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The Colour Mafia


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I don't think it's that bad tbh, as a one use role. It's just being slightly more verified than a good investigator, who once well verified(i know that mite not always be the case) is pretty powerful anyway. Do we have confirmation this won't start until tomorrow btw?

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Right, I'm back!


Sorry about you constantly missing the phases, Rummy. Not much I can do. I'll stick with the limits for the rest of this game.


Regarding the roles and powers, I'll address it all after the game. Trust me, I have a lot to say on that topic.


Since I'm dead tired after the weekend, I probably won't start the day phase until tomorrow. Until then I'll STILL be accepting PMs from people who haven't sent in theirs yet!

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Once again, Bright Red and Dark Magenta stayed at home for the night. Dark Red did the same and was watched throughout the night by Magenta, who left empty-handed. Dark Cyan locked himself in his house for the night while Green followed someone unidentified. Dark Blue set out, but was stopped by Dark Yellow, and both he and Blue were the targets of Bright Green. Pink delivered a note to Black, who set out to do his business together with White. They had finally found their target. They both aimed at him and fired at the same time, but were surprised to see no less than four bullets pierce their target from different directions. Dark Green and Blue lowered their guns and disappeared into the night.


Dyson is dead. He was Grey. He was evil.


When Black returned home and opened the door, he was shot dead on the spot.


Diageo is dead. He was Black. He was good.


Day 4 begins now.


15 players remain. 8 is the majority.












Paj Meen Ah



The Peeps


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oohhh.... k.


I left my notes on this mafia on my pc at home... won't be back there until tuesday :(

Did we have pink before?


Straight to the kills... it looks like black & white, blue & dark green all targeted dyson to kill him. Blue was targeted by bright green however so he may not be acting of his own free will.

This seems like a major coincidence so I'm sure I've got something wrong. Or the write-up was interfered with. Dyson said his power was to remove someone from the write-up. The last write-up got changed and a few characters were switched/replaced. Either Dyson lied about his power or someone else can change the write-ups and maybe they've done it again to hide the killer?


Black & white were a definite collaboration but it seems like they're on the side of good. Even though the write-up shows them going out to kill?

pink, black and white appear to have worked together in this write-up so I'm going to assume pink and white are also good as diageo/black was good.


We've not been told who killed diageo though so maybe Dyson used his power before he died and removed the killer from the write-up... Given that everyone usually appears in the write-up even though they did nothing, is there one colour that isn't here?

Wish I had my notes :P

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Four killers?!




All killed the same MAFIA?!!?"!£?!"$?"!£5v21




*head explodes*


... Anyway! Things are getting quite interesting now. Shame Jonnas and zell stayed at home use your powers, boys! Reading the other write-ups, I realised something; Tellyn's power made whoever targetted him appear brighter. Dark yellow becomes yellow, yellow becomes light yellow, light yellow became BRIGHT yellow, which explains why jonnas appeared as cyan in the previous write-up...


What happened to bright blue? WHERE ARE ALL TEH COLOURS GOING

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I am SO confused. Four killers, and yet actually 5? There were 5 killers last night, four who killed Dyson and one who killed Diageo. How ridiculous! God knows how the town will get through this. There are clearly two mafias so we're going to have to hope they keep killing each other. Didn't get any information last night, and the info I previously had is now useless as it was about Diageo. So I'm no use today. Yay.

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Four killers?!




All killed the same MAFIA?!!?"!£?!"$?"!£5v21




*head explodes*


... Anyway! Things are getting quite interesting now. Shame Jonnas and zell stayed at home use your powers, boys! Reading the other write-ups, I realised something; Tellyn's power made whoever targetted him appear brighter. Dark yellow becomes yellow, yellow becomes light yellow, light yellow became BRIGHT yellow, which explains why jonnas appeared as cyan in the previous write-up...


What happened to bright blue? WHERE ARE ALL TEH COLOURS GOING


I did use my power! I'm Green, remember?

