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Guy proposes through Nintendo


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I'd just like to point out that I never mentioned money, expenditure can mean more than money, like time and effort. Getting someone to hack a games cartridge and insert a generic proposal in to it probably didn't take much of either. Plus the fact that it was all video'd is to say the least suspect.

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Like spelling it out in coins in Super Mario Bros.?




Such as...?


I also think marriage is silly and so am not really fussed though.


I agree, marriage is just an over priced tradition in my opinion but if it makes people happy then hell why not,i think its quite unusual but i am sure there are many cases of this method by now

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I'm not being picky here but...


Oooooooooops :)


I find it a wee bit arrogant to assume you know what people want/how they feel and then judge them by their preferences.


I don't, I was generalizing.


I still reckon the girl will be bitching to her girlfriends for years about what a cheap ass proposal it was though.

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I don't, I was generalizing.


I still reckon the girl will be bitching to her girlfriends for years about what a cheap ass proposal it was though.

Man I know some girls fit your description, for sure. But this girl will be showing off her proposal and it's awesome YouTube hitcount to all her super geeky gamer friends over WoW for years.

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Been having woman problems recently?


Not that I'm aware of.


Man I know some girls fit your description, for sure. But this girl will be showing off her proposal and it's awesome YouTube hitcount to all her super geeky gamer friends over WoW for years.


Maybe, but doesn't that make it even sadder?

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Well, I can only say I think you have a rather generalised/prejudiced view of women, one which I do not agree with.


I wouldn't say prejudiced, I've been with my girlfriend nearly six years and know what she is like, generalized is fair enough though.


Why would it be sad?


I just think there's a difference between playing games and basing your whole life round them.

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I wouldn't say prejudiced, I've been with my girlfriend nearly six years and know what she is like, generalized is fair enough though.




I just think there's a difference between playing games and basing your whole life round them.


Basing whole life?


He's doing something for one brief moment that she will most likely personally find amazing and you think that's their whole life summed up in a bad way?

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Not all girls are like your girlfriend, though (if that is what you were getting at). I bet there are plenty of girls out there who'd prefer something small and personal rather than something expensive and potentially clichéd.


And even if video games play a large part of their lives, how is it sad? If they're happy with their way of life and still well-functioning human beings, I really don't see any problem at all. Just because their life style is not to your tastes doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. :)

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Basing whole life?


He's doing something for one brief moment that she will most likely personally find amazing and you think that's their whole life summed up in a bad way?


It may be one moment, but it's a key moment.


And even if video games play a large part of their lives, how is it sad? If they're happy with their way of life and still well-functioning human beings, I really don't see any problem at all. Just because their life style is not to your tastes doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. :)


It's not just that it's all based around a game, but the whole videoing and youtubing of it all. Sure, go ahead, do a silly geeky proposal all you like, but by putting it out there like that, just why? It's an open invitation for the world to judge and be honest, the majority aren't going to judge it favourably, are they?


Anyway, I'll shut up now.

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It's not just that it's all based around a game, but the whole videoing and youtubing of it all. Sure, go ahead, do a silly geeky proposal all you like, but by putting it out there like that, just why? It's an open invitation for the world to judge and be honest, the majority aren't going to judge it favourably, are they?


Maybe, maybe not. In any case, that's the world's problem, not theirs. :)

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For all you know she might have told him she never wanted a grand proposal.


We don't know these people.


This. Hope I'm not pouring oil on troubled waters, but for all we know that could've been her dream proposal. Personally I thought it was pretty cute and original as a few people said. She seemed happy enough at the end, anyway.

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It's not just that it's all based around a game, but the whole videoing and youtubing of it all. Sure, go ahead, do a silly geeky proposal all you like, but by putting it out there like that, just why? It's an open invitation for the world to judge and be honest, the majority aren't going to judge it favourably, are they?
Seriously, who cares?!!
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I know plenty of people who put their proposals on youtube. Now she can even go back and watch the video later if she's feeling down or something.


Hell, one of my favorite proposal videos is similar.



He says "WHY? Because ALL my family and friends were able to witness it through this video."


It's a personal thing, you do it in a way that is special to THAT relationship. Both guys succeeded wonderfully.

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