendo would also position itself as a dedicated Gaming Social Network. No Facebook updates etc. Still lagging behind PS3 and 360 in online, but a vast improvement. True email, perhaps?



A Nintendo-esque Trophies/Achievement system. Rather than tangible trophies or points, something a little more abstract - each Kudos awarded slightly changes the hue of a sphere or shape.


Other Media

We've recently seen a breakdown in how Wii users their machines. I was surprised to read that it has the largest portion of media streaming users, when compared to the competition (despite a prioritised, more integral feel to those services). I would expect Nintendo to partner with some video streamers from Day One, making it integral to the machine - and a reason for people to turn the Wii 2 on daily (something Nintendo have claimed they wanted with Wii). I doubt we'd see PVR and DTT tuners (although compatibility with them may be a possibility), but media streaming via a Netflix channel or Amazon VOD (no doubt charging them or taking referral fees for the privilege). Although Sony are likely to opt for adding Google TV to their next machine, I suspect meetings between Nintendo and Google will take place, but ultimately will fail - Nintendo will want to monetise the offering in their favour (but then again, it would be beneficial for Google to have that mass market hardware and I see them negotiating heavily on revenues).


Apps and Homebrew

18 months before Apple's App Store launched, and at a point where few TVs had Apps, Nintendo launched a little box with access to Apps (Wii Channels). I Guess with their new iteration Nintendo will improve how channels/apps are integrated into the user interface - avoiding loadtimes would be a nice move, more widget-like?


With Sonys Little Big Planet 2 and Nintendo's own Wario Ware games offering DIY gaming, the Big N could include tools into the hardware - reducing the desire for unlicensed homebrew and therefore hacking and gaining thousands of free games/apps worldwide.


Just a few thoughts. Roll on 2012, I say!

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Nintendo should just remake this beauty




Stick a HDMI port on it to keep people happy. Change carts to CDs/DVDs and increase the god-awful texture limit.


Re-release games with slightly better graphics and much better audio.


Add some online functionality in there for Goldeneye online (just ignore the lawsuits and release it before anyone can do anything).


You know it'd sell.

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Nintendo should just remake this beauty




Stick a HDMI port on it to keep people happy. Change carts to CDs/DVDs and increase the god-awful texture limit.


Re-release games with slightly better graphics and much better audio.


Add some online functionality in there for Goldeneye online (just ignore the lawsuits and release it before anyone can do anything).


You know it'd sell.

Shudder that controller :D

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What you think I meant? :D


I actually thought it sent a chill down your spine due to your dislike for it.. but now I'm getting the impression you actually do love it so.. happy days :hehe: I'll get on the blower to the hitman and tell him his services are no longer required..

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The standard controller for Nintendo's next console should be based on the GameCube's - wired (optional), L + R, four face buttons (A, B, X + Y) and two analogue sticks. Any motion control should be limited to an internal gyroscope or two.


When playing games on the Wii I've often thought "This would be so much better with the GameCube controller".

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When playing games on the Wii I've often thought "This would be so much better with the GameCube controller".


I prefer playing games like Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Kart with the Remote & Nunchuck. As long as there's no waggling (just buttons and pointer), it's great.


The only problem with the Remote & Nunchuck is poor camera controls (FPS games are an exception).

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The best part about the Wiimote+Nunchuck is the ability to move them as far apart or as close together as you like. It makes gaming SO MUCH MORE INTENSE.


Gaming with your arms folded while lounging on a sofa is very much win.

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An estimated lifetime sales of 84 Mio. units (VGChartz) say quite clearly: there is no way back to a traditional standard controller layout, no matter how much a couple of million people might despise the Wiimote. If they're going the safe route, we might just see a revision of the Wiimote and something that's able to determine its position in a 3D space.


