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Mass Effect 3


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About the ending:

I think it doesn't do the rest of the series justice. Instead of an important fight the game ends with pseudo-philosophical talk. Also what kind of stupid superweapon would allow for three options? I think the idea of an actual suicide mission should have been saved for ME3; fighting your way through London (which should be revamped, I felt it was really uninspired and tedious) and the Citadel to open the wards. Depending on the choices throughout the rest of the games you have more support and therefore a better chance of you and your team surviving. In the end you face a new reaper enemy-type. After you defeat him, he offers peaceful co-existence or something. So Shep can choose whether to open the citadel's arms or not.


Also why did the reaper leave the portal unguarded once he shot Shep and everyone else? I mean what was he thinking? "Hmm... they should be all dead now. Let's join a fight which sole purpose is to distract us while a commando unit tries to enter the citadel. It's not like any more enemies would try to enter the citadel. Also the fight out there is more important than protecting the portal which would lead to our destruction."


Also how did you understand the part about the reapers destroying advanced civilizations to prevent synthetics from killing their creators? If creators was only referring to a race instead of all organics the reapers would basically do nothing, because these organics would eventually be killed anyways. Do you guys think it means all organics or not? The way I understood it, it was only referring to one race.


All in all I think it's an average ending, comparing to how many sci-fi things end disappointingly. Not putting it in perspective I think they should have done much better.


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Can't fault your idea there @Konfucius

Having a final mission with that style would have been great. As you said, depending on your choices in the 1st and 2nd depends on who is on the ground providing support. Still, having Shepard lasered and left barely alive towards the end is ok. Thats where you should have had a squad mate (or in-game lover) come into effect. You approach the portal to the Citadel, get approached by a lone Reaper, just as they are about to kill you, your team-mate (or lover) appears and kills them. And helps you in the Citadel.


Should have seriously had a fight on there with getting to the Citadel. You assisting the civilians and Alliance troops battle Cerburus agents on the way to the confrontation to the Illusive Man. And after shooting him dead (i mean, who doesn't want him dead) you have a battle (along with the help from your squad) against Harbinger. You become the new leader of the Reapers after killing Harbinger. Then you have the choice as to what to do next, either save humanity and the rest of the galaxy by killing the Reapers (Paragon ending) or take control and do the Reapers bidding (Renegade ending). 2 clear choices, and no "middle" choice.


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has anyone else not finished the game yet?


I'm on the last mission, but the dropping readyness from multiplayer is getting on my nerves now! i leave it a few days and i need to play 4-5 20 min long multiplayer missions and win to get back to 100%! its annoying, i have an hour left of the game but need to do god knows how much more multiplayer to be able to do that!

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has anyone else not finished the game yet?


I'm on the last mission, but the dropping readyness from multiplayer is getting on my nerves now! i leave it a few days and i need to play 4-5 20 min long multiplayer missions and win to get back to 100%! its annoying, i have an hour left of the game but need to do god knows how much more multiplayer to be able to do that!


It's annoying, but i can give you some relief on that.


You don't need 100% galactic readiness (multiplayer)just as long as your support (in the comms room on the Normandy) is over 4000



Thought i'd throw that in

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It's annoying, but i can give you some relief on that.


You don't need 100% galactic readiness (multiplayer)just as long as your support (in the comms room on the Normandy) is over 4000



Thought i'd throw that in



well i think i can complete it then lol i had around 6k when i checked last

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What save game should I load to play the Extended Cut?


[spoilerS]To experience the Extended Cut, load a save game from before the attack on [redacted] and play through to the end of the game. The Extended Cut endings will differ depending on choices made throughout the Mass Effect series, so multiple playthroughs with a variety of different decisions will be required to experience the variety of possibilities offered by the new content.



I mean, I assume that you can just load your last save game and that this is just because that's the point where the game creates its DLC save file, but I just think it's cute that they think anyone wants to replay the last ~2 hours just to see the extended ending.


Though killing Kai Leng again would be pretty satisfying.


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I mean, I assume that you can just load your last save game and that this is just because that's the point where the game creates its DLC save file, but I just think it's cute that they think anyone wants to replay the last ~2 hours just to see the extended ending.


Though killing Kai Leng again would be pretty satisfying.

Yeah, that's kind of irritating, but it's not like the attack on [redacted] was particularly difficult/exciting, so it shouldn't take too long to blast through. Although the "final" fight sequence is all very annoying, I might push it down to easy or something for that. I just hope I've got a save game at the right point...

