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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception


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If I choose to cancel it, am I able to resume the download from where I was at a later point or do I have to start over again?

Just pause it instead. Cancelling will clear any download progress unlike with the 360, presumably because that machine doesn't have a download pause function.


Anyway, we had some good games although the Party system seems rather flaky: a lot of inexplicable drop outs going on. I also really hope there's some way for 10 people in a Party to actually play together in the full game; the current limitation seems pointless if it's to avoid boosting, those sorts always find a way to do that stuff.

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Finally got this downloaded this morning. Just cancelled it last night as it was taking forever. Still took a while this morning but not the 2 hours plus it was going to take last night.


Enjoying it. Been awhile since I last played Uncharted so having to get used to the controls all over again and they're feeling ever so slightly finicky but that'll pass with further play. Loving the new melee kills. They've come in handy when running up behind enemy players :D


The maps aren't the best though, at least for playing Plunder which is my preferred match type. Airstrip is slightly better for it, and that's where I've had my best matches so far, but hopefully there'll be some better ones in the final product. They play well enough for TDM though.

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I way prefer Chateau to Air Strip for all modes really. Apart from Chain Reaction/King of the Hill, where AirStrip is HUGE fun....but....poor spawns really (killed) our team of ever getting close to winning.


Awesome game. Kick backs are......SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool.

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New map = Rez exploding with joy


UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta Hits 1 Million+ Players, Co-op Adventure and New Map Hit 7/10




Wow, this was a massive week for UNCHARTED 3! We kicked off the week on Monday by updating the available gametypes in the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta to provide more variety from the prior week.


Then, starting Tuesday, the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta was opened up for wide PSN access. The Beta is totally free and available from now until July 14th – there’s no excuse not to hop in and play at least a few matches!


One day after the Beta went fully public, we passed one million unique players in the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta. Not only that, but the player count is growing with each passing day! We couldn’t be prouder of our community coming out in such numbers to play in the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta.


Next week is the FINAL week in the Beta – we’ll be shutting down the servers on Thursday, July 14th – so be sure to get your fill of UNCHARTED 3 before it goes away for a few months. This will also be your last week to hit the requirements to receive the rewards we’re offering that will be active for the retail version of UNCHARTED 3 — rewards such as UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar, Treasure Hunter’s Starter Pack, in-game cash on day one and more.


On Sunday, July 10th, we’ll be updating the available gametypes and maps in the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta according to the schedule we released. We’ll be adding the never-before-seen Yemen map and it will be your first opportunity to play Co-op Adventure!


Don’t forget to visit the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Beta feedback forum and leave us your thoughts on the Beta and any issues you may have encountered. We’re counting on you to help us make the UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer experience the best it can be!


Plus, head to your local SUBWAY restaurant in October for an exclusive opportunity to get access to the FULL UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer experience BEFORE UNCHARTED 3 is released! We’ll give you full details here on the PlayStation.Blog closer to October.


Just in case you didn't know.


Check out the bounty of rewards you can earn just for playing the Beta. When UNCHARTEDâ„¢3 launches on

11-1-11 and you get your copy, you'll have this loot from day one to enhance your online experience!


Goal 1: Download the Beta


Reward 1: Receive the exclusive UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar!


Goal 2: Complete 10 matches in every mode of Competitive Multiplayer


Reward 2: Receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 1!


Goal 3: Complete 5 matches in every mode of Cooperative Multiplayer


Reward 3: Receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 2!


Goal 4: Complete 4 Treasure Sets


Reward 4: Recieve the Treasure Hunter's Starter Pack!


Goal 5: Rank up to level 25 in the Beta


Reward 5: Receive a handsome reward of in-game cash on day one!

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Cheers for the info Cookster!

Gutted it ends so...soon! I thought the Beta would last a lot longer!


Looking forward to the co-op mode. Definitely my favourite mode from Uncharted 2. It just needs fleshing out more. Heck, the entire single player mode could be co-op as a lot of the time there are 2 characters involved. From sully to Chloe to Hensin etc etc etc etc.

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FFA = amazing.


(I won, obv. First FFA, first time on that map) :p


YEMEN appears to be pretty fucking sick.




Two epic moments recently (why I fucking love this game, cos' shit like this doesn't happen in other games)


A) Just mounted a wall in Chateau, someone threw a clusterfuck right below me. I get FIVE simultaneous "Lucky" medals as I try to climb up.


B) On Yemen, I see someone at the bottom, shoot him a few times but he survives and grabs the ladder on the central tower, I activate Speedy G, and also climb the tower, but on the other ladder. I reach the top before him (although just barely) and as he is climbing over I'm already shooting him and then hit him and he dies. It was so cool. Like a race to the top.


