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I've applied for university tonight! :D Classical philology as my first priority with philosophy and English as second and third priority, respectively. Though it's more just for the sake of it since I'm practically guaranteed to get into my classical philology (unless I've messed up my application in some way :heh:). With bonuses for having taken five level A subjects at STX and for beginning my university education within two years of getting my STX exam, my grade average is 0.2 above the highest single grade attainable! :p Add to that that there are normally so few applicants for classical philology that they don't have to reject anyone, and it's pretty safe to say that I'm going to get in. ;)


Now to begin the hunt for an apartment in Aarhus ...

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Go Dannyboy! =)



I'm veeeeeeeeery happy and content at the moment. I had my second teaching day today, three hours in one class. Which is a bit difficult to keep them occupied for three hours with one assignment, but I kinda managed.


I basically got a glowing (written) review from my mentor, saying how well I did and that I'm calm and the students listen and were working well. They were even very quiet at times, to which the teacher said she'd never seen it this quiet in her class. Whoo! =D


Though I did sorta lose my voice at times (annoying when you can't drink) and so I'm a bit worried for my classes tomorrow, which will be the more difficult ones. Hope I get my voice back properly!



Edit: Also, sold a print today, whoo!

And Moby is releasing a new album in May and currently has three numbers available for free. Double whoo! ^____^

Edited by Eenuh
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One of my cats (Figaro) is getting old now (he's 15). He's also been getting very thin and looking very ill. He already has arthritis, is mostly deaf has to eat special food for some other problems. We were thinking that it was his time.


Three weeks ago (unfortunately, these cats I keep mentioning live with my Mum back in Wales) my Mum decided to take him to the vet, expecting the worst. It turns out he had a thyroid problem, so he's been on medicine for three weeks. He went back in today - his thyroid was back to normal and he's stating to get some of his weight back. The vets also checked liver, kidneys, etc and they're all healthy - in fact, they've extremely healthy for a cat his age. Which is brilliant news. Especially as he himself has always seemed to be fairly happy - he purrs at the slightest touch, even when he was going through the thyroid problems.

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You're not allowed to have a water bottle or something with you?


You're not allowed to drink during classes no. The students aren't allowed to, so neither are the teachers. Which is a bit annoying. I got a sip of water during the break, but then it was two hours of no water again. And I'm normally someone who always has a bottle of water next to them heh.

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You're not allowed to drink during classes no. The students aren't allowed to, so neither are the teachers. Which is a bit annoying. I got a sip of water during the break, but then it was two hours of no water again. And I'm normally someone who always has a bottle of water next to them heh.


That's too bad. I can't say I fully understand the reasoning behind it, though.

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That's too bad. I can't say I fully understand the reasoning behind it, though.


My teachers always had water with them. Or a cup of tea/coffee. Silly belgians!


I think the reasoning is that if the teachers are allowed, so would the students. Which would result in them bringing in stuff other than water. Or they'd start eating in class etc. *shrugs*


I think everyone should be allowed to have water with them, but yeah, I can't change the rules.

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I think the reasoning is that if the teachers are allowed, so would the students. Which would result in them bringing in stuff other than water. Or they'd start eating in class etc. *shrugs*


I think everyone should be allowed to have water with them, but yeah, I can't change the rules.


If anything, water should be allowed so that both kids and teachers can stay hydrated in class.

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If anything, water should be allowed so that both kids and teachers can stay hydrated in class.


Go explain that to the schools here. =P

I agree though, I get dehydrated quickly. But I can see how in some schools this could cause problems. Stuff like students bringing in different things, or just playing with water in the class etc.

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Been up all night at James' house; he basically sat me down and asked me so many questions that actually made me think.


Basically came down to: What are you interested in doing with your life, and why aren't you doing it?


I'm just so floored by him as a person, relative to everyone else in life. He's just so optmistic, but not in the shit naive way I'm usually used to people being optimistic. "What is it that's stopping you from writing an album as fucking great as Lauryn Hill? Bitch only knows 3 chords."


I'm so brand new. Give me a room of people, I now have Leadership.

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If you don't try you won't know. So give it a shot, whatever it is you want to do. =)


I know I don't want to give up on my illustrations, even if I have to work years and years to get some recognition and maybe get something published. If you love something and love doing something, you have to fight for it and don't give up.


So if you want to write an album, do so!

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Give me a room of people, I now have Leadership.


Can you be in one of my film projects? Not yet, I'm still doing effing documentary. But I want my next one to be full of things I find stunning. Like...David Lynch meets Baz Luhrmanesque visuals by way of Lars Von Trier.

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A lot of my thoughts are summed up in a single tweet I made:


"Reject conventionality. Reject the notion your limits are close by. Reject pessimism, and cynicism. Do shit, because you want to do it."


Don't forget to whipe!


(Sorry ReZ stole your limelight)

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Can you be in one of my film projects? Not yet, I'm still doing effing documentary. But I want my next one to be full of things I find stunning. Like...David Lynch meets Baz Luhrmanesque visuals by way of Lars Von Trier.


Of course. (I've embraced my voice now, so its fine.)


Don't forget to whipe!


(Sorry ReZ stole your limelight)


Or shower, which is more hygienic.

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So if you got shit on your hand you'd just wipe it off with a dry piece of toilet paper?


No I'd initially whipe it off my hands then wash them thoroughly afterwards.


What you replied to my awful joke was:


"Or shower, which is more hygienic."


With the or at the beginning you suggested you either whipe or shower. The best solution if you were a total germophobe would be both. If it was purely the shower you'd encounter the scenario from my other post.


Though I think it would be a good idea to move away from this shit subject...Intentional pun!

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