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I live in Hemel Hempstead


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I live in South East London and didnt hear it although some people say they did (i was too busy sleeping)


But i had work at 12 and when driving into the centre of town it got very dark and what i thought was some fog still coming off the Thames, but alais the girl on the news told me it was the cloud of smoke making its way south eastwards...

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Ermmmmmmmmmm, wth, 6am this was right? How the hell did I not notice anything? I was awake and I live in North West London where it was heard and ermmmm I didn't notice anything. lol Then again it was the day I forgot to eat anything I was so caught up in work so I guess it's possible.. :-/ Kinda strange though that I turned to Sky 1 at this time and that stupid Hour of Power show was on... Probably only me who sees strangeness in that. ^^;

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