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Tales of the Abyss


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Damn it Amazon! Cancelled my order earlier, they got stock in at game.co.uk earlier too but by the time I got the stock alert they were sold out again..


Have ordered at Play.com. Fingers crossed.


I just got a stock alert at 13:10pm today about this game from them.... Cancelled orders? another batch?

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How exactly do you perform Mystic Artes... I've managed to pull off two so far but no idea how I did it? I know you have to be in Overlimit and use an Arcane Arte but what else?


Hold A down during the arcane art animation. The arcane art must hit the enemy as well. Guardian Field is a good move to activate it.

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This game is really good! its turning out to be a top RPG, but i must ask, without spoilers does luke stop being such a whiny little bitch? he's a little annoying but i've noticed him whine less


He mellows out eventually.



Not long completed the game myself but have enjoyed it immensely. I could go back and get a few things but new games must take precedent!

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Put a few more hours into this over the weekend.


I've just started the "third act" (the overworld/battle themes have changed again). Got a really sweet Bow that is way more powerful than any I've come across in the subsequent dungeons I've been to that makes me surprised you can get it that early.


I have access to the Coliseum now but even Beginner seems quite tricky right now - got to the last fight a couple of times with Luke but not managed to beat it.


Finally started to use the Fon Slot Chambers which in hindsight, I should have done ages ago since you can freely change them around if not happy... though it does reset the values.


Even after all this time though, most of the talk about fonstones, planetary storms and stuff goes straight over my head. I get the part about the score but most of the rest seems needlessly convulted.

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Even after all this time though, most of the talk about fonstones, planetary storms and stuff goes straight over my head. I get the part about the score but most of the rest seems needlessly convulted.

Yeah they really did come up with a load of garbage regarding the Fon, it's really convoluted. I think they were trying too hard to make it, in some fantasy terms, believable, by explaining every intricacy of it. Simply putting it down to magic/mystery would have been more sensible.



I'm looking back on the game and kinda wishing now they had made you less of an errand boy in constantly travelling between cities you've already visited to talk to NPCs. Not better than Symphonia by a long shot really, although the cutscenes/animation is much improved.

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Yeah they really did come up with a load of garbage regarding the Fon, it's really convoluted. I think they were trying too hard to make it, in some fantasy terms, believable, by explaining every intricacy of it. Simply putting it down to magic/mystery would have been more sensible.



I'm looking back on the game and kinda wishing now they had made you less of an errand boy in constantly travelling between cities you've already visited to talk to NPCs. Not better than Symphonia by a long shot really, although the cutscenes/animation is much improved.


It's far too complicated for what it needs to be and it was quite off putting in the beginning. Now I just don't pay too much attention to those bits and try to think about the big picture rather than focus on the details. I think it was part making it believable and part trying to distance itself from the typical fantasy universes.


There is a lot of back tracking and often it is for back tracking's sake. I hink the game does a good job of hiding just how many dungeons there actually are though. I didn't think there were that many but when you sit down and think about it, there are a decent amount.... though there isn't always much to do in them.


I remember seeing many people claiming this to be a much better game than Symphonia and that people only liked that one more because it was their first "Tales of..." game. I'm not convinced by this at all.


I've not finished this yet but Symphonia had a better story and I make such limited use of the Free-Run that I could easily survive playing this with the Multi Line LMBS. I do think Jade is a stand out character and I've really grown fond of Tear as a strong female lead too. After a horrible start, Luke has become much better but he now he just feels a little too much like Lloyd with his new found idealism.

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