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4 people shot Dyson!? That is insane... We don't even get a colour on who killed Diageo and where the hell did pink come from... One of dark green and dark blue are likely from a competing mafia. I would update the list of colours but I have to figure out where pink came from first, since I thought we had a full list last time. He could be a brighter version of bright red?

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... Anyway! Things are getting quite interesting now. Shame Jonnas and zell stayed at home use your powers, boys! Reading the other write-ups, I realised something; Tellyn's power made whoever targetted him appear brighter. Dark yellow becomes yellow, yellow becomes light yellow, light yellow became BRIGHT yellow, which explains why jonnas appeared as cyan in the previous write-up...


Umm... Did you target Tellyn, too? When?


By the way, I did target someone. The person that needed my power the most (or so I thought).


Anyway, it's safe to say that White is good, but I'm not sure about Blue and Dark Green.


Do you guys want me to reveal Lime? I suspect there are two mafias here, and since we had two kills on the first night, Lime might have been the hitman of one of the mafias (and killed Moogleviper out of sheer luck).


I thought Lime might've been good/neutral, but since we're starting to become confused about everything...




@Ellmeister: You wanted a quick review of what happened in the game, right? Here are a few key issues:


-There are many killers, as you can see. We suspect the existence of two mafias;

-I'm Dark Cyan, and I know the identity of a killer (Lime), but he killed a mafioso, so I'm not sure if I should reveal him;

-MadDog outed a mafioso in public (and I also knew who he was, because I targeted him by chance);

-Zell outed another one (Dyson), but we didn't lynch him in time, which explains why Diageo and his partner killed him;

-Write-ups have been...really weird. The same colour appears twice in a write-up, sometimes a colour appears underlined for seemingly no reason and sometimes there's a single unidentified entity in the write-ups amidst all of the other colours.


So, that's it, I think

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Jonnas; Dannyboy revealed the lighter thing when we lynched Tellyn :) I'm just confused because it said you stayed at home, but now I'm starting to think that that's just Dannyboy's way of beginning the write-ups. We can't assume that just because they stayed at home that they didn't later 'go out', perhaps.

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Jonnas; Dannyboy revealed the lighter thing when we lynched Tellyn :) I'm just confused because it said you stayed at home, but now I'm starting to think that that's just Dannyboy's way of beginning the write-ups. We can't assume that just because they stayed at home that they didn't later 'go out', perhaps.


...It's simpler than that :heh: Read closer.

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So ehm yeah. I think I'm gonna scrap all my notes alltogether, since it's now obvious The colours mean shit :p. Initially you'd think 1 colour per person would make things clearer, but there seem to be plenty abilities who just fuck up the writeup.


So, although I think I can get away with it this turn, I'll just see what happens:

I'm going to reveal myself.

I'm Blue.

I'm not going to state my ability, but I'm sure not a killer, and I am even more shocked than you people are (except for a certain someone who caused this in the first place) to see that I "lowered my gun".

Things you need to know:

- My target was Zell, although it indirectly involves Dyson, but my target was Zell.

- Again, I don't have a kill ability. In fact, my ability doesn't seem to have worked, unless Dannyboy forgot something.. I doubt he did though.

So not only was I redirected, someone put a gun in my hand. But I'm not sure it was Bright Green.. This has not at all happened to the characters he targeted in the previous nights.


I may attempt a breakdown later, but for now, I think I'll want to see what others have to say. Especially as to what are the known abilities, because I too seem to have missed that Tellyn made anyone brighter. I'll have to go through the previous nights again too.

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Jonnas; you targetted yourself?


Smeagol; what do you mean it "indirectly involved dyson"? You were going to aim for zell to use his power on dyson? I don't get it.


maddog; why is it that sometimes you're unidentified yet sometimes it's your target? Who have you followed so far? You called out dyson so presumably you have some reliable info for us -- unless you're in the other mafia.

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Ok, crazyness with write-up affecting powers, interesting but confuzzles my brain.


I've not been as engaged in this as I could have been but due to my lack of power. I am Bright Red and I have no power, hence alot of keeping my feet up next to the fire. Im assuming that Dark Red may be in the same boat.

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