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Iron Man 3


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A shadow to dwell in for Star Trek Into Darkness*


Looks amazing, even from those few seconds. Direction seems big and iconic, at least from that show of him flying down to (water?).


As Retro, I will watch the teaser one single time and then hide like a baby until its release.


*I am looking forward to that too though.

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I still dont like the new suit.
Yeah I'm not overly keen on it either, not a huge fan of the pale gold colour (as opposed to the standard gold) and I'm not sure why they've dropped the Red so much; same reason I didn't really like the MKV suit, but that was part/disguised in a suitcase so was fine. Especially as the Avengers Mk VII suit was great, but hey, I'm sure 5 minutes into the film I'll be fine with it.


Looks like it all goes down in this film!

Home destroyed?... Pepper tortured?... [his?] Plane destroyed?... I assume those are people he's diving to save?

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Yeah I'm not overly keen on it either, not a huge fan of the pale gold colour (as opposed to the standard gold) and I'm not sure why they've dropped the Red so much; same reason I didn't really like the MKV suit, but that was part/disguised in a suitcase so was fine. Especially as the Avengers Mk VII suit was great, but hey, I'm sure 5 minutes into the film I'll be fine with it.


Looks like it all goes down in this film!

Home destroyed?... Pepper tortured?... [his?] Plane destroyed?... I assume those are people he's diving to save?


That one prolly won't last long anyway.... or at least won't last to the end of the film which should be an Extremis type suit come the end.


Probably so that it looks different enough so they can sell loads more merchandise.


More than likely.

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As usual I'll probably watch the teaser trailer and then stay clear of the other trailers. Can't wait!


As Retro, I will watch the teaser one single time and then hide like a baby until its release.


*Next Trailer*


Incredible trailer! :D


Insanely good.
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It does look amazing, Completely back to the start for Tony.


One thing though that will probably annoy me now in any future Avengers solo character films will be the lack of the other Avengers characters in them.


I'd hope that now in IM3, Thor2, CA:2 that there would be some reference to each other between the films. Like in IM3, from the trailer it looked like his house is destroyed, ... Will he get any form of communication from Banner or Shield? Any help, Not to get revenge, but help to re-create what he's lost.


If Starks starting from the ground up, and he's now bum chums with Banner as they drove off into the sunset together making out in Avengers... wouldn't he call Banner for some assistance?


I know that they are solo movies for characters, so it can't be an Avengers 1.5 or Iron Man 2.5....but I'd like to see at least some cross referencing of events and characters from Avengers. Like how they handled Jane in Avengers, just a brief scene of Shield informing Thor that she was working away but she's okay.

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Yeah the main one for me is Banner, given there's still no sign of a new Hulk film IM3 would be the perfect place to have Banner make an appearence.


Maybe at the start of the film it'll Tony visiting Banners lab at Stark Tower, Banner is working on some really important project and for some reason learns he has to go to some remote place on the other side of the world to find something help him finish the project (maybe Wakanda? Just to throw that reference in :D)


So Banner leaves, we see him and all go "WOOT" but he's then removed from the film with a decent explanation why he doesn't Hulk-out while Tony's house is getting smashed up

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Well SHIELD is at least referenced in the trailer, so we know there'll be continuous contact with them.


Stark Tower is in New York, Tony Stark lives in California right? That's like a 5hr flight (I don't know how fast HULK can run compared to a plane), so it's not exactly like Banner can just instantly be there for Tony where ever he's working, he wouldn't just happen to be hanging out there when his house gets totalled. Also Stark Tower is partly destroyed, so there's probably alot of work being done to bring that up and running again.


I wouldn't mind it if they didn't ever really reference the other leading Avengers characters, because you just assume they all have their own stories, and the likes of Agent Coulson/Black Widow act as go betweens.


There's talk of Black Widow being in Captain America 2.

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- Iron Man 3, they said they'd explain the reason for no other Avengers. If he's gone dark and out of the spotlight himself, if he is having nightmares, it makes perfect sense that he wouldn't ask for help. Its something he needs to do alone.

- Thor The Dark World will take place mainly in the other realms.

- Captain America The Winter Soldier will have Nick Fury and Black Widow (at least). If it doesn't, I will


A) Kick up a fuss

B) Be sad.

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Still not happy about Kingsley being cast. Every performance i've seen him in in the past 10 years was mediocre at best.

And he does NOT look asian in the fucking slightest no matter what wonky stick on beard you give him to turn him into cheap villain of the week.

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