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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception


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All games should have a colour-blind mode like Peggle.


Yes agreed. It's so unaccommodating to not include such a feature and colour blindness is much more common than you would think. I know a few people (not my visually impaired students) who suffer from such problems.

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For ReZ


Assistant - Get 5 assists. $250

Afterlife - Kill after you have died. $150

Gunslinger - Five pistol kils in one game. $500

Commando - Three long gun kills in one game. $250

Fistifuffs - Kill two enemies with hand-to-hand combat. $500

Streak - Five kill streak. $2500

Fury - Ten kill streak. $5000

Rage - Fifteen kill streak. $7500

Rampant - Twenty kill streak. $10,000

Double Down - Two kills in quick succession. $500

Tripled - Three kills in quick succession.$1000

Connect Four - Four kills in quick succession. $1500

Five Not Alice - Five kills in quick succession. $2000

Wipe Out - Defeat the entire opposing team (in quick succession, I think). $1000

Fire In The Hole - Three+ kills with one explosion. $500

BBQ - Kill enemy with propane tank. $1000

Assassin - Three stealth kills. $1000

Pull Down - Pull enemy off a ledge. $500

Kick Off - Kick enemy off a ledge.$500

Perfect - Don't die in a game. $1000

Thiple Threat - 3 long gun kills, 3 pistol kills, 3 explosive kills. $3000

Spray and Pray - Five blind fire kills. $500

Head Hunter - Kill three enemies with headshots. $1000

The Long Ranger - Kill three enemies from 70 metres away. $1500

Shut'em Down - End a kill streak. $1000

First! - First Kill. $500

Last Kill - Last Kill. $500

Defender - Kill a player shooting at a teammate. $250

Put'em Down - Kill someone knocked down with a pistol. $1000

Fly on the Wall - Kill a climbing enemy. $500

Tricky - Kill player with pistol while hanging. $1000

Unlucky - Die 5 times without a kill. $100

Retaliation - Kill the last player who killed you. $250

Executioner - Kill the VIP on Power Play. $1000

Guard Duty - Protect the VIP on Power Play. $1000

Avenger - Kill an enemy who just killed a teammate. $350

Acquisitions - Pick up 5 treasures. $1000

Oh Snap! - Stealth kill from behind.$500

Dangerous - Kill every member of the other team once. $1000

Strike Three - Three kill streak. $500

Death From Aboce - Kill enemy with falling kill. $500

Hail Mary - Grenade kill from 50m away. $1000

Lucky... - Survive 2 grenade explosions. $250

Riot Starter - Kill every member of the other team twice. $500

Extinction - Kill every member of the other team three times. $2000

Pull! - Kill an airborne enemy. $1000

Headache - Head slam kill. $500

Covered - Stay in cover for more than a minute. $50

Stay Low - Stay incover for a total of 2 minutes, $100

Deep Cover - Stay incover for a total of 3 minutes. $150

Dizzy - Roll more than 25 times. $50

Sunday Stroll - Run more than 1000 metres. $100

Marathon Man - Run more than 2000 metres. $200

Think Vertically - Spend more than a minute climbing. $100

Bolted - 5 Bolt Action Sniper Kills. $500

Hard Shell - Survive 5 bullets in the back with shield on back. $250

Comeback - Gat a kill after dying 5 times in a row. $150

Three Kickback King - Use 3 medal kickbacks. $500

In Your Face - Taunt 5 enemies that you killed. $500

Bash - Kill 3 enemies with shield bash. $500

Down Here - Kill an enemy above you. $500

Up Here - Kill an enemy below you. $500

Killer Curse - Kill 3 players while cursed. $500

Three Medal Pickup - Open A chest. $50

Just Cash - Picked up from dead enemies. $250

Yippie-Kai-Yay - Get a kill on a zip line. $500

No Turret For You - Kill an enemy on a turret. $500

The Redcoats Are Gere - Kill player with Militia Man active. $500

Not Goin' Nowhere - Kill a player as he activates smoke bomb. $500

Not Fast Enough - Kill a player with Speedg G actice. $500

Down Came The Rain - Kill a palyer with Creepy Crawler Active. $500

Hard Target - Survive the entire minute while a marked man. $500

Here, Hold This - Kill enemy with thrown back grenade. $500

Defused - Kill an enemy about to thrrow a kickback grenade. $500

Cluster's Last Stand - Kill with a cluster bomb. $500

High Five - High Five your body over an opponent you defeated together. $150


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I know this sounds like a bizarre thing to complain about but I hate having to press the stick down to run in third person games!

I recently played the Enslaved DLC, where you need to use L3 to crouch, and it was awful. I hate having to use the buttons on the analogue sticks for pretty much anything. :hmm:

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I really don't mind the L3/R3 buttons for running/crouching/scopes. As long as they're toggle.


I hate being put in a middle of a match where my team is losing by miles. I was the top player on my team within a few minutes.

Edited by Cube
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Didn't know there were bonuses in the final game:


- Download the UNCHARTED 3 Beta and receive the exclusive UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar!

- Complete 10 matches in every mode of Competitive Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 1!

- Complete 5 matches in every mode of Co-operative Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 2!

- Complete 4 Treasure Sets and receive the Treasure Hunter’s Starter Pack!

- Rank up to level 25 in the Beta and receive a handsome reward of in-game cash on day one!


Urgh...I have to play FFA?


Edit: Oh, and the Hammer has been nerfed.

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Really been getting into this the more practice I have with the demo. Beta seems really promising though. How do I report issues/bugs? Whenever I mute players they seem to automatically get unmuted, and sometimes clicking mute all doesnt mute everyone.


I tried out the 2 player sign in with my cousin and we were pretty impressed by it. The only downside is that with it being splitscreen the view is a lot smaller, but once you get used to it made things ok. It meant that when we went back to single player it made the graphics even more gorgeous :)

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Bbz I'm in Paris again from Thursday. And there I was hoping we'd be 2v2v2ing all the way to Soho.


Rez, if Cube cockblocks me like he started to do on Unch 2 I swear to God I will kill the both of you.

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1-up Mushroom

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