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The girl I'm interested in liked my status on Facebook from Dear Blank, Please Blank:


"Dear Ladies,

We aren't that hard to find. We're in the friend zone, right where you left us.

Sincerely, Nice Guys."


Now I'm not as worried about slipping into her friend zone. (That last sentence sounded a bit innuendo-like, though this was not the intention.)


So even though you noticed it did, you still didn't change it... That doesn't really help your protest of innocence now does it - especially when all you had to do was change the word "her" to "the" :p


That said, I do like the update itself.

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So even though you noticed it did, you still didn't change it... That doesn't really help your protest of innocence now does it - especially when all you had to do was change the word "her" to "the" :p


That said, I do like the update itself.


I felt it was more accurate to specify whose friend zone I was talking about even though it was obvious from the context. Besides, I liked the sound of the semi-innuendo. ;)


Though thinking about it, calling that the friend zone would imply she sleeps around with all her friends, and that's certainly not the case! :p


But thanks, Captain! :)

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I felt it was more accurate to specify whose friend zone I was talking about even though it was obvious from the context. Besides, I liked the sound of the semi-innuendo. ;)


Though thinking about it, calling that the friend zone would imply she sleeps around with all her friends, and that's certainly not the case! :p


But thanks, Captain! :)


Had it read "the" I wouldn't have thought anything of it unless it had been bolded, italicized or followed by the wink smiley :wink:

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I posted way back in the purchases thread about acquiring a Tokyo Flash watch and well... things went a bit iffy and part way through September it stopped working.


I had to send it back to the place I got it from (Watch Shop.com) who then in return had to send it back to Japan to get it looked at.


That was a month and a half ago now and I finally get an email today saying it's been sent back to me so it should arrive tomorrow. Just a shame I'm not at home to receive it but I'm going back next week so it will be where it belongs soon enough - on my wrist.


The place was really good though with the service with telling me when they got it it, what they were doing with it and how long it would take. And any time I sent them an email, they replied with the hour pretty much - will definitely use them again when the time comes.


I don't use this one often but I feel I must here :bouncy:

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Pipped the balls out of the lead on two consecutive games of Halo just now against some particularly twattish players. It was profoundly and deeply satisfying work :)


Ah the pwning of n00bs. Nothing more satisfying.


On Uncharted there is this power you can have called "Situational Awareness" it basically lets you see where enemy players are, and amongst nice, normal, fair players its considered shit and a stupid power to use, practically cheating. I played against a twat with it, raped him, he was then on my team, so I grenaded him. The next match I grenaded him again. He then grenade launcher'd me (after trying consistently for a few matches to kill me, failing) and then did it again, and thus I kicked the little retard. :)

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The choice move of nobbers in Halo is Armour Lock- it makes you invincible/immobile for up to five seconds and in Halo that's a long, long time- especially in free for all matches. Assholes love it because you can cheat death by just locking down when you're already beaten by better players (me) and waiting for a third player to finish what you started.




Of course, the third player almost always kills the locker too, so you gain nothing except cheating the first player out of a well earned kill and five measley seconds of immobility in which yuo cna do nothing.

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The choice move of nobbers in Halo is Armour Lock- it makes you invincible/immobile for up to five seconds and in Halo that's a long, long time- especially in free for all matches. Assholes love it because you can cheat death by just locking down when you're already beaten by better players (me) and waiting for a third player to finish what you started.




Of course, the third player almost always kills the locker too, so you gain nothing except cheating the first player out of a well earned kill and five measley seconds of immobility in which yuo cna do nothing.


When I first started playing I would use it a lot, but now I'm much more keen on Camo or Evade. It's properly annoying when someone busts it out on FFA. It makes more sense in team games however, as you can protect yourself whilst team mates clear up. Also works well in Oddball I find.

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Had a chat with both hot daughters tonight, older one definitely finds me quite the funny guy. Younger one is still ridiculously hot but not so impressed - smells really good though. Found out she's doing some modeling tomorrow so maybe I'll try and access the goods and share them with my good N-Europe friends.


Other good point was booking my work leaving lunch for tomorrow, really looking forward to that.

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Had a chat with both hot daughters tonight' date=' older one definitely finds me quite the funny guy. Younger one is still ridiculously hot but not so impressed - smells really good though. Found out she's doing some modeling tomorrow so maybe I'll try and access the goods and share them with my good N-Europe friends.


Other good point was booking my work leaving lunch for tomorrow, really looking forward to that.[/quote']


You're starting to sound a bit creepy, dude. :p

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