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Don't worry, Supergrunch, you can use my save game. You romanced Jacob too, right?


Mass Effect 3 had my least favorite final mission(s) in the series, but I haven't touched my save games since finishing the game, so I think I'm good.

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I have no idea where I last saved. MY biggest thing is do I stick to my original choice or go for a different choice? Now I believe in the indoctrination theory (unless this doctored ending changes my views totally) I think I would likely choose differently.

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It's given me an incentive to bother going through it again. I was pretty much shouting through that interview "Yes, you should've done that the first time!". I'm all with leaving it to your own imagination but when...


there are things where I really can't fathom how or why they would happen it's pretty frustrating. Why did the Normandy piss off? Why no fight with Harbinger? How did Anderson get through the relay? Why was space kid the same kid that died and you have nightmares about? I can't make my own assumptions on those so some explaination would've been good. One main reason which pissed me off was that I felt that I did the whole saga for nothing. Why did I forge alliances, why did I save people. Surely they didn't expect people to just accept the fact that everyone is fine and dandy after you win?


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More detailed thoughts:


There's one scene added while you run to the beam, showing your squadmates getting injured. Shepard calls for the Normandy to pick them up.


Once you reach the Citadel, there's another short scene where Hackett gets a report that someone has made it to the Citadel.


The conversation with the Child has changed a lot. They go much deeper into explanations of what the Catalyst, Crucible and Reapers are, and why they're doing it. It all makes much more sense and you can understand their reasoning for it all. It also explains why they now have the choices.


They go into more detail on what the three different choices mean, and why some of it happens. It makes the choice much, much better.



When the Catalyst goes off, Hackett orders the fleet to meet at the rendezvous. Considering they have no idea what it does, it does make sense to take this precaution.


There are a few new scenes of the planet hitting another location on Earth, along with a few other planets.


You see the Normandy on the planet and some of your squadmates walk out.


You get a scene explaining the effects of your choice, along with some nice slideshow-like clips showing the rebuilding effort and some of your squadmates.


After this, you get a scene of your squadmates putting a Anderson and Shepard's names on the memorial wall and the Normandy lifts off from the planet. The credits roll and you get the epilogue.



If you destroy the Reapers, you see them get killed. You get dialogue from Hackett explaining what happens: The synthetics are destroyed and the Mass Relays are severely damaged. He explains that everything can eventually be rebuilt.


It's a bittersweet ending, you've won but it has the greatest impression of the loss that everyone is going through.



It's explained that, while Shepard's body dies, her mind, thoughts and memories get absorbed by the Reapers. Reaper-Shepard explains that she now controls the Reapers and uses them as a massive fleet to protect the people of the galaxy.


It's a nice ending, but not an ideal one. It essentially seems that Reaper-Shepard will interfere if it looks like war is going to break out between synthetics and organics (I would imagine the threat of the Reapers would stop any of these wars).



This is explained in much greater detail. The Reapers are synthetic and are the synthetic part of the new DNA and Shepard adds her organic energy with this to create the new DNA. It also explains that this has been tried before, but until this point organic life has not been ready.


EDI explains the nature of the DNA change, and how the Reapers are now helping to rebuild and are sharing their knowledge of all past civilisations with everyone.


It's a very pleasant ending, showing everyone working together to rebuild. This also has a couple of changed sceens which are a very nice touch (one of these, surprisingly, is about Kasumi).



The "Screw This" ending. I repeated my first choice from the original ending: Shoot the child. While you original got a "Game Over" scene and started the choice again, it's now a valid choice.


When you shoot him, the Child says "so be it" and turns off the Crucible and he says that the cycle will continue. It then fades to thousands of years later - as the Reapers have wiped out all advanced races from our cycle.


It cuts to an unknown planet with someone playing Liara's message (the one she talks to you about during ME3) with plans for the crucible, along with a warning that sending all the fleets wasn't enough.


It goes to the credits and you get a different epilogue. A woman and her child talk about The Shepard and how, because of her work, they were able to stop the Reapers before having to to to war with them.



Overall, I'm very pleased with how it turned out.


Once again, I am extremely enthusiastic about Mass Effect. Bring on the Lethiathan DLC.

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Thanks cube. Will need to see for myself but general impression

Shits all over the indoctrination theory that people were clinging onto, which was possibly more garbage than the original endings. Which makes me happy.


Oh and if anyone was irritated by the randomness of the packs, these have been reduced somewhat in that you wont endlessly get character card packs when you you have characters already maxed out. May only apply to rare cards as I still failed to get that last common character card.

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