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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception


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It almost feels as if the maps have become too complex - with the player movement speed, ability to sprint, the ape-shit climbing and the vaster amount of nooks and crannies, targets can be frustratingly elusive.

How is this a bad thing? People are simply making the most of the game's unique feature set, your only disadvantage in this regard is self-imposed: everyone's manoeuvrable enough, and can take enough bullets, to retreat from or outflank attackers so long as they aren't caught right out in the open.


If someone shoots at you that doesn't mean you have to face them down until one of you is dead, that's just typical shooter tunnel vision; not saying I'm immune to it, I get sucked into that mentality all the time. One of the great things about this game is the sheer amount of tactical options available, the potential for completely turning the tables on an enemy by making the most of your environment, not just having snappier aim.


As for the weapons, I find the AK's a superior short- to midrange weapon than the G-MAL. The latter's burst fire works against it in close quarters and when blindfiring, but obviously it has the edge at range as you don't have to feather the trigger to maintain accuracy over distance. Assuming you don't miss a bullet with either, I'm pretty sure the AK's fully automatic fire will bring down a target faster than the G-MAL's staggered bursts.


So far I'm not too enamoured with the shotguns, I think they might have been nerfed a bit too hard. The main annoyance with them in the second game was the amount of auto-aim they had when firing from the hip, so theoretically I'd like them to tone that down a lot but have them still be a one-shot kill at close range if all the slugs connect; my impression so far is that they aren't that powerful, although I haven't spent too much time using them.

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How is this a bad thing? People are simply making the most of the game's unique feature set, your only disadvantage in this regard is self-imposed: everyone's manoeuvrable enough, and can take enough bullets, to retreat from or outflank attackers so long as they aren't caught right out in the open.


If someone shoots at you that doesn't mean you have to face them down until one of you is dead, that's just typical shooter tunnel vision; not saying I'm immune to it, I get sucked into that mentality all the time. One of the great things about this game is the sheer amount of tactical options available, the potential for completely turning the tables on an enemy by making the most of your environment, not just having snappier aim.

I concede and take those points on board, they be true, they be true. Doesn't stop it from being irritating to play sometimes though - I know you can argue that it is thus also easier to avoid fire and stay alive but... I guess I just liked Unch2 a great deal.


Need a greater understanding of boosters/of more maps to get a better picture of it all. Whether I have the perseverance is another story.


As for the G-MAL, essentially it stands out as amazing because the Fal in no.2 was God-awful by comparison.

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My one gripe with it remains from Unch2... it's too hard to tell friend from foe. It just happens too often that I'll be running along with 2 other guys for a long while before either of us realizes we're on different teams. Hell, me and a guy played an entire match sticking pretty close to each other, pretty much covering each other's back, and only this one time when I was trying to defend him and accidentaly shot him and noticed he flinched did I realise he was an opponent. Seriously, it makes no sense. Why is everyone either drake or a generic bald guy??


In Unch2 this shit used to happen all the time with that Flynn guy... he looks like a hero, but he's a villain.


You get used to it, of course... but you shouldn't have to!

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My one gripe with it remains from Unch2... it's too hard to tell friend from foe. It just happens too often that I'll be running along with 2 other guys for a long while before either of us realizes we're on different teams. Hell, me and a guy played an entire match sticking pretty close to each other, pretty much covering each other's back, and only this one time when I was trying to defend him and accidentaly shot him and noticed he flinched did I realise he was an opponent. Seriously, it makes no sense. Why is everyone either drake or a generic bald guy??


In Unch2 this shit used to happen all the time with that Flynn guy... he looks like a hero, but he's a villain.


You get used to it, of course... but you shouldn't have to!


If the players have a red name above them than it means they are bad guys, and you can shoot them, but if they have a green name then they are on your team and you should not shoot them.


Hope that helps. :)


Can someone do a video on the new medals.....you can view them all on one of the screens.



Or write them out?



Thanks. :)

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The 3D is stunning on this. But the BETA GFX seem like a downgrade from Uncharted2 from what I can remember.


Definately enjoying the airstrip level more than the chateau and there's a hell of a lot going on sometimes.

I'm also really SHIT at this and just keep being pwnd even when aiming for head shots. Seems unbalanced as it was full of pros. I saw one guy kill 4 of my team members, outrunning bullets and grenades.


I wanna be good at this but its harder - and so frustrating - to improve when you keep dying! I can't see how I'll ever improve!


Maybe online gaming just isn't for me. :-/

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But all too often they're in the distance and they have no name above them, red or green. I'm new to it but I noticed that straight away.


Yeah I noticed that as well which was slightly strange...Also is there no mini map? Or was a missing somthing? Felt odd!


Anyway I've only played half an hour on my hair dryer fixed PS3 but will be on tonight if anyone else is?

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Take the pr0 ReZ course (just play with me) and you'll pick up tips/I'll stop you from dying/help you kill n00bz.


God I wish you weren't without ps3 just for that!!! I want the pr0 rez course! Have you tried the hair dryer trick it got mine working for a bit?!!!!

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I was playing "Three two man teams deathmatch" with my friend and he kept moaning that we kept getting killed, and he would complain about Haxorz. But I kept telling him, "Patience young grasshopper". And eventually we started winning some games and he stopped moaning about haxorz.


I don't think it's that hard to get good. If you have a buddy at least. I'd probably do terribly by myself.

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My biggest tip has to be:


- Don't be afraid to run away. Unlike games like CoD, if someone starts shooting at you from behind it doesn't mean certain death. While the natural thing is to turn around and shoot him back, it's really the worst thing to do. Swallow your pride and run/duck/take cover/climb/drop down/whatever. Run away, ignore him (or try to circle around) and just go after someone else.

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All right then unrivalled master.


Please, I'm just a normal master, hardly unrivalled. And I'm only trying to help. Cube and Dwarf/anyone will tell you the same.


If I am watching you and I see you walk around a corner, I'm going to be either completely re-evaluating whether to go for you or not, or have already made my decision and be moving round, the ultimate Stealth Crab technique, making sure I've got all possible movements for you covered on my camera, but making sure that I can't be seen from yours, then I'd pick you off (if you had gone into any nearby cover).


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Played this the other night by myself, I was lukewarm. Then I pwned. Then was lukewarm. Then pwned some more. Got hang of it. Because I am great. I shall play with people I know soon(Diageo being a typical cunt wouldn't play) and would be up for playing with any n-e guys over the weekend.

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Played this the other night by myself, I was lukewarm. Then I pwned. Then was lukewarm. Then pwned some more. Got hang of it. Because I am great. I shall play with people I know soon(Diageo being a typical cunt wouldn't play) and would be up for playing with any n-e guys over the weekend.


Hang on wut?


Mr Work then football and never comes online anymore is complaining?

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If the players have a red name above them than it means they are bad guys, and you can shoot them, but if they have a green name then they are on your team and you should not shoot them.


Hope that helps. :)


Can someone do a video on the new medals.....you can view them all on one of the screens.



Or write them out?



Thanks. :)


Yeah, like Cube said, I don't do colours that well. It's quite impossible to tell them apart to me.

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