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I...absolutely own at Yemen. Like....just....god. And I just unlocked Gold on Bargain booster, which is -2 medal cost, so that and pay-per-bargain = Speedy G in like...5 medals which is just....god...unthinkable for me on Yemen. But I might revert to RPG!!! now. Anyway, I've done ReZourcemansTM Epic Zip-Line Win about 4 times now.


Just...rape at Yemen.

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Not really a fan of Yemen myself. It's not a horrible map as there's plenty of nooks and crannies to hide in/alternate routes which makes Plunder more interesting (haven't played it on anything else) but it just becomes a bit of a clusterfuck when routes converge on where the chests are for scoring. Nightmare.


Thankfully the matches I've played on it haven't had people with those stupid cluster grenades (they need nerfing or removing from the final game because they're ridiculous and don't really fit in with the general feel of everything else I find, and no it's not because it keeps killing me as I've only been caught out once by it but it's unnecessary really).


My main issue now, however, is that there seems to be an ever increasing number of people jumping into the Plunder mode who either simply run around the map and don't attempt to get the idol or shoot any enemies or people who don't realise it's not TDM and ignore the idol lying at their feet to run off half way across the map :nono:

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Oh yeah Plunder varies between good and (more often than not) unplayable if you're not in a party with friends. Thats the mode that gets me most pissed off with people being knobs.


I think the Cluster Fuck is okay, its great in the right situation, and its caused me to get strings of Luckies, and thus powering up my Kickback more times than actually getting killed by it. I was worried about the OTTness of "Kickbacks" when they announced them, but it gives it an insane, fun, OTT win blog fun fun FUN FUN FUN feeling IMHO.

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I guess I've been lucky enough with Plunder it's just there's more often than not been at least one person on the team not doing anything/being idiotic. But I do get why it is annoying and it'd be better with a party of friends because you really do need to cooperate at times and people forget about that, probably because it doesn't have 'Co-op' in the mode title.


Are the 'Kickbacks' the blue booster things which pop up before you enter a match? If so, I've never bothered to select any of them yet. If not, I've still not used them.


In fact, I've not even been using any boosters at all with neither of the two loadouts I've created having any boosters attached other than extended clips on the weapons. Seem to be doing ok without them and consistently getting a positive K/D ratio in matches (even when, in one match, an entire team of youths were getting annoyed at my melee and grenade kills so they all came after me :laughing:)

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Still dying more than I'm killing folk.

Can someone PLEASE post some general tips as I'm fooking hating this SO much but want to love it!!!


It's like...do I camp a lot or keep moving?

Is it best to generally roll a lot?

Should I jump about when facing others?

Should I use the zoom mode when aiming at folk? How do you approach others? I've sneaked up on multiple players and got killed. Do you grenade them or use square or???

Should I run and shoot at players?


I seriously can't get into this at all. Even once I'd like to have a positive kill/death ratio.

My mate was playing it for the first time the other day in co-op with me and he died less times than me. It's like I'm a GOD DAMN bullet magnet! And he's not a gamer at all. I am and suck ass at this.


Seriously. Hating on this so hard because I just cannot get to grips with it and have given it loads of time. Happened with Uncharted 2 as well. In ALL of the 1:1's I have with people in this game I seem to die. I'm aiming for the head and trying to use square to smack them when close but others seem to kill me first. Am I playing it wrong?


I've even YouTube'd guides. Seriously. Halpz!


Also: don't wanna sound like a bitch but it's UNCHARTED! I love the single player but IMO I'm not a real Uncharted player unless I can even compete online!!

Edited by tapedeck
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It's like...do I camp a lot or keep moving?


Personally I think its way better to basically constantly be moving (apart from when shooting someone, in which case do not stand still. What I do is just strafe to the side whilst aiming. And I generally speaking don't aim for the head....I just can't seem to get head shots. So I aim for the upper torso/neck/shoulder/peck area, as it is the biggest target, and heck...you might get the odd head bullet stray. So yeah, run around, and always move.


Is it best to generally roll a lot?


Generally speaking it can't hurt. I usually do it a lot, particularly when moving through open areas, or areas with low cover - you might aswell roll adjacent to it so that A) People might not see you and B) You have fleeting moments of cover. Also when moving a long distance or an open distance, move adjacent to walls or cover, it gives less areas for you to be sniped or spotted from, and in open ground run in zig-zags. I always run in zig-zags in open areas and if there is a sniper (and a competent one) then this is not only going to help you but its going to help your team mates and help your team win too - if you make the sniper waste (all his ammo) on you, and for him or her to STILL not get you - then fantastic. But if you make them waste...lets say three ammo trying to shoot you - that is still three ammo that they are now down and can't use on team mates.


