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Hit or Miss - Vote Now! (BBC webvote)

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Most people are voting without even knowing the true capabilities of the device. They just see a remote and pass it off as crap!


Newsround always snubs anything Nintendo. I recall many an occasion when in the past I've seen them bad mouthing Nintendo to our nations youth. Some people are just stupid.


24014 votes so far and 50.20% HIT and 49.80% MISS, just thought I'd update it.


EDIT: also noticed another poll for the next gen consoles:

56495 votes 51.69 PS3, 30.42% 360 and 17.89 for rev, only the bbc though.

  GoonFace said:
You guys are fighting a losing battle. There are probably Sony and Microsoft employes pressing vote, clearing their cookies and then voting again.


I'm going to pop that in my signature, you're brilliant!


I find it amusing that theres a pic of an Xbox 360 and a link to its own news story half way down a story on the Revolution. The xbox 360 is mentioned in a small paragraph at the bottom but theres another pic near it where it could have gone.


The BBC suck when it comes to games. There just doesn't seem to be anyone there who has a passion for it and instead just reports what they think people want. Channel 4's teletext gaming thing is where the passion's at. The BBC one is total and utter shite.


I placed my 'hit' vote and it now stands at;


Hit - 50.27%

Miss - 49.73%


24569 votes


They also have an artice about;

"Expensive gaming; cost of making next generation games set to soar"


Hopefylly this is where Nintendo will have an advantage; people can produce simple yet extremely fun games if they choose, the Rev will appeal to smaller developers because of this, plus it should be the easiest console to develop for and thus saving development times/cost!

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