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That particular bunch because I wanna feel purdy!


Actually for my mother's birthday tomorrow as I won't be able to be there. £30 in total including delivery in the morning, not bad (I think...)! But she loves flowers, the colour pink and lilies so it should all be good.

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Ha, who are they trying to kid with this cover? :heh: Looks like they're trying to pretend it's anything but the campest movie ever.


i know lol. I had to double check it was the right film lol. Specifically wanted the special edition though and this fairly misleading cover was the only version I could find.

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and Ceremonials by Florence + The Machine. But for some reason the internet slows down whenever I try to find a website that has the album cover. Can't even get it for my iTunes. Hm. Shake It Out could be one of my songs of the year.

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I got my monthly money in today and so of course I spent a third of it on two items.


I have no clothes. No clothes worth looking at. And it's not like "Oh they aren't stylish!!", it's like..."They don't fit and I can't go outside like this. I need to grow up style-wise and stop buying shit."


Plain dark blue shirt from FCUK - £55

Jeans from FCUK - £85



It's fine though cause I got a student discount and I basically only spent half that as my dad owes me £65.

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FCUK me that's some pricey jeans! And they have a hole in them!


I'm having a reactionary moment re:owning shit clothes. It's like...sometimes I have to spend money on clothes that'll last and have a good fit. None of my trousers actually fit me. Either too big or just...strange fit.


I need someone to burn the majority of my clothes, but magically replace them with nice, wearable-outside things.


I never buy myself enough proper stuff. I own one belt, and have had it since 2008. It's bright yellow, but now all faded and dirty. I can't ever have it on display/tuck shirts in, as combined with my too-big trousers, it just looks weird.


So I'm embracing nice clothes finally.

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A new front bike light for the princely sum of £29.99. I got my old one out of storage and it had destroyed itself with brown liquid. This one is USB rechargeable!

In the shop the guy was showing me different ones, and when he shone this one in my eyes I couldn't see anything afterwards. "I'll have that one please."

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