Should I jump about when facing others?


I don't want to flat out say no, but there are several ways of taking out someone in a 1 on 1. If you're far away, they've caught you off guard, or as you run into their view they're already standing, aiming and begin shooting you then basically....you're not going to win a shoot out. And most of the time in this situation you won't even be able to run away or evade it.....so you aim your gun at their lower body, or if they're not far away at all, aim it at the floor where they are standing and throw a grenade. You don't have to arc to throw grenades, simply aiming and tapping (L2/R2....can't even remember when not in front of a pad lol) and it'll go where you're aiming (in short range at least. Aim higher than target for long range etc) however if there is nearby cover in the direction you are already heading then it might be worth sprinting/rolling towards it and then making sure they can't see you and choosing the best path away based on their line of fire.


Should I use the zoom mode when aiming at folk?


I just use L1 generally. If I have the G-MAL then zooming is a most-of-the-time thing, but I don't actually use the G-MAL now. M9 is pretty sick IMHO, so that is the long gun I use.


I've sneaked up on multiple players and got killed. Do you grenade them or use square or???


I still think that Stealth Kills have a problem in this game in that it doesn't register when you're behind them enough. If you sneak up on a player you have to be quick. Because first of all...in this game, as opposed to COD - the opponent has time to react to most situations. However sneaking up on someone when they don't know you're there - you should be able to get a kill 99 times out of 100. Sometimes they might know you're there and are about to punk you. But anyway, in this (as opposed to Unch 2) when I sneak up on someone - I either go for a Stealth Kill, (and if it doesn't work, simply hit them again, as two melee's kills someone) or more often than not, I literally walk upto them, straight on, adjacent and hold down fire. With the M9 or Micro this will kill them before they have time to react.


Shooting and hitting takes WAY more bullets in this than Unch 2 (the damage levels are higher overall anyway) so I have had TONNES of moments in this where I've shot and hit and its not killed them, and so they've killed me. Its something I'm having to adapt to personally.


Should I run and shoot at players?


Another thing that has been....made less...erm...well changed, is the short range "auto-aim", where in Unch 2 if you had the SPAS, it didn't really matter from which angle you were facing or approaching a player from, if you were near/next to them and fired it'd kill them. Same with all guns when shooting a player from the hip/running with them, in Unch 2 they were like magnets.


In this they're not at all practically. Having said that, in a lot of situations it is still worth doing. If they're running away from you, then they're in the disadvantage, so you might aswell let rip and try to catch up with them, then if they stop either hit them or throw a grenade.


General tips ;


As dwarfly said - the number 1 most important thing (IMHO/others) is camera work. My camera work is a work of art if I say so myself. When you walk around a corner....before you've walked it, your camera should have full view of what you're walking into. Carefully but quickly examine every part of the screen as you sweep the camera around, don't look where you're going, you should know and anticipate that from when you've moved the camera over where you're going (if that makes sense).


If you respawn or something and you saw a few seconds ago that there is a player in X position, or you thought you saw someone in a tower or something, then take a few seconds to "camp" or just stop really when you reach a bit of cover near that position (if you reach it soon). Move your camera about and survey the area. If you see them, you can sneak up on them.


Upgrade an M9 or your longgun to "Heavy Bullets" pay-booster. It should help you win more shootouts particularly if you strafe like I said as its more difficult to turn when being shot by it.


If you're in a melee throw down with someone and it doesn't look like you're going to survive, aim straight down at the floor and throw a grenade. They'll probably hit you, freezing them into a second or *just under/whatever* of animation....you die, but then the grenade goes off - you get an Afterlife medal.


Know the maps.


Choose good boosters.




Hope that helps in some way.

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Getting better at the game. Not averaging a lot of kills but still having fun :) Had some good moments with stealth attacks, kicking someone off a edge and rolling a grenade down the Chateau spiral staircase to kill someone as they chased me.


Really like the Yemen map, think it's my favourite so far. Has anyone else tried the Co-Op adventure in Syria? Very enjoyable but too short!


Hopefully I'll get a chance to play with some N-E members before the beta ends tomorrow, just haven't had much luck being on at the right time.

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Anyone else had any issues with this locking up/freezing your PS3? Once yesterday and twice this morning it did it to me and the only thing I could do was hold the console's power button down and switch it off as it just wouldn't come back. Wasn't doing anything different than I had been but I just locked up trying to find a match or during the voting ::shrug: Not sure whether that's an issue on my end or not.


Oh well. Took in some TDM earlier. Didn't realise that TDM on Airstrip allows you to do the cargo plane chase bit first. Was a little surprised when it started up and I was on a moving truck. Still awesome though.

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