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good stuff thread.


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Spent the day out with two attractive Chinese girls, felt good mayn. Although when I was invited she said "game centre", it was more of a game cafe (the former is an arcade, the latter is a pay by hour kind of thing with comics, videos, free drinks, gaming PC's, darts, snooker etc). A lot easier on the wallet I guess, and darts was fucking hilarious.


Afterwards ate at a Yakiniku restaurant which was surprisingly quite a nice place, then again, I've only really been to all you can eat Yakiniku's so far. The music they played at the place though sort of belongs in the 'bad stuff' thread, as this song reared it's fucking ugly head.



Seriously, I thought this shit was dead already D:

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WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF. I've had so long to do this fucking exam paper, yet here I am, still on page 1, with 30 hours to go. Let it be known the world over that I AM A MASSIVE IDIOT.


I did it. I'm done. And the paper isn't even completely horrible.


I feel happy. I feel free. I haven't slept in over 20 hours. The day is my honeycomb.

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How long have you know this knew girl for Jav? (this feels like the wrong thread tbh!)


Well I did say it was kinda good in a way!


Been seeing each other for 3 months. I kinda hinted that the moving-in talk was a bit premature and she said exactly what I was thinking, that it's no way something expected soon but nice to think about as a possibility in the future, so yeh, good times!

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Well I did say it was kinda good in a way!


Been seeing each other for 3 months. I kinda hinted that the moving-in talk was a bit premature and she said exactly what I was thinking, that it's no way something expected soon but nice to think about as a possibility in the future, so yeh, good times!


Sounds like it's going well :) But the crazy will come out eventually mate, be ready for it ;)

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So bit of unexpected news today: work offered me a job on a different contract! It came completely out of the blue, and apparently I already start training for it tomorrow!


This means I won't be out of a job anytime soon I hope, as I will now be working for a different brand for which they have a new and recent contract. So yay, job!


The only downsides so far are that I will be the only Dutch speaking person, meaning it might be lonely and stressful as I will basically be the only one taking care of the customer service for an entire region/two countries. =P


Also I have to go back on the phone lines for this (which I haaaaate), but I am hoping it won't be too busy yet and that I will get plenty of time in between calls and nice customers to deal with. I guess at the moment anything is better than no job at all heh.



In a way I am a bit chuffed because they picked me out of all the Dutch people. Just one position going and they picked me for it, which I hope means my quality is good and they trust I can deal with this. =)

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No we all just ganged up and threatened your boss. THREATENED OUT OF LOVE!


Haha thanks! =P


here that's brilliant, means that they can't get rid o you too soon ;)


I hope so! Though I did feel guilty towards the rest of my team as I like them all and I won't be working with them anymore. And of course they don't have any job security yet now. =(


I'm just hoping now that this job will be fine and that it won't give me the same stress that I got when I first had to go on the phone lines in my previous role. Don't want work to regret that they picked me for this. =P

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Ahh you can't live your life worrying about other people. I'm sure if they are as awesome as you believe they are, they will get something! Be pleased for yourself missy!!

It's entirely possible to be empathetic and happy for yourself at the same time :P


Also, grats Eenuh. Hope it turns out not to be too busy. I work in a call centre environment too, averaging over 70 calls a day at the moment, pretty much 0 time between calls. Very uncool!

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Well I am used to doing about 40 - 60 contacts (on email). On phones we did about 30 - 35 for the previous contract I think, but then some of those calls can go on for an hour or more so yeah.


I just went into the call centre where I will be working and I talked to a French guy, and he said he had done 3 contacts today. O.o

So basically there is no work there at all and they are bored all day. How does that work? =P


But then they have a big team, and I will just be on my own so who knows, I might get busy. I am not even sure yet what kind of support I will be doing though, haha.

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I am going to my favourite Chinese restaurant tonight. All you can eat (cooked to order) and sublime quality. DROOL.


Putting together "Chinese" and "all you can eat" creates the Megazord of deliciousness. DEFEAT HUNGER.

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A couple of months ago, a friend invited me to an event she was planning. She only speaks Japanese, but slipped in the words "GROUP BLIND DATE" to the invitation. When asked about it, she basically said "Oh I didn't mean THAT kind of thing, it's a networking/making friends party!". Despite how naive it was in hindsight, I took her word for it.


Tonight was that party. I arrived late in the 'mens meeting spot' to find that every one had already gone, so I rang my friend who told me to go outside and she was hanging from the balcony of some bar with a shit load of other girls waving and shouted "MAIKERU, KOCHIIII" (Michael, here!).


This is when my naivety kicked me in the ass. We were put in groups of 3 guys who rotated each table when prompted. Spent the first 10 minutes not speaking anything because I was so embarrassed about what I had gotten into. But of course, when ALL YOU CAN DRINK is involved, I eventually found my courage. My friend wouldn't explain a god damn thing to me, explaining whilst laughing "It'll be amusing when you realise".


So when the rotations finished, the Japanese guys who were keen to speak to the only foreigner started to ask me "So, who have you decided on?". Asked my friend "The final part is you choose a girl, then the announcer asks if any one else is interested and then the girl decides who she'd like to talk to if there's more than one person who is interested and whether she wants to or not if it's just you".


This concept.. is completely alien to me. So when it came to my turn to choose, the metaphorical spaghetti dropped from my pockets because the guys and all the girls shouted "MICHAEL, GOOD LUCK!". Told the announcer that I'd rather not choose, but the girl I would if I could seems to be in the toilet right now. She came back and I told her that although every one was was ridiculously nice and understanding to me tonight, although I really didn't want to embaress her, she was on the one who was the nicest. And to my surprise, she nodded and said "Yeah, I'm interested".


..Turns out a few people wanted to interject, but because of how eager I was to speak to the guys in Japanese rather than have them uncomfortably scratch their brains out for their English skills, they wanted me to win. I couldn't fucking believe it.


She said she wants to take me snowboarding soon, but whether that happens is very unlikely. Still, a fucking awesome result to what was an incredibly awkward start to an event.

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Ahaha, it's not romantic at all! Chances are nothing will become of it, but I don't give it a shit, even if she wasn't really interested, the fact that so many people routed behind me despite the massive age and background difference has given me a (probable temporary) self confidence I've never felt before.

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Anyone that has had a cheeky fiddle with their Wii will have no doubt heard of the homebrew application, WiiMC. Well, today I was searching the online radio stations and stumbled upon XAMFM, which plays some of the best JPOP and KPOP. My gosh, this is like a dream come true.


It makes me yearn for Donkey Konga 3 again.

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