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Superman: Man of Steel (June 2013)


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yeah that's actually the more unrealistic thing, worlds best investigative journalist....fooled by some thick rimmed glasses! thats on a level with kids thinking someone actually disappears during "peek-a-boo"


Ya it's pretty much one of the better aspects of Man of Steel compared to the rest. Although I did miss Clark Kent in this one a bit.

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Perhaps we're just assuming that everyone doesn't know who he is because that's how it is normally played. Yeah Lois had her "nice to meet you" line, but that could have been coy flirtation. Everyone could be in on it (everyone is flirting with him!) Perhaps his identity isn't supposed to be so much of a secret, but rather he is trying to separate the two lives. I assume the glasses were a knowing nod to the franchise.


Let's face it, he went from fisherman to journalist that was apparently going to go out into the field (rather than to the copier). The boss guy (forget his name) has got to know at least, or else Superman's other power is forged documents.


Plus you know, so many people look like him. I often get confused with Superman...all the time...



The Verge has an article about how they achieved the look of the film which I think is worth a read (particularly if you're into CGI nerdery). Apparently they were going for a documentary feel, which tbf I didn't get while watching but it makes sense. The camera moves and overall tone feels more like a documentary (with heavy action) rather than a superhero movie.

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How are they suggesting he ends it?... maybe I don't remember that detail.

Even if the phantom drive stuff was a bit of a stretch, it's true that he could've found out who Zod was from someone who would actually know, instead of just surrendering :p

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Finally saw this on the weekend (i know, slow). Loved it, that is all i need to say non-spoiler y


The whole ending, everyone has to know who Superman is. The whole "I'm Clark Kent" thing, that is easily explained. The folk who found him named him Clark Kent legally probably, so that part isn't a problem. What i didn't get is that on Zods ship under the atmosphere they had on-board, Kent was non-Super. But when near the World Engine, which is simulating the Krypton atmosphere and gravity he somehow is super again?. But i liked the nod to the franchise with the glasses. Which weren't needed, because i reckon everyone but Lois didn't know who he was.



Movie as a whole was fantastic, loved every part of it.

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The glasses weren't necessary at that point maybe, but as with all Superman stories he put them on for what's coming next, not what's been seen already. As for the World Engine thing, I don't think being near that engine is what simulated the Kryptonian atmosphere, I think that was a separate feature on the ship and probably sealed in when the door closed. Even if you're "near" something, whilst outside your bathed in Earth's atmosphere and Sun which is enough to counter balance that.


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It was still in the process of changing the atmosphere around it. It was a very long process.


One thing that I did find interesting: It's the conditions on Krypton that make Superman weak, not the rock.


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It was still in the process of changing the atmosphere around it. It was a very long process.


One thing that I did find interesting: It's the conditions on Krypton that make Superman weak, not the rock.

Are you referring to Kryptonite? Kryptonite is radioactive ores of Krypton from when it exploded, it causes pain and could eventually kill him. What happened in MoS was just the simulated atmosphere making him "normal", the adverse reaction was just meant to be (I think) the sudden change in his system.


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Are you referring to Kryptonite? Kryptonite is radioactive ores of Krypton from when it exploded, it causes pain and could eventually kill him. What happened in MoS was just the simulated atmosphere making him "normal", the adverse reaction was just meant to be (I think) the sudden change in his system.


The alternative in the comics would be when Superman gets stuck under a red son instead of the yellow one


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