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A fine, fine specimen indeed but no match for....



It's true!

This is one of the greatest ride photo's/funniest photo's ever!


*have just managed to recompose myself from laughing at it again!* :p


*thinks about it again and burst out laughing*


*and again*



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It's OK, Magnus. I forgive your silly mistake :hug: I'd be more insulted if you hadn't realised any difference !


You know, I forgot to mention afterwards how much nicer the cinema-itself actually was. Rose passed the expectation of a warehouse. And we weren't harmed / maimed / killed in any way.


Of course, the film did leave us pretty scared. I think you, Eddie, seemed "OK". As in...you had already seen it and couldn't possibly be feeling more empty inside. I was floored.




Our subtle, restrained expression of sheer terror & emptiness.




Myself. Preparing an Irish Coffee w/ Jameson that night. I needed a drink after Melancholia. To help the brooding.

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