A successor to the Wii would very likely be able to output (Full?) HD images, as CRTs are close to extinct by now. In terms of visual fidelity, I don't expect much more than what the XBox and PS3 are capable of. It's already hard enough to distinguish modern day FPSs by graphical quality on the high-def consoles. The race for the most powerful hardware comes to an end, and as Nintendo already bailed out from that race with the Wii, they're unlikely to start it again. It's not that a Mario game would gain anything from being able to spot the pimple's on his nose. ;)

A new Nintendo console might again be underpowered in comparison to a PS4 or XBox whatever, without actually being underpowered.


I'm not completely convinced Nintendo will make their next home console 3D capable. This might strongly depend on how wide spread 3D TVs will be at that time and maybe if a solid technology for large 3D screens without glasses shows up. Nintendo will use whatever is the most widespread living-room display technology when the time comes.


The media, they sell their games on, will likely be bigger, as SSBB and M:OM already use dual layer "DVD"s. A disc based medium would probably be the cheapest to produce, so they might either license Blu Rays or again introduce a version of their on, they don't have to pay licensing fees for. I don't expect wild things here and would expect that the latter will be the case.


In terms of online capabilities, Nintendo probably will do much more than they did with the Wii. Given how commercially successful other platforms are with online content and how more and more download games get into the spotlight, it's not like they have a choice. They seem very focused on

and will hardly do less for their next home console. In terms of friendlists, in- and cross-game chat I'm not so sure. If nothing else, they might want to provide a better conditions for 3rd parties to work with. That means ways of patching, possibilities for DLC etc.



But that's all still very much "Wii-HD". After the Wii, they might be able to pull this off without suffering a similar commercial failure as the Gamecube was, but such a console will hardly replicate the Wii's success. It just won't stand out enough. So, it'll have something, where Nintendo can claim to be "first" at and which will get them into the headlines.


As for really "disruptive" features, I'm mostly at a loss. The most "easy" way for innovation might again be the controller. Even here, "mind control" (nerve-/ brain- impulses) seem to me the only thing, that hasn't been done in some way by Nintendo, MS or Sony yet.

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I'm not sure how well it would work, but I think that the following changes would be good for the next Wii's controller:


- Better motion detection in both Wii Remote and Nunchuck

- Perhaps a D-Pad on the Nunchuck below the analogue stick.

- Two Kidney-shape buttons at the top of the A-Button

- The 3DS's Analogue slider where the D-Pad is on the Wii Remote.


I don't think the next Wii's controller needs to be as simple, and a set-up like that would allow most multiplatform games to work without silly and annoying controls.

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It wouldn't surprise me if 8 or 16GB+ flash memory cards are cheap enough to produce by the time the next consoles are out that they would be a valid choice for Nintendo (if they want to stay away from media again) to use. The 3DS ones are possibly 8GB.


Edit: Also, it would save a lot of space. Isn't around 70% of the Wii pretty much the optical drive?

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My achievement addiction says otherwise. :laughing:


In MS-Land, the console controls you! ;)

Incidentally, achievements are one thing I can't see Nintendo copying. At least not in their current form as mere meta-medals.


It wouldn't surprise me if 8 or 16GB+ flash memory cards are cheap enough to produce by the time the next consoles are out that they would be a valid choice for Nintendo (if they want to stay away from media again) to use. The 3DS ones are possibly 8GB.

It's a possibility, but I think it's unlikely, unless they wanted to make their next "home" console portable.

The technical maximum for the 3DS cartridges is rumored to be 8 GB with the initial maximum at 2GB, but it might be years into the machine's lifetime until cartridges this large are available or even required. In case of cartridges they would also have to give up on backwards compatibility to Wii games.

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I'm sure they've already announced them for the 3DS.


Not that I know of. The only hint at something achievement related was the interview with this guy on their e3 website. As Nintendo haven't confirmed anything at all in this direction, it's rather unclear if he just went overboard with assumptions.


There is no official information about what information player accounts on the 3DS will contain and what other players will be able to see. So far I'm interpreting this lack of information as "no achievements". I might be wrong and they're just not flat out going to admit, that they finally copied achievements, though.


Edit: As those interviews are staged by Nintendo and they overlayed "achievements" there is likely going to be something in this direction on the 3DS. Without any information on what form this will take, I just wouldn't hold my breath yet.

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