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A Lone Bear On The Open Road.

Coolness Bears

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I was thinking in my think box. (bed) this evening, just now in fact and I was in between sips of my hot chocolate. :)


Which by the way is expertly stirred by yours truly using what can only be described as some form of illegal vibrating weaponry.


Anyway, Milk and eggs aside.


I'm often by myself have been since I was young.


*pauses for aww's*


But I am a man who likes to be by myself as I said in the what makes you happy thread, I really do. :D


People don't seem to understand this concept that people do in fact enjoy being by themselves. I get many questions:


Aren't you lonely?


when are you getting a girlfriend?


you must be hatching some evil plan to take over the tri-state area!?


The what? Do we even have those in England?


Anyway I ignore these inane questions and go back to my inconsolable room of never ending despair and instead of hatching a master scheme, I wish I was clever enough to do so or at least living in a cartoon, I proceed to go about my daily business which does include talking to my friend/posting on here so in actual fact I'm not completely "alone".


In actual fact (I've said that twice, lulz) I don't like having too many friends, its too much of a task for me to be able to keep up, so I prefer having one or two that my brain can cope with!


I am happy to admit I'm a lone Bear on the open road but the road isn't a monotonous journey where my inner thoughts crumble in on themselves but a more of a road made of rainbows or something not so cliché and lame. :p


Just wondering whether there was anyone else like me who could spend endless days/weeks/months/years in their own company Or do you need a constant barrage of people around you, otherwise you melt by yourself? :)


Peace and Isla Fisher.



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I prefer being by myself after too long exposure to family/friends (en masse) . I've always enjoyed my own company. When I was little, other children only ruined the well-thought sagas I planned with my Batman figures, so that was a no-no. Though I had a good lot of friends.


I'm also incredibly unimpressed with most social situations, and am so easy with leaving when I feel I'm done/I'm bored/I hate everyone there. I hate desperation and people who have to surround themselves with people, or are deperate to be in groups etc.


That said, I've always been blessed with a constant group of good friends and lots of pleasing acquaintances like most, I suppose. Despite the fact I often feel like I don't spend time with a lot of them outwith what I consider my "good friends". I made a lot more of what I'd consider "good friends" during my foundation course though, which was good. Shared interests and all that.

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I like my alone time. I have a few close friends who I see now and then and obviously people I know at work but if I had to choose something to do it would be to stay in my room and play games.


Although I am an avid online gamer, I do so mostly with interchangeable randoms rather than people I know. There are only 2 or 3 people who I regularly play online with.


I get bored very easily with social things. One thing I really hate is small talk. Unfortunately if you're meeting someone new you can only go through small talk which is why I'm usually quiet around people I don't know. I find it hard to care about anything anyone else does really - the small gossipy things anyway.


I'm also incredibly unimpressed with most social situations, and am so easy with leaving when I feel I'm done/I'm bored/I hate everyone there. I hate desperation and people who have to surround themselves with people, or are deperate to be in groups etc.


Yes. This for me too. Did it last night in fact. I was out with a group of friends, we went to a few different bars and after a couple of hours of standing/sitting around chatting/drinking I'd had my fill and had to leave before the boredom rotted my mind. I don't know how people can stay out for the whole night... though it may be because I don't seem to get drunk very easily and they were all wasted.

Edited by The Peeps
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I'm alone most of the time (except from family of course, but mom and dad don't really count). Basically I spent most of my time in my room, wasting my day away on the internet or something heh.


I'm alone not because I want to but more because I don't have anyone to hang out with. I have three "friends", who I basically rarely see (didn't see them at all over summer until last week). We just live to far away from each other, everyone living somewhere completely different, and none of us can drive etc.


I'm not a very social person though, I don't think I could go out to clubs and meet random people. Or just hanging out with people for ages. I get bored easily of company I think. Sometimes I have that when Jim is coming over, since we're together 24/7 then, it gets a bit much. I do need my "me time", where I just get to do my own thing without having to worry about someone else. Then once I've had enough of that, I can handle some company again heh. I think everyone needs some time to themselves once in a while, some people just need it more or less than others.

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I tend to drift. I like knowing that there are people there, I find that comforting, even if we don't meet up for a while. This is especially true for my proper friends back in Newport and my Brighton folk. I don't get to see them much, but I know that they're there, and we can meet up every now and again and have a little catch up.


Sometimes I'll be doing lots of stuff with friends, like meeting up and going out for drinks, or gaming fun. Then, other times, I'll go weeks without seeing anybody. There's always something for me to do, or something that I should be doing, so when I'm alone, I don't feel all that lonely.


I enjoy meeting people and I'll just talk to anybody wherever really. You never know when you'll meet your next friend.

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Coolness, I think you and I should get married.


It won't be one of those gay/traditional marriages that everyone talks about. It will be a marriage of convenience. Convenience and trusted property rights.


You are lonely bears, I are a lonely gaggles, apparently doomed to wander without someone to honk at (as robo-geese are wanton). :heh:


So let us marry, have mindless sexual affairs with others and then retreat into each other's arms where sanctuary will be found in bonded law.


Of the rest of you I ask, would you wish for anything more?


Tally-ho Silver! *Gallops off into the mist*

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I dont know really...


I thought i used to enjoy 'me' time, when i didnt live with my girlfriend, but now that we do live together not being with her seems a little weird.



like evenings for us now consist of gym, then home to eat, wash up then sofa for tv / film.


recently she bought me Red Dead Redemption so on evenings we've done the gym, food, washup routine but then i'd go play xbox. Now that part seems odd now. literally every 20 mins or so i either go downstairs and just like... talk or ask what she's up to (even though i know she's watching friends or something) or she'll come upstairs and ask how far i've got or if i'm 'Enjoying my cowboy game?'


bizzare i know.




