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I fucking love Chess. Had some great games with Ine last year, in her garden and on her trampoline.


I haven't got time to play at the moment though. Things are very busy and I'm barely finding time to even come on here. After the next few weeks, I could probably be able to give a tournament a go, although I bet I would suck arse compared to proper Chess demons.

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I don't know another option. Facebook's chess.com account is pretty good. You can just join the chess.com website if you wish? If you can find a decent chess game client then go ahead :) I'm sure there's something out there.


It's not a problem, really. I'll create an account and use it solely for this(these) tournament(s)

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11 playahs! I'm online all night. if anyone wants a game on facebook/yahoo then post in here/pm me and consider it a practice :) I can draw up a tournament, but it would mean 4 people would have to play 4 rounds instead of 3. Unless we can get 5 more people!

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P.S.: I may say "Roque", instead of "Castling".


Or "Horse" instead of "Knight"

Or "Tower" instead of "Rook"


I like PT names better, really. I'll try to adapt, but if I end up using any of the above by accident, now you know.


PT names?


Having played chess since I was tiny I what all of their names actually are but I've always called them as follows because I didn't used to know their names:


Knight = Horse

Rook = Castle

Bishop = Diagonal thing

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Eenuh; the piece names confused me for ages :) Castle/rook is the only one with duality issues, and the knight/horse... well if you refer to it as a horse then everyone knows which piece you mean!


I'm going to consider the current players to be;










I'll join. I rarely get beaten at chess but I probably just played crap people:)

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