When single I really did enjoy the time alone, would see mates now and again but could quite happily stay in my room at my parents playing some form of computer game or watching something of my choice... but now i couldnt see me doing that again, i like sharing the sofa with Heather, and arguing over what to watch :p and getting called a geek when i talk about games or films i want to see.

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I prefer being by myself after too long exposure to family/friends (en masse) . I've always enjoyed my own company. When I was little, other children only ruined the well-thought sagas I planned with my Batman figures, so that was a no-no. Though I had a good lot of friends.


I'm also incredibly unimpressed with most social situations, and am so easy with leaving when I feel I'm done/I'm bored/I hate everyone there. I hate desperation and people who have to surround themselves with people, or are deperate to be in groups etc.


Social situations, I do not enjoy. :p I avoid them at all costs!


At home I don't go out at all. At Uni its a bit different, because my friend goes out and I tag along but I'm not one for doing things. :p I like quietness.


Equally I do not like large groups of people, I find it hard to interact with that many people and so shy away from it.


I find the whole thing very exhausting, even spending time with my best friend after awhile i'm like get out my face. :D


According to this book my mum read its using "my least preferred side."




Although I am an avid online gamer, I do so mostly with interchangeable randoms rather than people I know. There are only 2 or 3 people who I regularly play online with.


I get bored very easily with social things. One thing I really hate is small talk. Unfortunately if you're meeting someone new you can only go through small talk which is why I'm usually quiet around people I don't know. I find it hard to care about anything anyone else does really - the small gossipy things anyway.


Yes! playing games online I find it easy to chat to strangers for some reason. :smile:


Indeed, I do not do small talk and find it hard to get/keep a conversation going with people who don't have my kind of brain which is talking about irrelevant nonsense, also I seem to scare people I often get the look with the eyes and then they look at each other and I feel like I'm being edged out.


I often find myself wanting to talk more on a subject but don't possess the word power to make coherent thoughts and so give up, same here on the forum. Often my words get muddled.


I'm alone most of the time (except from family of course, but mom and dad don't really count). Basically I spent most of my time in my room, wasting my day away on the internet or something heh.


I'm alone not because I want to but more because I don't have anyone to hang out with. I have three "friends", who I basically rarely see (didn't see them at all over summer until last week). We just live to far away from each other, everyone living somewhere completely different, and none of us can drive etc.


I'm not a very social person though, I don't think I could go out to clubs and meet random people. Or just hanging out with people for ages. I get bored easily of company I think. Sometimes I have that when Jim is coming over, since we're together 24/7 then, it gets a bit much. I do need my "me time", where I just get to do my own thing without having to worry about someone else. Then once I've had enough of that, I can handle some company again heh. I think everyone needs some time to themselves once in a while, some people just need it more or less than others.


Same, I'm usually by myself in my room playing/watching something. :heh:


Yes, I would say I have about 4 friends, this year I haven't seen one of them and another I'm not fussed whether I see. (met up twice this summer) and then the other two are my best friends. :grin:


Also I don't want to have to entertain someone, I like company but don't mind if they get on with their own thing and I get on with mine.


Coolness, I think you and I should get married.


It won't be one of those gay/traditional marriages that everyone talks about. It will be a marriage of convenience. Convenience and trusted property rights.


You are lonely bears, I are a lonely gaggles, apparently doomed to wander without someone to honk at (as robo-geese are wanton). :heh:


So let us marry, have mindless sexual affairs with others and then retreat into each other's arms where sanctuary will be found in bonded law.


Of the rest of you I ask, would you wish for anything more?


Tally-ho Silver! *Gallops off into the mist*


great post. :bowdown:





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Int-er-esting thread, especially that given that all of us are talking on an internet forum - does that mean we are more lonely IRL than others, and use this to fill the gap?


But yeah. I really enjoy being alone sometimes.. reading in cafes, one of my favorite occupations. At uni I tend to spend alot of time alone, but then this summer I've had the best time and I guess that's largely because I've spent so much of it with friends.


Still, I would prefer to be alone than in the company of people who I don't particularly like.

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Can you readjust your tags for Nicki Minaj in iTunes? Your last.fm box is offending me. kthxbai


Don't worry, I'm also raging!


*grits teeth*


Although neither I nor Itunes are the ones at fault here.




not gonna do it at the moment though. :p


It can wait until tomorrow because I'm not that fussed.



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I've always been a solitary guy. Except on potential Friday/Saturday nights when I may venture out to get pissed. I do like alone time. It amazes me how I've managed to hold on to my girlfriend for this long. Just a day where I can chill, read/paint in "silence". By silence normally meands having a movie on in the background for painting. not while reading, too distracting.


I believe I actually got Cabin Fever once, having spent a fortnight at home pretty much doing nothing. Went for a walk which seemed to negate the effects.

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Coolness your original post was amazing.


Danny, what is being a part of a community? If not being social and thereby, not-alone?


As for me, why...I think I'm nearly the complete opposite of coolness! I CAN be alone, and sometimes it's nice to have a day at home 'alone' though really is it alone when I'm internetting and facebooking and foruming and texting and whatnot etc? Realistically though, it's not something I do so often these days.


A girl I knew once called me a social junkie, which I laughed off at the time, though have come to realise rings a little true. I don't think these days I could spend more than a few days alone, though I never happen to as I'm generally out most nights of the week, or seeing somebody I know, I tend to find things to do and occupy me. Makes me wonder how long I could actually spend alone now though...

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